Physical and mental health characteristics related to trust in and intention to receive COVID-19 vaccination: results from a Korean community-based longitudinal study
Ye Jin Jeon, Youngrong Lee, Ji Su Yang, Young Su Park, Sun Jae Jung
Epidemiol Health. 2022;44:e2022064. Published online August 3, 2022
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4178/epih.e2022064
Web of Science
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OBJECTIVES The aim of this study was to explore factors affecting attitudes toward coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccination, including socio-demographic characteristics and mental health status during the pandemic.
METHODS This study analyzed responses from 1,768 participants who were originally included in a community cohort study and responded to 3 online surveys related to COVID-19 (March 2020 to March 2021). The k-means method was used to cluster trust in and intention to receive COVID-19 vaccination. Baseline (2013-2018) socio-demographic characteristics, physical health status, and depressive symptoms were analyzed as exposure variables, and current mental health status was included in the analyses.
RESULTS Almost half of all participants were classified into the moderate trust and high intention cluster (n=838, 47.4%); those with high trust and high intention accounted only for 16.9%. They tended to be older, had high-income levels, and engaged in regular physical activity at baseline (p<0.05), and their sleep quality and psychological resilience were relatively high compared to other groups.
CONCLUSIONS Our results suggest that more efforts are required to enhance the perceived need for and trust in COVID-19 vaccination.
Korean summary
•본 연구는 코로나19 관련 온라인, 모바일 설문조사에 응답한 1,768명을 대상으로 코로나19 유행 동안의 정신건강 상태와 백신 접종에 대한 태도 (백신에 대한 믿음, 백신에 대한 접종 의사) 사이의 관련성을 파악하고자 하였다.
•연구결과 우울, 불안, 외로움, 회복탄력성 등과 같은 정신건강 상태가 나쁜 사람은 백신에 대한 접종 의사가 높을 오즈가 그렇지 않은 사람에 비해 높았으며, 이는 통계적으로 유의하였다.
Key Message
In this community-based study including 1,768 participants who responded online survey related to COVID-19, we investigate the relationship between mental health during the pandemic and attitude toward COVID-19 vaccine (trust and intention). Each of the mental symptoms, including depression, anxiety, and loneliness, was significantly associated with higher intention to COVID-19 vaccine. Our results suggest that more efforts are required to enhance the perceived need for and trust in COVID-19 vaccination.