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Stomach cancer is the most malignant neoplasm among Koreans. There are some studies on risk factors for cancer prevention.
SUBJECTS AND METHODS: A case-control study was conducted at the Korea Cancer Center Hospital in Seoul between April and September in 1996. One hundred twenty-six stomach cancer patients confirmed by the histological diagnosis were compared with 234 control subjects mached by age, sex, and admission date. The questionnaire included information on sociodemographic characteristics, smoking and drinking habits, height, weight, family history of cancer, nutrient supplements intake etc. Associations of stomach cancer with con-dietary factors were evaluated. Multiple logistic regression models were used to estimate relative risks when controlling simultaneously for covariates.
Weight and body mass index(BMI, kg/m2) at diagnosis were significantly low in cases compared with controls. As non-dietary factors, smoking habits, alcoholic beverage, family gistory, physical activity, water supply, stress, vitamin suppliments and the use of functional foods were not associated with stomach cancer risk.
Our findings indicated that non-dietary factors were not associated with stomach cancer risk.