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The proportion of aged population among Koreans had been relatively low till 1970's. The percent of the age group older than 65 years was 3.5% in 1975, 4.6% in 1989 and estimated to be around 6.4% in the year 2000. This stydy was done by reviewing mortality and morbidity data of the group to identify some major diseases that lead them to deaths and make suffer them from for the specified age group. Leading causes of deaths among the aged population in 1988 were cerebro-vascular diseases, hypertensive diseases, malignant neoplasm of stomach, cardiac dysrhythmia, and chronic obstructive lung diseases ; senility as cause of death increased in its frequency as age advanced. On the other hand, the five most frequent disease among the group for which they have utilized medical facilities were diseases of musculoskeletal system and connective tissues, hypertensive diseases, diseases of nervous system, diseases of ear and mastoid process, and dislocation, sprain and strains for male ; diseases of musculoskeletal system and connective tissues, hypertensive diseases, dislocation, sprain and strains, and diseases of nervous system for females. Detailed information is presented in tables.