COVID-19: Original Article
Changes in food sufficiency among Korean adults in urban and rural areas during the COVID-19 pandemic: an analysis of the 7th and 8th Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
Sarang Jeong, Jin-Young Jeong, Sohyun Park
Epidemiol Health. 2024;46:e2024045. Published online April 16, 2024
Understanding changes in food sufficiency within various demographic groups during emergency situations, such as the global coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, is crucial in formulating public health policies for future preparedness. This study investigated potential differences between urban and rural residents in food sufficiency trends during the COVID-19 pandemic and examined how these changes varied according to socio-demographic factors.
This cross-sectional study analyzed data from 19,724 adults aged 20 years and older, utilizing information from the 7th-8th Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2018-2021).
In urban areas, across all subpopulations, food sufficiency improved significantly during the COVID-19 period relative to pre-pandemic levels (p<0.001). However, in rural regions, a significant increase in food sufficiency during the COVID-19 era was observed only among female, with an odds ratio of 1.42 (95% confidence interval, 1.06 to 1.89). Nevertheless, no significant interaction terms were found between region and various socio-demographic factors regarding changes in food sufficiency during the COVID-19 period.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, food sufficiency among urban residents improved compared to the pre-pandemic era, whereas their rural counterparts saw no such improvement. Additionally, no significant interaction was detected between urban versus rural areas and changes in food sufficiency during the COVID-19 period. These findings indicate the need for targeted food policies to prepare for potential future pandemics, particularly in rural areas, where food sufficiency did not improve.
Korean summary
- 본 연구는 COVID-19 팬데믹 동안 도시와 농촌 지역의 성인들 사이에서 식품 충분성의 변화를 조사하고, 이 변화를 사회인구학적 요인에 따라 분석하였다.
- 연구 결과, 코로나19 기간 동안 도시 지역의 다양한 인구통계학적 하위 그룹에서 식품 충분성이 크게 증가했으며, 농촌 지역에서는 여성들을 제외하고는 유의미한 변화가 나타나지 않았다.
- 본 연구는 향후 팬데믹 대비를 위한 식품 충분성 정책을 개발할 때 인구통계학적 요인과 지역적 차이를 고려하는 것이 중요하며, 특히 농촌 지역에서의 필요성을 강조한다.
Key Message
- This study examined changes in food sufficiency among adults in urban and rural areas during the COVID-19 pandemic, focusing on socio-demographic factors.
- Findings revealed that food sufficiency significantly increased in urban areas across various demographic subgroups during the COVID-19 period, while rural areas showed no significant overall change, except for an increase among women.
- The study highlights the importance of considering socio-demographic factors and regional differences, particularly the need for targeted food assistance programs in rural areas, for future pandemic preparedness.
Epidemiologic Investigation
Salmonellosis outbreaks linked to eggs at 2 gimbap restaurants in Korea
Jun Suk Eun, Joohyun Han, Ji-Hyun Lim, Eunkyung Shin, Junyoung Kim, Da-Jung Ko, Jaeil Yoo, Sungil Kim, Jin Sook Kim, Jung Sub Park, Ji-Hyuk Park
Epidemiol Health. 2024;46:e2024036. Published online March 7, 2024
PDFSupplementary Material
Salmonellosis outbreaks occurred at 2 restaurants 2 days apart, and an epidemiological investigation was conducted to determine whether the outbreaks were connected.
Case studies were conducted for both outbreaks. Stool samples were collected from individuals, and food samples were collected from the restaurants. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and whole-genome sequencing analyses were performed on outbreak-related <i>Salmonella enterica</i> serovar Enteritidis (<i>Salmonella Enteritidis</i>) isolates. Traceback investigations were also conducted for the ingredients from gimbap restaurants A and B.
In total, 106 people from gimbap restaurant A and 5 from gimbap restaurant B met the case definition. Salmonella Enteritidis was detected in samples from 2 food handlers, 22 patients, and 1 food (iceberg lettuce) at gimbap restaurant A and from 1 patient at gimbap restaurant B. According to PFGE, all isolates were identified as SEGX01.089. The molecular typing of all isolates showed the same pattern, and the genetic distance was close according to phylogenetic analysis. Eggs were the only food ingredient that was supplied to both gimbap restaurants.
The outbreaks were caused by <i>Salmonella</i> Enteritidis, and the source of infections was suspected to be contaminated eggs. To prevent foodborne outbreaks of <i>Salmonella</i>, restaurants should heat eggs sufficiently, and egg farms need to establish management systems that prevent <i>Salmonella</i> infections.
Korean summary
동일한 도시의 두 식당에서 2일 간격으로 살모넬라감염증 유행이 발생하여, 원인을 확인하고 두 유행 간에 연관이 있는지를 규명하기 위해 역학조사를 시행하였다. 병원체에 대한 유전자형 분석과 식재료 역추적조사 결과를 바탕으로 두 유행은 Salmonella Enteritidis에 의해 발생하였고, 감염원은 동일한 농장에서 공급된 오염된 계란으로 추적하였다.
Key Message
Salmonellosis outbreaks occurred at 2 restaurants in the same city 2 days apart, and epidemiological investigations were conducted to identify the causes and determine whether the outbreaks were connected. Based on the genetic characterization of the pathogens and traceback investigation of the food ingredients, the outbreaks were caused by Salmonella Enteritidis and the source of infection was traced to contaminated eggs, which were supplied from the same farm.
