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Special edition HTLV-III / LAV that causes AIDS
Won Young Lee
Epidemiol Health 1985;7(2):168-176
DOI: https://doi.org/
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The newly identified HTLV-III /LAV that causes AIDS was reviewed. The virus shares many of the biological and physicochemical properties common to a family of retroviruses, HTLV which had discovered by Dr. Gallo et. al. The common properties are as follows: 1. tropism for T-lymphocytes(especially OKT4/leu3a positives) 2. presence of Mg++ requiring RNA dependent DNA polymerase 3. induction of multinucleated giant cells 4. structural proteins similar in size to HTLV-II antigens 5. homologous nucleotide sequences across entire genome of HTLV-I and HTLV-II except minor differences in X sequence. These findings clearly indicate HTLV-III/LAV as a member of the HTLV family. The pathobiological properties include: 1. At present, all of the cases with antibody to HTLV-III/LAV shoule be considered as possible virus carriers. 2. Other than T-cells can be infected(e.g. brain cells). 3. All of the people exposed to the virus are susceptible to the infection not necessarilly sexual intercourse). 4. HTLV-III/LAV viral positive without serum antibody can be existed. 5. All of the blood preparation for human infections must be screened for the possible existance of HTLV-III/LAV. 6. Asymptomatic HTLV-III/LAV carriers(antibody positive cases) are the most important cases to be traced for the public health.

Epidemiol Health : Epidemiology and Health