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The purpose of the study is to find out the prevalence rate and main contributing factors for house wive's low back pain and to develope educational programs, to improve working environment and to provide the necessary basic materials for prevention and rehabilitation program of the low back pain. The subjects of study were reside in small-medium sized cities of Pohang, Kyung Ju, Young Chun in Kyung Pook Province. The subjects of 1,500 house wives whose children are registered to respective schools of kindergarten, elementary schools, middle schools and high schools. The study was conducted during April/26/1993 to May/10/1993. The analysis of survey based on relatively good quality response by 950. The results of the study summerized are as follows : 1. Among 950 subjects, the largest age group were 30-34, 48.8%, the weight were 50~54Kg, 32.8% and the height were 160-164cm, 49.5%. Among 950 subjects, educationally, graduate from high school were 51.2% ; the largest group. Also in economic state, the middle class were 70.3%, age of marriage were younger than 24 years old, 50.8% and number of family of 3-4 were 78.0%. 2. Among 950 subjects, the prevalence rate of low back pain showed 46.5%, premarital low back pain experience consist of 15.6%, postmarital low back pain was 70.6%. 3. In relation of general characteristics and low back pain prevalence, the age, age of marriage and number of family showed no significance but education, economics and lenght of marriage were highly significant (p<0.01). 5. In relation of house working environment and low back pain prevalence, much time cousuming house work, most difficult task house work, method of house cleaning and laundry were not significant but method of child carryring, degree of house work sharing were statistically significant (p<0.05). There were highly significant with repetitive trunk rotation and forward bending, lifting and handling during house work (p<0.01). 6. In relation of obstetric and gynecology factors and low back pain prevalence, number of child birth and method of child birth were not significant but statistically significant to amount of house work during pregnancy and highly significant The cause of low back pain consist of 28.0% unknown, 18.1% claim of long period of working with squatting position, 15.6% claim long period of work with stoop position. The type of low back pain symptom among present low back pain group consistent of 83.7% are low back pain only, 44.3% and 38.5% have distal and proximal radiating pain respectively and 21.0% felt weakness to lower extremities. Among the present low back pain group, 76.9% have experience of treatment, in that 47.5% low back pain medical information gained through friends high risk factors by biological, house and house-work environment. Therefore, regard to the house wive’s low back pain, proper prevention and management, house and house-work environment should be considered in ergonomic view point of architecture for work position. House wive’s low back pain are mostly due to female physiologic characteristics such as menstruction, pregnancy, child birth and related factors and psychologic factors as well. The continuous research is needed for many interesting issues of house wive’s low back pain in new future.