Original Article
Food literacy and its relationship with food intake: a comparison between adults and older adults using 2021 Seoul Food Survey data
Seulgi Lee, Sohyun Park, Kirang Kim
Epidemiol Health. 2023;45:e2023062. Published online July 3, 2023
Web of Science
This study was conducted to examine the differences in food literacy between adults and older adults and the association of food literacy with food group intake.
In total, 4,039 participants from the 2021 Survey for Food Consumption in Seoul were included in this study. The intake of whole grains, high-protein foods, total vegetables, vegetables excluding kimchi and pickles, fresh fruits, and milk and dairy products was assessed using a simple food frequency questionnaire. Food literacy was measured using a food literacy measurement questionnaire.
With the exception of milk and dairy, adults had a significantly higher proportion of insufficient food intake than older adults (p<0.001). Both adults and older adults with sufficient food group consumption had higher food literacy scores. Notably, the difference in food literacy scores by level of food intake was highest for fresh fruits (p<0.001). After adjusting for confounding factors affecting food literacy scores, a higher score was associated with a lower probability of having insufficient food intake in all food groups for both adults and older adults. Specifically, those in the highest food literacy score quartile were less likely to have insufficient intake of vegetables (odds ratio [OR], 0.35; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.28 to 0.43) and fresh fruits (OR, 0.32; 95% CI, 0.24 to 0.43), compared to the lowest quartile.
Improving food literacy is an important factor for promoting healthy food intake in older adults as well as adults. Therefore, it is necessary to develop intervention programs to work toward this goal.
Korean summary
건강정보 이해능력(health literacy)은 노인에서 만성질환이나 인지능력과의 관련성이 보고되고 있으나 영양정보 이해능력(food literacy)에 대한 연구는 미비하다. 급변하는 식이 환경에서 식사 및 영양과 관련된 정보를 올바르게 이해하고 판단할 수 있는 영양정보 이해능력은 노인성 질환 예방에 중요하다. 본 연구에서 영양정보 이해능력과 식품군 섭취와의 상관성을 분석한 결과 영양정보 이해능력이 높은 노인이 건강한 식품 섭취 부족 위험이 낮았다. 특히 과일 섭취 부족 위험은 영양정보 이해능력이 높은 노인에서 뚜렷하게 낮았다. 국내 영양정보 이해능력 연구는 초기 단계로 주로 성인 대상으로 연구가 이루어져서 본 연구에서의 결과는 그 의의가 크며, 영양정보 이해능력 향상은 성인과 마찬가지로 노인에서도 건강한 식품 섭취를 위한 중요한 요인으로서 이를 위한 프로그램 개발이 필요할 것으로 사료된다.
Key Message
The study on food literacy among older adults in Korea is significant as previous research has mostly focused on adults. The results showed that older adults with higher food literacy score had lower risk of insufficient food intake as compared with those with lower food literacy score. Specifically, the risk of insufficient fresh fruits intake was the lowest among older adults with higher food literacy score. Therefore, improving food literacy is an important factor for promoting healthy food consumption among older adults.
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- Self-perceived food literacy in relation to the quality of overall diet and main meals: A cross-sectional study in Japanese adults
Kentaro Murakami, Nana Shinozaki, Tsuyoshi Okuhara, Tracy A. McCaffrey, M. Barbara E. Livingstone
Appetite.2024; 196: 107281. CrossRef - Status of Food Literacy and Association with the Nutrition Quotient among Korean Adults
Geum-Bi Ryu, Young-Ran Heo
Human Ecology Research.2024; 62(3): 399. CrossRef
Epidemiologic Investigation
Epidemiological investigation of a food-borne outbreak in a kindergarten, Jeju Province, Korea
Kyoung Mi Kim, Eun Suk Cho, Seong Bae Ahn, Eun Ok Kang, Jong-Myon Bae
Epidemiol Health. 2023;45:e2023047. Published online April 17, 2023
Web of Science
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On Monday, September 6, 2021, at a kindergarten in Jeju Province, a large number of children vomited and developed food poisoning symptoms, and this necessitated an epidemiological investigation.
The team surveyed symptoms and food intake history of kindergarten children, teachers, and workers who ate lunch between September 2 (Thursday) and September 6 (Monday), excluding weekends. In addition to rectal swabs, environmental samples from preserved foods, cooking utensils, drinking water, and refrigerator handles were collected. Pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) for genetic fingerprint analysis was also performed.
There were 19 cases among 176 subjects, which indicated an attack rate of 10.8%. The epidemic curve showed a unimodal shape, and the average incubation period was 2.6 hours. While no food was statistically significant in food intake history, the analysis of 35 rectal smear samples detected Bacillus cereus in 7 children, 4 teachers, and 1 cooking staff. Enterotoxins were also detected in 12 samples. Out of 38 environmental samples, B. cereus and enterotoxins were detected in the morning snack cereal, lunch bean sprouts, and afternoon snack steamed potatoes on Monday, September 6th. The result of the PFGE test on 10 isolates of B. cereus showed that there was no genetic homology.
Our results indicated that this outbreak was simultaneously caused by various strains of B. cereus from the environment.
