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Factors affecting awareness of myocardial infarction symptoms among the general public in Korea
Kyong Sil Park
Epidemiol Health. 2020;42:e2020032.   Published online May 18, 2020
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AbstractAbstract AbstractSummary PDFSupplementary Material
We aimed to determine the level of awareness of myocardial infarction (MI) symptoms among the general public in Korea and identify factors affecting awareness of MI symptoms using data from the 2017 Korea Community Health Survey (KCHS).
This is a cross-sectional study using KCHS data. Based on five questions about MI symptoms, participants were divided into an awareness group (replied ‘yes’ to all five questions) and an unawareness group (replied ‘no’ or ‘not sure’ to at least one of five questions) for analysis.
Of a total of 228,281 participants, 42.4% were aware of MI symptoms. There was a high level of awareness of chest pain and shortness of breath, but a low level of awareness of gastrointestinal symptoms and pain in the arm, shoulder, jaw, neck, and back. While women had a higher level of overall awareness relative to men, they showed a lower level of awareness regarding chest pain and discomfort. The factors affecting awareness of MI symptoms were gender, age, education level, occupation, smoking, drinking, physical inactivity, and cardiovascular disease risk factors.
In order to enhance awareness of MI symptoms among the general population, appropriate education and promotion efforts must be implemented based on gender, age, education level, and occupation. Moreover, active efforts by the government, educational institutions, and medical institutions are necessary to improve awareness of both typical and atypical MI symptoms. Furthermore, health policies to promote reduced smoking and drinking and increased physical activity, as well as continuous monitoring and management of individuals with cardiovascular disease risk factors, are required.
Korean summary
2017년 지역사회건강조사 자료를 분석한 결과, 한국의 심근경색증 증상의 인지율은 42%로 낮은 인식을 보였다. 한국의 지역사회 내 일반인들의 심근경색증 증상의 인지율을 제고하기 위해 성별, 연령, 교육수준, 직업을 고려하여 교육 및 홍보를 실시해야 한다. 그리고, 전형적인 심근경색증 증상뿐만 아니라 비전형적인 심근경색증 증상에 대한 인식에 대한 정부, 교육기관, 의료기관 등의 적극적인 노력이 필요하다. 또한, 금연, 금주, 신체활동 증진에 대한 보건정책적 관리방안과 심혈관질환 위험요인을 가진 대상자들의 지속적인 모니터링 및 관리가 필요하다.


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    Healthcare.2024; 12(7): 736.     CrossRef
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    Journal of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine.2024; 9(2): 130.     CrossRef
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Characteristics of depressive symptoms in middle-aged family members of dementia patients: 2017 Korea Community Health Survey
Jinbeom Park, Won-Chul Lee, Hyunsuk Jeong, Nayoung Hong, BoYoung Bae, Hyeon Woo Yim
Epidemiol Health. 2020;42:e2020031.   Published online May 15, 2020
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AbstractAbstract PDFSupplementary Material
The characteristics of depressive symptoms in the family members of home-dwelling patients with dementia have not been clearly reported. This study aimed to investigate the characteristics of depressive symptoms in middle-aged family members living with a patient with dementia.
This study used the data from the nationwide 2017 Korea Community Health Survey. Among the 228,381 survey participants, 77,276 participants in their 40s and 50s were finally selected for this study. The participants consisted of 760 family members of home-dwelling dementia patients and 76,516 general family members comprising a control group.
The positive rate of Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9)-measured depressive symptoms was significantly higher in the family members of home-dwelling dementia patients (4.4%; control group: 1.9%). After adjusting for potential confounders, the prevalence of PHQ-measured depressive symptoms was 1.72 times (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.03 to 2.85) higher in the family members of home-dwelling dementia patients compared to the control group. The positive rate of depressive symptoms was 2.26 times higher (95% CI, 1.26 to 4.05) in the female middle-aged family members of home-dwelling dementia patients compared to the control group. In addition, those who reported having symptoms almost every day in the PHQ-9 questions had significantly higher positive rates on questions about loss of interest, depression, sleep disturbance, fatigue, poor appetite, and suicidal ideation, and not on questions regarding feelings of worthlessness and psychomotor agitation, compared to the control group.
Active interventions are needed to relieve depression in the family members of home-dwelling dementia patients.


