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Original Article Correlation study on foods/nutrients intake and the mortality and the morbidity of carcers of stomach and colorectum in Korea.
Myong Kyun Cynn, Dong Hyun Kim, Keun Young Yoo

DOI: https://doi.org/
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Chronological correlation analysis studies with 10 to 12 years lag period between various foods/nutrients intakes and mortalities of gastro-intestinal cancers such as stomach cancer, colorectal cancer in Korea were performed to investigate the effect of dietary factors on carcinogenesis. Information on the foods/nutrients intake from 1969 to 1988 were obtained from National Nutritional Survey Report published annually by Ministry of Health and Social Affairs. Data on the death due to stomach and colorectal cancers between 1981 and 1990 were gathered from Annual report on the cause of death statistics, National Stati Stical Office and Data on the morbidity from Medical insurance statistical yearbook, Korea Medical Insurance Corporation. Since 1969, the intakes of total energy and cereals which is a major supplier of carbohydrate have gradually decreased, whereas, those of total protein, protein from animal sources, lipid have remarkably increased in recent years. While the mortality from stomach cancer has increased upto 1984, and then decreased steadily for male and female, that of coloncancer has increased continuously during this period. The mortality of male stomach cancer has correlated only with niacin among various nutrients. There appears to be no good, correlating food group or nutrient found whth mortalities

Epidemiol Health : Epidemiology and Health