Korean summary
모 유치원에서 제공한 급식 취식아동에서 발열이 없고 구토형의 주증상인 식중독이 발생되었다. 평균 잠복기 2.6시간 (최소 0.8, 최대 4.5시간)이며, 인체 및 환경 검체에서 바실러스 세레우스 균이 분리되었다. 이에 해당 집단발생은 구토형 바실러스 세레우스 감염증에 의한 식중독을 결론지었다.
Key Message
A large number of children in a kindergarten vomited suddenly. The average incubation period was 2.6 hours (min 0.8, max 4.5 hours) with uni-modal shape in the epidemic curve. Bacillus cereus and entertoxin were detected in rectal smear and environmental samples.
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- Surge of acute gastroenteritis outbreaks due to rising norovirus GII.4 transmission in Seoul childcare centers and kindergartens in 2022 compared to 2019–2021
Euncheol Son, Young-Hoon Kim
Archives of Virology.2024;[Epub] CrossRef
COVID-19: Health Statistics
Changes in food and nutrient intakes in Korean adults before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: data from the 2011-2020 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
Kyungwon Oh, Suyeon Park, Sihyun Park, Sungha Yun, Hongseok Choi, Eun Kyeong Jeong
Epidemiol Health. 2023;45:e2023015. Published online February 1, 2023
Web of Science
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This study was to examine the changes in dietary habits and food and nutrient intakes between before (2019) and during (2020) the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic from the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES).
A total of 54,995 participants aged ≥19 years who participated in the 2011-2020 KNHANES were included. The 10-year trend (2011-2020) and differences between 2019 and 2020 for dietary habits and food and nutrient intakes were estimated using SAS.
In the past 10 years (2011-2020), the dietary habits (increase in skipping meals and eating out), food intake (increase in meats and decrease in fruits and vegetables), and nutrient intake (increase in fat and decrease in sodium) in adults have changed. When comparing between 2019 and 2020, there were 4.6%p decrease in the eating out more than once a day. On the other hand, there were no significant differences in the intakes of food, energy and most of nutrients between 2019 and 2020, except for the proportion of energy intake from fat (1.0%p increase) and carbohydrate (1.0%p decrease).
Although a change in dietary habits from before to during the COVID-19 pandemic was observed, food and nutrient intakes have not deteriorated markedly and appear similar to the trends in the past 10 years. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, it is necessary to monitor the effects of changes in dietary habits on health as well as food and nutrient intakes.
Korean summary
코로나19 유행 전, 후 비교 시, 외식 감소, 가정식 섭취 증가 등 식생활은 변화가 있었으나 주요 식품 및 영양소 섭취는 큰 변화없이 최근 10년간의 추이가 지속되고 있었다.
Key Message
Although a change in dietary habits from before to during the COVID-19 pandemic was observed, food and nutrient intakes have not deteriorated markedly and appear similar to the trends in the past 10 years in Korean adults.
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- Comparative study on the health and dietary habits of Korean male and female adults before and after the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic: utilizing data from the 8th Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2019–2021)
Chaemin Kim, Eunjung Kim
Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2024; 29(1): 65. CrossRef - Assessing dietary bisphenol A exposure among Koreans: comprehensive database construction and analysis using the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
Yoonjoo Lee, Jiyun Baek, Youngjoo Kwon
Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A.2024; 41(8): 1018. CrossRef - Association of dietary habits with general and abdominal obesity in Korean children and adolescents: cluster analysis of nationwide population survey data
Ye-Jin Yun, Yu-Jin Kwon, Yaeji Lee, Seok-Jae Heo, Ji-Won Lee
Frontiers in Endocrinology.2024;[Epub] CrossRef
Original Article
Positive association of unhealthy plant-based diets with the incidence of abdominal obesity in Korea: a comparison of baseline, most recent, and cumulative average diets
Sukyoung Jung, Sohyun Park
Epidemiol Health. 2022;44:e2022063. Published online August 2, 2022
Web of Science
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Different approaches for analyzing repeated dietary measurements may yield differences in the magnitude and interpretation of findings. We aimed to compare 3 dietary measurements (baseline, most recent, and cumulative average) in terms of the association between plant-based diet indices (PDIs) and incident abdominal obesity in Korean adults aged 40-69 years.
This study included 6,054 participants (54% women) free of abdominal obesity (defined as waist circumference ≥90 cm for men and ≥85 cm for women) at baseline. As exposures, baseline, most recent, and cumulative average measurements for PDI, healthy-PDI (hPDI), and unhealthy-PDI (uPDI) were created. A Cox proportional-hazard model was used to estimate the hazard ratios (HRs) for abdominal obesity.
During 45,818 person-years of follow-up (median, 9 years), we identified 1,778 incident cases of abdominal obesity. In the multivariable-adjusted analysis, a higher uPDI was associated with a higher risk of abdominal obesity in both total and stratified analyses. The findings were consistent across all approaches (Q5 vs. Q1: HRbaseline=1.70; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.46 to 1.98; HRmost recent=1.52; 95% CI, 1.30 to 1.78; HRcumulative average=1.76; 95% CI, 1.51 to 2.06 in the total set). PDI showed no meaningful association with abdominal obesity risk in any analyses. hPDIaverage had a suggestive inverse association with abdominal obesity risk in men, and hPDIbaseline had a positive association with abdominal obesity risk in women.
Greater adherence to unhealthy plant-based diets may increase the risk of developing abdominal obesity in Korean adults. The findings were generally consistent across all approaches.