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    Sun Young Lee, Shin Hye Yoo, Belong Cho, Kye Hyung Kim, Min Seoul Jang, Jeongmi Shin, Inyoung Hwang, Seok‐Jin Choi, Jung‐Joon Sung, Min Sun Kim
    Muscle & Nerve.2024; 70(3): 306.     CrossRef
  • Factors influencing the care burden among family caregivers using dementia care centers for older adults with dementia in Korea: a cross-sectional descriptive study
    Ja Eun Kim, Soo Jin Lee
    Journal of Korean Biological Nursing Science.2024; 26(4): 382.     CrossRef
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    Rayhanah R. Almutairi, Jaclene A. Zauszniewski
    Issues in Mental Health Nursing.2023; 44(6): 538.     CrossRef
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    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.2022; 19(6): 3477.     CrossRef
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    Journal of Korean Neuropsychiatric Association.2021; 60(4): 396.     CrossRef
The effects of mental health on recurrent falls among elderly adults, based on Korean Community Health Survey data
Kyung Hee Jo, Jong Park, So Yeon Ryu
Epidemiol Health. 2020;42:e2020005.   Published online February 2, 2020
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AbstractAbstract AbstractSummary PDFSupplementary Material
This study aimed to identify the effect of mental health on frequency of falls (single and recurrent falls) among elderly adults.
Data were drawn from the 2015 Korean Community Health Survey. A chi-square test was conducted to compare differences in fall frequency according to health-related behaviors, chronic diseases, and mental health. Subsequently, multinomial logistic regression analysis was used to identify the effects of mental health on single and recurrent falls based on variables found to be significant in the chi-square test.
Recurrent falls were found to be more risky than single falls. Depression was significantly related to single falls (odds ratio [OR], 1.27; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.12 to 1.44). Depression (OR, 1.56; 95% CI, 1.38 to 1.76), sleep disorder (5 hours or less: OR, 1.12; 95% CI, 1.02 to 1.23; more than 9 hours: OR, 1.24; 95% CI, 1.07 to 1.44, respectively), and subjective stress (OR, 2.30; 95% CI, 1.90 to 2.78) were significantly related to recurrent falls.
The study’s findings suggest that specialized fall prevention programs are needed to address different types of falls in elderly adults. To prevent recurrent falls, systematic treatment strategies and rehabilitation training must improve physical function and mental health.
Korean summary
우리나라 노인에서 정신건강이 낙상에 미치는 영향을 확인하였고, 그 결과 단순낙상은 우울감 경험을 한 경우 낙상발생 위험이 증가했으며, 반복낙상은 우울감을 경험하고, 수면장애가 있으며(수면시간 6시간 미만, 9시간 이상), 주관적 스트레스가 커질수록 낙상 위험이 증가하였다. 최종적으로 노인의 정신건강이 반복낙상에 미치는 영향이 더 큰 것을 확인하였다. 본 연구결과를 통해 낙상 예방 및 관리를 위한 보건사업을 제시하고, 반복낙상자의 정신적/신체적 기능 증진을 위한 치료전략과 재활훈련 계획의 근거자료로 활용할 수 있을 것으로 생각된다.


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    Korean Journal of Adult Nursing.2024; 36(1): 63.     CrossRef
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    Aging & Mental Health.2023; 27(4): 789.     CrossRef
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    Research in Community and Public Health Nursing.2023; 34: 12.     CrossRef
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Individual and regional factors associated with suicidal ideation among Korean elderly: a multilevel analysis of the Korea Community Health Survey
Sang Hee Jeong, Byung Chul Chun
Epidemiol Health. 2019;41:e2019022.   Published online May 26, 2019
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AbstractAbstract AbstractSummary PDFSupplementary Material
This study aimed to identify the individual and regional characteristics that influence suicidal ideation among the Korean elderly population.
Using data collected from the 2013 Korea Community Health Survey, a multilevel analysis was performed to establish an understanding of individual behavioral patterns and regional influences on suicidal ideation.
Among the 77,407 individuals sampled, 11,236 (14.5%) elderly people over 60 years of age experienced suicidal ideation. Among individual factors, age, frequency of communication with friends, religious activity, social activity, leisure activity, trust in neighbors, subjective stress level, depressive symptoms, and subjective health status were significantly associated with suicidal ideation. The results showed that the lower the regional deprivation level, the higher the suicidal ideation odds ratio. In terms of regional size, the most significant effects were found in rural areas.
This study suggested that suicidal ideation in the elderly is associated with community factors, such as the regional deprivation index, as well as personal factors.
Korean summary
본 연구는 60세 이상 연령의 개인 요인에 따른 자살 생각에 영향을 미치는 요인과 지역 요인을 모두 반영하여 자살 생각에 영향을 미치는 요인을 파악하는 것으로 지역사회건강조사에 응답한 60대 이상 노인 77,407명 중 11,236(14.5%)명을 표본대상으로 선정하여 노인의 자살생각 가능성과 관련된 개인의 행태와 지역 또는 집단에서 영향력을 파악하기 위한 다수준 분석을 실시하였다. 결과적으로 본 연구는 60세이상의 노인에서 자살 생각에 개인적 요인 뿐 아니라 지역박탈지수와 같은 지역 요인이 관여한다는 점을 시사한다.


