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Health Effects of Underground Workspaces cohort: study design and baseline characteristics
Gerard Dunleavy, Thirunavukkarasu Sathish, Nuraini Nazeha, Michael Soljak, Nanthini Visvalingam, Ram Bajpai, Hui Shan Yap, Adam C. Roberts, Thuan Quoc Thach, André Comiran Tonon, Chee Kiong Soh, Georgios Christopoulos, Kei Long Cheung, Hein de Vries, Josip Car
Epidemiol Health. 2019;41:e2019025.   Published online August 16, 2019
  • 20,016 View
  • 207 Download
  • 14 Web of Science
  • 14 Crossref
AbstractAbstract PDFSupplementary Material
The development of underground workspaces is a strategic effort towards healthy urban growth in cities with ever-increasing land scarcity. Despite the growth in underground workspaces, there is limited information regarding the impact of this environment on workers’ health. The Health Effects of Underground Workspaces (HEUW) study is a cohort study that was set up to examine the health effects of working in underground workspaces. In this paper, we describe the rationale for the study, study design, data collection, and baseline characteristics of participants. The HEUW study recruited 464 participants at baseline, of whom 424 (91.4%) were followed-up at 3 months and 334 (72.0%) at 12 months from baseline. We used standardized and validated questionnaires to collect information on socio-demographic and lifestyle characteristics, medical history, family history of chronic diseases, sleep quality, health-related quality of life, chronotype, psychological distress, occupational factors, and comfort levels with indoor environmental quality parameters. Clinical and anthropometric parameters including blood pressure, spirometry, height, weight, and waist and hip circumference were also measured. Biochemical tests of participants’ blood and urine samples were conducted to measure levels of glucose, lipids, and melatonin. We also conducted objective measurements of individuals’ workplace environment, assessing air quality, light intensity, temperature, thermal comfort, and bacterial and fungal counts. The findings this study will help to identify modifiable lifestyle and environmental parameters that are negatively affecting workers’ health. The findings may be used to guide the development of more health-promoting workspaces that attempt to negate any potential deleterious health effects from working in underground workspaces.


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Lessons from radiation epidemiology
Won Jin Lee
Epidemiol Health. 2018;40:e2018057.   Published online November 14, 2018
  • 16,239 View
  • 159 Download
  • 5 Web of Science
  • 6 Crossref
AbstractAbstract AbstractSummary PDFSupplementary Material
Radiation epidemiology has developed as a specialized field and has unique characteristics compared to the other fields of epidemiology. Radiation exposure assessment is highly quantified and health risk assessment can yield precise risks per unit dose in each organ. At the same time, radiation epidemiology also emphasizes the uncertainty of the estimated doses and risks. More radiation epidemiologists work in radiation societies rather than those of epidemiology. This specialization deepens the research of radiation studies but also results in fragmentation from general epidemiology. In addition to continued involvement with radiation-related sciences, therefore, more efforts to communicate with the other fields of epidemiology are necessary for radiation epidemiology.
Korean summary
방사선 역학은 역학의 세부 전공분야로서 다른 역학 분야와 구별되는 특성들이 있다. 노출 및 건강영향 평가에서의 정량화된 접근방법을 비롯하여 방사선 역학의 많은 장점들은 다른 역학분야에서도 응용될 필요가 있다. 이러한 전문화는 역학 연구의 내용을 깊게 발전시키는데 큰 역할을 하고 있는 반면, 일반 역학 분야와 분열되는 단점도 있다. 따라서 기존 방사선 관련 학문들과의 지속적인 교류뿐 아니라 다른 역학분야와의 활발한 교류를 통해 방사선 역학 및 전체 역학분야를 발전시키는 것이 중요하다.


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Epidemiol Health : Epidemiology and Health