Korean summary
본 연구는 한국인 유전체역학조사사업의 안성안산코호트 조사에 참여한 40-69세 한국 성인 6,054명을 대상으로 식물성 기반의 식이 지수와 복부비만 간 연관성이 식이 노출 기간(기반, 최근, 누적 노출)에 따라 어떻게 다른지 비교 분석하였다.
건강하지 않은 식물성 기반의 식이 지수 점수가 높을수록 복부비만 발생 위험이 증가하였고, 식이 노출 기간에 관계없이 일관된 결과를 보였다.
식물성 기반의 식이가 반드시 건강에 유익한 것은 아니며, 정제된 곡물, 탄산음료, 사탕 등 간식류를 많이 먹는 식이 패턴은 식물성 기반 식이라 할지라도 복부비만 위험을 증가시킬 수 있으므로 주의가 필요하다.
Key Message
Unhealthy plant-based diets, including refined grains, sugar-sweetened beverages, sweets and desserts, and salty plant foods, can have a negative effect on abdominal obesity in Korean adults regardless of its exposure duration.
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- Plant-based diets and the gut microbiome: findings from the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging
Xinyi Shen, Curtis Tilves, Hyunju Kim, Toshiko Tanaka, Adam P Spira, Chee W Chia, Sameera A. Talegawkar, Luigi Ferrucci, Noel T Mueller
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.2024; 119(3): 628. CrossRef - Association Between Plant-Based Diets and Risk of Metabolic Dysfunction-Associated Steatotic Liver Disease in Korean Adults: A Prospective Cohort Study
Bayarmaa Nasan Ulzii, Kyungjoon Lim, Sangah Shin
Nutrition.2024; : 112579. CrossRef - Scoping review of the association of plant-based diet quality with health outcomes
Richard M. Rosenfeld, Hailey M. Juszczak, Michele A. Wong
Frontiers in Nutrition.2023;[Epub] CrossRef
Epidemiologic Investigation
Investigation of a human brucellosis outbreak in Douz, Tunisia, 2018
Nejib Charaa, Rabaa Ghrab, Aicha Ben Othman, Mohamed Makhlouf, Hejer Ltaief, Nissaf Ben Alaya, Mohamed Chahed
Epidemiol Health. 2022;44:e2022048. Published online May 18, 2022
Web of Science
In 2017, the incidence of human brucellosis in Tunisia was 9.8 per 100,000 population. In the Douz district, 2 cases were reported in March 2018. Prior to that date, the last indigenous cases to be reported in Douz had been in 2015. This study aimed to identify the source of this new contamination and recommend control interventions.
This case-control study included residents of Douz who presented with clinical symptoms of brucellosis and had a subsequent Wright test antibody titer ≥ 1/160. The controls were neighbors of the infected cases who had a negative Rose Bengal test. Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed to estimate the odds ratios of risk factors. Goats belonging to the cases and controls were actively screened.
Twenty-five infected cases and 52 uninfected controls were enrolled. All infected cases had consumed goat milk and 92% had purchased it from the same breeder. Consumption of goat milk from this breeder (adjusted odds ratio [aOR], 30.78; 95% confidence interval [CI], 6.47 to 235.91) and overall consumption of raw goat milk (aOR, 14.84; 95% CI, 2.04 to 310.44) were independent risk factors for brucellosis. The breeder had 18 goats, 5 of which were smuggled from a neighboring country. Three of those goats were diagnosed with brucellosis.
Consumption of raw milk from smuggled sick goats was the main risk factor in this outbreak. The sick goats were slaughtered and an education campaign was conducted. Vaccination, control of cross-border animal movements, and control of goat milk sales must be strengthened to prevent the spread of brucellosis in southwestern Tunisia.
Key Message
Human brucellosis, despite being a major economic and health problem and the availability of proven control methods, is still endemic in North African countries. The scarcity of epidemiological data, under-reporting, certain weaknesses in surveillance systems and the lack of well-conducted outbreak investigations, contribute to this endemic state. This field epidemiological investigation of a human brucellosis outbreak highlighted the importance of serological surveillance, the slaughter of infected animals, vaccination, control of animal movements across borders and pasteurization of milk in the fight against this disease.
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- Long ignored but making a comeback: a worldwide epidemiological evolution of human brucellosis
Zhiguo Liu, Liping Gao, Miao Wang, Min Yuan, Zhenjun Li
Emerging Microbes & Infections.2024;[Epub] CrossRef - Native circulating Brucella melitensis lineages causing a brucellosis epidemic in Qinghai, China
Hongmei Xue, Zhijun Zhao, Jianling Wang, Li Ma, Jiquan Li, Xuxin Yang, Lingling Ren, Liqing Xu, Zhiguo Liu, Zhenjun Li
Frontiers in Microbiology.2023;[Epub] CrossRef
Original Article
Association between dietary and suicidal behaviors in adolescents in Korea based on the Youth Risk Behavior Survey (2015-2020)
Youngrong Lee, Ye Jin Jeon, Jee-Seon Shim, Sun Jae Jung
Epidemiol Health. 2022;44:e2022033. Published online March 12, 2022
Web of Science
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This study explored the association between dietary and suicidal behaviors of Korean adolescents and investigated differences in this association in children of immigrant parents.