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    International Psychogeriatrics.2024; 36(5): 346.     CrossRef
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    Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development.2023; 33(2): 101.     CrossRef
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    Heliyon.2023; 9(10): e21141.     CrossRef
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    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.2020; 17(17): 6399.     CrossRef
Comparison of estimates and time series stability of Korea Community Health Survey and Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
Ji Son Ki, Ho Kim
Epidemiol Health. 2019;41:e2019012.   Published online April 7, 2019
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AbstractAbstract AbstractSummary PDFSupplementary Material
In South Korea, there are two nationwide health surveys conducted by the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: the Korea Community Health Survey (KCHS) and Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES). The two surveys are directly comparable, as they have the same target population with some common items, and because both surveys are used in various analyses, identifying the similarities and disparities between the two surveys would promote their appropriate use. Therefore, this study aimed to compare the estimates of six variables in KCHS and eight variables in KNHANES over a six-year period and compare time series stability of region-specific and sex- and age-specific subgroup estimates.
Data from adults aged 19 years or older in the 2010-2015 KCHS and KNHANES were examined to analyze the differences of estimates and 95% confidence interval for self-rated health, current smoking rate, monthly drinking rate, hypertension diagnosis rate, diabetes diagnosis rate, obesity prevalence, hypertension prevalence, and diabetes prevalence. The variables were then clustered into subgroups by city as well as sex and age to assess the time series stability of the estimates based on mean square error.
With the exception of self-rated health, the estimates taken based on questionnaires, namely current smoking rate, monthly drinking rate, hypertension diagnosis rate, and diabetes diagnosis rate, only differed by less than 1.0%p for both KCHS and KNHANES. However, for KNHANES, estimates taken from physical examination data, namely obesity prevalence, hypertension prevalence, and diabetes prevalence, differed by 1.9-8.4%p, which was greater than the gap in the estimates taken from questionnaires. KCHS had a greater time series stability for subgroup estimates than KNHANES.
When using the data from KCHS and KNHANES, the data should be selected and used based on the purpose of analysis and policy and in consideration of the various differences between the two data.
Korean summary
본 연구는 지역사회건강조사와 국민건강영양조사의 2010년부터 2015년까지 6년간의 자료로 각각 6개, 8개 변수의 추정치를 비교하였다. 설문변수 간의 추정치 차이보다 설문변수와 검진변수간의 추정치의 더 차이가 컸고 하위그룹별 시계열 변동은 지역사회건강조사가 더 안정적이었다.


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  • Variability Test of Estimates of Korea Community Health Survey Data in Gyeongsangnam-do (2008-2018)
    Youngjun Seon, Baekgeun Jeong, Boyeong Jin, Zunghun Lim, Changjin Cho, Youngeun Son, Dong Wook Kim
    Journal of Health Informatics and Statistics.2023; 48(3): 281.     CrossRef
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    Danilo R. Silva, Luciana L. Barboza, Se-Sergio Baldew, Cecilia Anza-Ramirez, Robinson Ramírez-Vélez, Felipe B. Schuch, Thayse N. Gomes, Kabir P. Sadarangani, Antonio García-Hermoso, Ramfis Nieto-Martinez, Gerson Ferrari, J. Jaime Miranda, André O. Werneck
    Revista Panamericana de Salud Pública.2022; 46: 1.     CrossRef
  • Differences in accuracy of height, weight, and body mass index between self-reported and measured using the 2018 Korea Community Health Survey data
    Yoonsil Ko, Sunhye Choi, Jisoo Won, Yeon-Kyeng Lee, Dong-Hyun Kim, Seon Kui Lee
    Epidemiology and Health.2022; 44: e2022024.     CrossRef
The association between smoking or passive smoking and cardiovascular diseases using a Bayesian hierarchical model: based on the 2008-2013 Korea Community Health Survey
Whanhee Lee, Sung-Hee Hwang, Hayoung Choi, Ho Kim
Epidemiol Health. 2017;39:e2017026.   Published online June 22, 2017
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AbstractAbstract AbstractSummary PDFSupplementary Material
Smoking and passive smoking have been extensively reported as risk factors of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Despite the biological mechanisms underlying the impact of hazardous chemical substances contained in tobacco in cardiovascular diseases (CVD), studies investigating the association between smoking and passive smoking with morbidity are at an inchoate stage in Korea. Therefore, this study aimed to estimate the risks of smoking and passive smoking on cardiovascular morbidity at the national and regional levels.
This study calculated sex-standardized and age-standardized prevalence of CVD and smoking indices in 253 community health centers (si/gun/gu) in Korea using the 2008-2013 Korea Community Health Survey data. Furthermore, a Bayesian hierarchical model was used to estimate the association of smoking and passive smoking with the prevalence of CVD from the national and regional community health centers.
At the national level, smoking was significantly associated with stroke (relative risk [RR], 1.060) and hypertension (RR, 1.016) prevalence, whilst passive smoking at home and work were also significantly associated with prevalence of stroke (RR, 1.037/1.013), angina (RR, 1.016/1.006), and hypertension (RR, 1.010/1.004). Furthermore, the effects of smoking and passive smoking were greater in urban-industrial areas than in rural areas.
The findings of this study would provide grounds for national policies that limit smoking and passive smoking, as well as regionally serve as the basis for region-specific healthcare policies in populations with high CVD vulnerability.
Korean summary
베이지안 계층화 방법을 이용하여 흡연 및 간접 흡연과 심혈관계 질환 유병의 전국 및 시/군/구별 연관성을 추정한 결과, 흡연은 뇌졸중 (RR=1.060) 과 고혈압 (RR=1.016) 유병에 유의하게 연관되었다.


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