The sample (n=368,138) was collected from the Korea Youth Risk Behavior Survey from 2015 to 2020. Participants who agreed to provide family information (n=313,689) were classified according to their parents’ nationality. The study variables were 11 self-reported dietary behaviors, and their composite dietary behaviors (i.e., nutrient deprivation and unhealthy food consumption) that resulted from principal component analysis. The association between study variables and suicide-related outcomes (i.e., suicidal ideation, suicide planning, and suicide attempts) was analyzed by multiple logistic regression with adjustment for covariates. Adjusted odds ratios (aORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated.
Participants who skipped key meals and foods were more likely to have attemped suicide (aOR [95% CI]: skipping breakfast ≥5 days/wk, 1.28 [1.21 to 1.35]; consuming fruits <1 times/wk: 1.42 [1.32 to 1.52]; consuming vegetables <1 times/wk: 1.72 [1.53 to 1.93]; consuming milk <3 times/wk: 1.07 [0.99 to 1.16]). The associations were prominent in third culture kids (TCKs) (aOR [95% CI]: 2.23 [1.61 to 3.09]; 2.32 [1.61 to 3.35]; 2.63 [1.50 to 4.60]; 1.69 [1.09 to 2.63], respectively). Participants who consumed unhealthy foods (fast food, caffeinated and sugary drinks) more frequently were more likely to have attempted suicide (aOR, 1.55; 95% CI, 1.38 to 1.73). This association was also more prominent in TCKs (aOR, 2.08; 95% CI, 1.08 to 4.01).
Our findings indicate a positive association between unfavorable dietary behaviors and outcomes related to suicide, and this association appears to be notable in adolescents with immigrant parents.
Korean summary
• 한국 청소년의 식이 행동과 자살 행동 사이의 연관성과 한국인 부모와 이민자 부모 자녀에서 위의 연관성 차이를 조사하였다.
• 청소년의 결식 빈도 증가, 과일, 야채, 우유 섭취 감소는 자살 행동과 유의한 연관성이 있었으며 이민자 부모를 둔 청소년에서 연관성의 크기가 더 컸다.
• 패스트푸드, 카페인, 가당 음료, 인스턴트 음식을 더 자주 섭취하는 청소년은 자살을 시도할 가능성이 더 높았으며 이민자 부모를 둔 청소년에서 더 큰 연관성을 보였다.
Key Message
The study found positive associations between undesirable dietary behaviors (e.g., skipping breakfast, increased consumption of fast food or instant food product) and outcomes related to suicide (i.e., suicide ideation, planning, and attempt) in Korean adolescents, and these associations appear to be prominent in adolescents with immigrant parents than those with Korean parents.
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- Trends in health behaviors and mental health among Korean adolescents in Korea over 5 years, 2017–2021: focusing on the comparisons before and during the COVID-19 pandemic
Mi-Sun Lee, Dong Jun Kim, Hooyeon Lee
Frontiers in Public Health.2023;[Epub] CrossRef - Association between body shape misperception and unhealthy eating behaviors among Korean adolescents
Yejin Kim, Bomgyeol Kim, Vasuki Rajaguru, Sang Gyu Lee, Tae Hyun Kim
Nutrition Research and Practice.2023; 17(6): 1143. CrossRef
Epidemiologic Investigation
An outbreak of hepatitis A associated with salted clams in Busan, Korea
Hyunjin Son, Miyoung Lee, Youngduck Eun, Wonseo Park, Kyounghee Park, Sora Kwon, Seungjin Kim, Changhoon Kim
Epidemiol Health. 2022;44:e2022003. Published online December 29, 2021
Web of Science
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In July 2019, there were multiple reports on patients with hepatitis A among the visitors of a restaurant in Busan. The current study presents the results of an epidemiological investigation and outlines the supplementary measures that would help with hepatitis A control.
A cohort study was conducted for all 2,865 customers who visited restaurant A from June to July. Using a standardized questionnaire, participants reported the presence of hepatitis A symptoms and whether they had consumed any of 19 food items. As for participants who had visited public health centers, their specimens were collected.
From the study cohort, 155 participants (5.4%) had confirmed hepatitis A. The epidemic curve was unimodal, and the median number of days from the restaurant visit to symptom onset was 31 days. A genotype analysis indicated that 89 of 90 tested patients had hepatitis A virus (HAV) genotype 1A. The results of a multivariate logistic regression analysis indicated that the ingestion of salted clams increased the risk of hepatitis A by 68.12 times (95% confidence interval [CI], 9.22 to 510.87). In an unopened package of salted clams found and secured through traceback investigation, HAV genotype 1A was detected.
To prevent people from ingesting uncooked clams, there needs to be more efforts to publicize the dangers of uncooked clams; the food sampling test standards for salted clams should also be expanded. Furthermore, a laboratory surveillance system based on molecular genetics should be established to detect outbreaks earlier.
Korean summary
2019년 7월, 부산시의 한 식당을 방문한 사람에서 다수의 A형간염 환자가 신고되었다. 2019년 6월 1일부터 7월 28일까지 해당 식당을 방문하여 카드 결제를 한 사람과 동반자 2,865명 전체를 대상으로 코호트 조사를 수행하였다. A형간염에 확진 된 사람은 총 155명으로 발병률은 5.4%였다. 다변량 로지스틱 회귀분석 결과 조개젓 섭취는 A형간염 발병 위험을 68.62배(95% CI, 9.22 to 510.87) 증가시키는 것으로 나타났다. 익히지 않은 조개류를 섭취하지 않도록 더욱 홍보를 강화해야 한다.
Key Message
In July 2019, there were multiple reports on patients with hepatitis A among the visitors of a restaurant in Bu¬san. A cohort study was conducted for all 2,865 customers who visited the restaurant from June to July. From the study cohort, 155 participants (5.4%) had confirmed hepatitis A. The results of a multivariate logistic regression analysis indicated that the ingestion of salted clams increased the risk of hepatitis A by 68.12 times. To prevent people from ingesting uncooked clams, there needs to be more efforts to publicize the dangers of uncooked clams.
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- Gender differences in hepatitis A seropositivity rates according to the Republic of Korea’s vaccination policy
Hyunjin Son, Sunhyun Ahn, Wonseo Park, Gayoung Chun, Unyeong Go, Sang Gon Lee, Eun Hee Lee
Osong Public Health and Research Perspectives.2024; 15(2): 168. CrossRef - Investigating the spatio-temporal variation of hepatitis A in Korea using a Bayesian model
Jaehong Jeong, Mijeong Kim, Jungsoon Choi
Frontiers in Public Health.2023;[Epub] CrossRef - A Study on the Detection Rate of Hepatitis A from Gastroenteritis Patients and the Genotype Analysis of Hepatitis A Virus in Busan
Sun Hee Park, Chanhee Kim, Summi Lee, Jihye Jeong, Junghye Choi, Seung Ju Lee
Journal of Bacteriology and Virology.2023; 53(2): 74. CrossRef - A Study on the Detection Rate of Hepatitis A from Gastroenteritis Patients and the Genotype Analysis of Hepatitis A Virus in Busan
Sun Hee Park, Chanhee Kim, Summi Lee, Jihye Jeong, Junghye Choi, Seung Ju Lee
Journal of Bacteriology and Virology.2023; 53(2): 74. CrossRef - Influence of temperature and precipitation on the incidence of hepatitis A in Seoul, Republic of Korea: a time series analysis using distributed lag linear and non-linear model
Kiook Baek, Jonghyuk Choi, Jong-Tae Park, Kyeongmin Kwak
International Journal of Biometeorology.2022; 66(9): 1725. CrossRef
Original Article
Trends in food and nutrient intake over 20 years: findings from the 1998-2018 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
Sanghui Kweon, Jin Young Park, Myungsook Park, Yangha Kim, So Yeong Yeon, Leena Yoon, Sungha Yun, Suyeon Park, Ji Eun Yang, Youngtaek Kim, Ok Park, Kyungwon Oh
Epidemiol Health. 2021;43:e2021027. Published online April 19, 2021
Web of Science
PDFSupplementary Material
We aimed to examine the current status and trends of food and nutrient intake in the Korean population over the past 20 years using the data from the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES).
We conducted a survey of 116,284 subjects over the age of one year in Korea, who participated in the KNHANES between 1998 and 2018. We collected data on the subjects’ intake for the day before using the 24-hour recall method. The annual percent change (APC) in the food groups and nutrient intake were calculated using SAS and Joinpoint software.
The intake of grains (APC=-0.4, p<0.05) and vegetables (APC=-0.8, p<0.05) was observed to decrease. In contrast, the intake of beverages, meat, dairy, and eggs increased. In particular, beverage intake increased by more than four times (APC=9.2, p<0.05). There was no significant change in energy intake. However, the proportion of energy intake from carbohydrates decreased by approximately 5%p (APC=-0.3, p<0.05), whereas that from fat increased by approximately 5%p (APC= 1.1, p<0.05). Additionally, there were decreases in the proportion of energy intake from breakfast and homemade meals and increases in the energy intake from snacks, dining out, and convenience food. The intake of vitamin C (APC=-3.2, p<0.05) and sodium (APC=-2.3, p<0.05) significantly decreased.
Over the past 20 years, there has been decreases in the intake of grains, vegetables, carbohydrates, sodium, and vitamin C and increases in the intake of beverages, dairy, meat, eggs, and fat. Since nutritional status is an important factor in the prevention and management of chronic diseases, it should be continuously monitored.
Korean summary
국민건강영양조사(1998-2018) 자료를 활용하여 우리 국민의 지난 20년간의 식품 및 영양소 섭취 현황 및 추이를 분석한 결과, 곡류, 채소류, 탄수화물, 나트륨, 비타민 C 섭취 감소, 음료류, 우유류, 육류, 난류, 지방 섭취 증가 등 식품 및 영양소 섭취에 변화가 있었다.
Key Message
We examined the current status and trends of food and nutrient intake in the Korean population using the data from the 1998-2018 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Over the past 20 years, there have been decreases in the intake of grains, vegetables, carbohydrates, sodium, and vitamin C and increases in the intake of beverages, dairy, meat, eggs, and fat.
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Nutrition Research and Practice.2022; 16(5): 616. CrossRef - Comparison of the levels of energy intake from dish and food groups by gender and age among Korean obese adults: data obtained from the 2013-2018 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
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Journal of Nutrition and Health.2022; 55(6): 670. CrossRef
Systematic Review
Food frequency questionnaires developed and validated in Iran: a systematic review
Arezoo Rezazadeh, Nasrrin Omidvar, Katherine L. Tucker
Epidemiol Health. 2020;42:e2020015. Published online March 30, 2020
Web of Science
To systematically review and identify food frequency questionnaires (FFQs) developed for the Iranian population and their validation and reproducibility in order to determine possible research gaps and needs.
Studies were selected by searching for relevant keywords in the PubMed, Scopus, Science Direct, Google Scholar, SID, and Iranmedex databases, unpublished data, and theses in November 2016 (updated in September 2019). All English-language and Persian-language papers were included. Duplicates, articles with unrelated content, and articles only containing a protocol were excluded. The FFQs were categorized based on: (1) number of food items in to short (≤80 items) and long (>80 items) and; (2) the aim of the FFQ to explore total consumption pattern/nutrients (general) or to detect specific nutrient(s)/food group(s) (specialized).
Sixteen reasonably validated questionnaires were identified. However, only 13 presented a reproducibility assessment. Ten FFQs were categorized as general (7 long, 3 short) and 6 as specialized (3 long, 3 short). The correlation coefficients for nutrient intake between dietary records or recalls and FFQs were 0.07-0.82 for long (general: 0.07-0.82 and specialized: 0.26-0.67) and 0.20-0.67 for short (general: 0.24-0.54 and specialized: 0.20-0.42) FFQs. Long FFQs showed higher validity and reproducibility than short FFQs. Reproducibility of FFQs was acceptable (0.32-0.89). The strongest correlations were reported by studies with shorter intervals between FFQs.
FFQs designed for the Iranian population appear to be appropriate tools for dietary assessment. Despite their acceptable reproducibility, their validity for assessing specific nutrients and their applicability for populations other than those they were developed for may be questionable.
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Original Article
A large outbreak of Salmonella enterica serovar Thompson infections associated with chocolate cake in Busan, Korea
Youngduck Eun, Hyesun Jeong, Seungjin Kim, Wonseo Park, Byoungseon Ahn, Dongkeun Kim, Eunhee Kim, Eunhee Park, Sunhee Park, Inyeong Hwang, Hyunjin Son
Epidemiol Health. 2019;41:e2019002. Published online January 9, 2019
Web of Science
PDFSupplementary Material
This study aimed to reveal the epidemiologic characteristics of the outbreak of gastroenteritis caused by Salmonella enterica serovar Thompson in Busan Metropolitan City and to identify points for improvement to prevent of food-borne disease outbreak.
This was a case-control study. The control group comprised asymptomatic students in the same classes of the cases. The presence or absence of symptoms, ingestion of each food provided by school meal service, and commonly ingested foods in addition to those foods in meal service were investigated. Moreover, specimens collected from rectal swab, preserved foods, and environmental surface were tested.
Of the 6,092 subjects, 1,111 (1,083 students, 22 school personnel, and 6 foodservice employees) were included in the case group; this corresponded to an 18.4% attack rate. Symptoms included diarrhea (n=1,051, 94.6%), abdominal pain (n=931, 83.8%), febrile sensation (n=502, 45.2%), and vomiting (n=275, 24.8%). The epidemic curves of each 10 schools were unimodal. Investigation of food intake showed a significantly high odds ratio for chocolate cake in 5 out of the 10 schools. Laboratory test detected Salmonella enterica serovar Thompson both in rectal swab specimens of 9 schools and in collected preserved chocolate cakes of 9 schools. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis test result showed that Salmonella enterica seorvar Thompson isolated from human and foods were the same.
The source of infection for the Salmonella enterica serovar Thompson outbreak in the 10 schools of Busan Metropolitan City is chocolate cake. Traceback investigation for origin of contaminated food in food-borne disease outbreak and safety control during food production should be more enhanced.
Korean summary
이 연구는 2018년 9월 부산광역시 10개 학교에서 급식으로 제공된 초콜릿 케익으로 인해 발생한 살모넬라 톰슨 감염증 대규모 유행의 역학 조사 결과이다. 학교 급식과 같은 대규모 집단급식은 원재료에서 급식 제공까지 안전하게 관리되어야 하며 식품매개감염병 집단 발생 역학조사에 있어 오염원에 대한 체계적 역추적 조사와 기관 간 협업의 중요성을 강조하였다.
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Epidemiologic Investigation
A foodborne outbreak of gastroenteritis caused by Vibrio parahaemolyticus associated with cross-contamination from squid in Korea
Sun-Wha Jung
Epidemiol Health. 2018;40:e2018056. Published online November 13, 2018
Web of Science
PDFSupplementary Material
Water-borne diseases caused by Vibrio parahemolyticus are often known to cause gastritis when raw or undercooked seafood is eaten. It is very rare that Vibrio gastritis caused by ingesting non-seafood products occurs on a large scale. On September 19, 2017, a large-scale Vibrio gastritis occurred after the city residents consumed food at a bazaar held in a welfare center in Jungnang-gu, Seoul.
The total number of visitors was approximately 299, and 237 (79.3%) of them showed symptoms. Among those who showed symptoms, 116 (48.9%) consulted the hospital, and 53 (45.6%) were hospitalized. Among the 299 exposed individuals, 174 (58.1%) responded to this survey: 163 (93.6%) with and 11 (6.4%) without symptoms. This study was retrospectively conducted by investigating the exposed individuals. To investigate the spread of infection, medical staff of hospitals in the epidemic area were interviewed, exposed individuals surveyed, microbiological testing conducted, and ingredient handling and cooking processes investigated.
A total of 237 individuals, including 6 food handlers, were affected (prevalence, 79.2%). During the microbiological testing, V. parahemolyticus was found in 34 patients and 4 food handlers. In the consumption analysis, the relative risk of kimbap was 6.79 (confidence interval 1.10 to 41.69). In-depth investigation found that squid, an ingredient of Korean pancake, and egg sheets, an ingredient of kimbap, were prepared using the same cutting board and knife, which were thought to be the cause of cross-contamination that led to a large-scale outbreak of Vibrio gastritis.
A recent large-scale outbreak of Vibrio gastritis occurred due to the cross-contamination with kimbap during the preparation process of squid rather than the actual consumption of seafood. Thus, a more stringent hygiene management is necessary during the processing and management of food to prevent infections associated with V. parahemolyticus.
Korean summary
비브리오 장염은 흔히 날 것이나 덜 익힌 해산물을 섭취하였을 경우 잘 생기는 것으로 알려져 있다. 그러나 해산물을 처리하는 과정에서 생긴 교차 감염에 의해서도 비브리오 장염이 생길 수 있으며 이로 인하여 대규모의 유행이 발생할 수 있다. 이에 보다 철저한 위생관리와 교육이 필요하다
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Brief Communication
Relationship between shipping amounts of olive flounder aquacultured from Jejudo and the reported events of acute food poisoning by Kudoa septempunctata in 2015, South Korea: an ecological study
Jong-Myon Bae
Epidemiol Health. 2017;39:e2017041. Published online September 6, 2017
Web of Science
PDFSupplementary Material
Confirmation of <i>Kudoa septempunctata</i> (<i>K. septempunctata</i>) as the pathogenic agent causing acute food poisoning remains under debate owing to inconsistencies in the reproducibility of experimental evidence. Higher intake of olive flounder infected with <i>K. septempunctata</i> would result in increased diagnosis of food poisoning by <i>K. septempunctata</i>, if the latter was one of the causal agents of acute food poisoning. The aim was to evaluate the relationship between the shipping amount of olive flounder aquacultured from Jejudo and the incidence of <i>K. septempunctata</i> food poisoning in 2015, Korea.
Data of shipping amounts between March 2014 and February 2016 and of monthly reported events of <i>Kudoa</i> food poisoning were taken from Jejudo Fish-Culture Fisheries Cooperatives and Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, respectively. Non-parametric correlation analyses were conducted.
Shipping amounts indicated the seasonal changes according to variation of consumption. Spearman’s rho and Kendall’s tau-a between the monthly shipping amounts and the reported events in 2015 were 0.39 (p=0.21) and 0.27 (p=0.20), respectively.
An independent relationship was noted between the shipping amount and the reported events, which contrasted with the claim that the virulence of <i>K. septempunctata</i> caused acute food poisoning.
Korean summary
질병관리본부가 보고한 2015년도 쿠도아 식중독 발생 사례의 월별 분포와, 같은 기간에 제주도 수산협동조합이 국내 시장에 제공한 출하량 간의 상관성 (correlation)을 알아보았을 때, 유의한 관련성이 없었다. 이는 칠성 쿠도아충이 급성식중독을 일으킨다는 주장을 의심케 하는 근거의 하나이다.
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Journal of Parasitic Diseases.2023; 47(1): 12. CrossRef - Additional experimental and epidemiologic studies for evaluating pathogenecity of Kudoa septempunctata should be needed
Jong-Myon Bae
International Journal of Food Microbiology.2018; 266: 222. CrossRef
Epidemiologic Investigation
Analysis of Kudoa septempunctata as a cause of foodborne illness and its associated differential diagnosis
Sung Uk Lee
Epidemiol Health. 2017;39:e2017014. Published online March 31, 2017
Web of Science
PDFSupplementary Material
Recently <i>kudoa septempuctata</i> in olive flounders is suggested as a cause of food poisoning, however whether <i>kudoa septempuctata</i> can affect human gastrointestinal systems is controversial and its pathogenecity remains unclear. In view of the field epidemiology, food poisonings caused by <i>kudoa septempuctata</i> should be distinguished from those caused by staphylococcus aureus and bacillus cereus.
The statistics of food poisoning investigations published by Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in 2013-2015 were reviewed. The characteristics of <i>kudoa septempuctata</i> food poisoning reported by Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention were reviewed. Information regarding clinical symptoms or epidemiology was extracted.
Total eleven <i>kudoa septempuctata</i> food poisoning cases were analyzed. Food poisonings caused by <i>kudoa septempuctata</i>, staphylococcus aureus and bacillus cereus have clinical and epidemiological similarities. Forty five percent of food poisoning outbreaks occurred in Korea was concluded as unknown. The food poisoning caused by staphylococcus aureus and bacillus cereus accounted for 4.5% (50/1,092) of all food poisoning outbreaks in Korea between 2013 and 2015.
This study suggests the possibilities of misdiagnosis in the investigations of food poisoning by staphylococcus aureus and bacillus cereus with <i>kudoa septempuctata</i>.
Korean summary
최근 광어 섭취 후 발생한 식중독의 한 원인으로 쿠도아충이 지목되고 있다. 하지만 쿠도아충에 의한 식중독은 인체 감염에 대한 근거가 부족하고, 황색포도알균이나 바실루스 세레우스 식중독과 감별이 어려워 진단에 있어 주의를 요한다.
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