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Volume 30 (1); June 2008
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Co-prescribing Patterns of Contraindicated Drugs for the Elderly Patients in Busan.
Nam Kyong Choi, Sun Young Jung, Byung Joo Park
Korean J Epidemiol. 2008;30(1):128-136.   Published online June 30, 2008
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To estimate the prevalence of co-prescribing contraindicated drugs for elderly patients in Busan.
We used the Health Insurance Review Agency (HIRA) claims database. Study population consisted of elderly patients who visited clinics or hospitals in Busan metropolitan city from January 1, 2000 to December 31, 2001. Contraindicated drugs were defined as 162 combinations of contraindicated drugs announced by the Korea Ministry of Health and Welfare in 2004. The co-prescription of contraindicated drugs was defined as prescribing two or more contraindicated drugs in combination in the same prescription. The prevalence of co-prescribing contraindicated drugswas estimated as proportion of co-prescribed patients out of the study patients. We estimated and age-adjusted prevalence and its 95% confidence interval of co-prescription of contraindicated drugs among the elderly patients in Korean population in 2001.
The study elderly patients were 262,952 with 2,483,227 prescriptions. Among the study patients 1,208 (4.6%) were prescribed contraindicated drugs in combination. A total of 16,255 patients were estimated as the number of co-prescribed patients among the Korean elderly in 2001. Age-standardized prevalence of co-prescription to the Korean elderly was estimated to be 45 per 10,000 persons. The most frequently prescribed combinations were cisapride & amitriptyline, roxithromycin & ergoloid mesylate, and terfenadine & erythromycin, and the frequency were 325 (16.8%), 149 (7.7%), and 132 (6.8%),respectively.
The contraindicated drugs were co-prescribed to the elderly patients in Korea. Many of these co-prescriptions should be avoided if unnecessary. The patients should be carefully monitored if they were inevitably prescribed the contraindicated drugs.
Changes of Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Seroprevalence in Korea, 1998-2005.
Seunghee Jeong, Hyeon Woo Yim, Si Hyun Bae, Won Chul Lee
Korean J Epidemiol. 2008;30(1):119-127.   Published online June 30, 2008
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the prevalence rate of HBsAg and the epidemiological characteristics of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection from 1998 to 2005. National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) data of 1998, 2001 and 2005 were analyzed.
Study population was consisted of 24,093, aged 10 year or over who performed NHANES self reported surveys and blood tests. Statistical analysis was performed by age, sex, and the year of survey. Also the prevalence of HBsAg was compared by self reported family history of liver disease.
The prevalence rate of HBsAg was reduced from 4.5% in 1998 to 3.7% in 2005. Also age-specific prevalence rate of HBsAg was significantly decreased in persons born after introduction of the hepatitis B virus vaccination. HBsAg seropositivity was slightly higher in male than in female. Among the people with the family history of liver diseases, the risk of HBsAg seropositive was much higher than those without. Study subjects with mother's liver disease history showed much higher HBsAg serepositive rate. Although after the implementation of hepatitis B virus vaccination program prevalence of HBsAg decreased, but persons with history of liver disease showed still higher rate Of HBsAg seropositive rate.
Although the introduction of the HBV vaccination program has resulted in a decline of HBV infection, the family history of liver diseases was still an important factor for transmission of HBV in Korea. In addition to the mother-to-child transmission prevention program from 2002, it might be advisable to introduce a screening program for persons with family history of liver diseases for further reduction of HBV infection.


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  • Are there differences in hepatitis-B immunization status between diabetes and non-diabetes subjects in Korea?
    Ji Young Park, Su Kyoung Kwon
    Kosin Medical Journal.2018; 33(1): 41.     CrossRef
  • Study of the Associations Between TT Virus Single and Mixed Infections With Leukemia
    Ramin Yaghobi, Marjan Shaheli, Abbasali Rezaeian, Mahdiyar Iravani Saadi, Mani Ramzi
    Jundishapur Journal of Microbiology.2015;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • Reactivation of hepatitis B (reverse seroconversion) after melphalan/dexamethasone therapy for primary amyloidosis: a case report
    Woo-Ram Moon, Do-Sik Moon, JoA Kim, Young-min Yoon, Byung-Seok Choi, Choon-Hae Chung, Sang-Gon Park
    Journal of Medical Case Reports.2015;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • Hepatitis B virus infection, diabetes mellitus, and their synergism for cholangiocarcinoma development: A case-control study in Korea
    Ban Seok Lee
    World Journal of Gastroenterology.2015; 21(2): 502.     CrossRef
  • Association between Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Seropositivity and Metabolic Syndrome
    Tae-Heum Chung, Moon-Chan Kim, Chang-Sup Kim
    Korean Journal of Family Medicine.2014; 35(2): 81.     CrossRef
  • Lamivudine prophylaxis for hepatitis B virus carrier patients with breast cancer during adjuvant chemotherapy
    Hyun Jung Lee, Dae Young Kim, Bhumsuk Keam, Jeong Hoon Lee, Sae-Won Han, Do-Youn Oh, Jung Hwan Yoon, Tae-You Kim, Yu Jung Kim, Keun Wook Lee, Jin-Wook Kim, Sook-Hyang Jeong, Jong Seok Lee, Jee Hyun Kim, Seock-Ah Im
    Breast Cancer.2014; 21(4): 387.     CrossRef
  • Factors Influencing on Perinatal Outcomes of Asian Marriage Immigrant Women: Ten-year Experience in a Single Center
    Hye Young Lee, Gi Cheol Park, Mi Kyung Kim, Oh Kyung Lee
    Korean Journal of Perinatology.2013; 24(3): 168.     CrossRef
  • Changes in Birth Rate, Perinatal Risk Factors and Outcome in Newborns in Multi-cultural Family: Ten-year Experience in One Center
    Hae In Jang, Joon Sik Choi, Eun Song Song, Young Youn Choi
    Neonatal Medicine.2013; 20(1): 146.     CrossRef
  • Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients with Chronic Hepatitis B: Analysis of Korean National Health Insurance Claims Data
    Kichul Shin, Hyeongap Jang, Won Mo Jang, Jin-Seok Lee, Yeong-Wook Song
    Journal of Rheumatic Diseases.2013; 20(1): 24.     CrossRef
  • Prevention of Viral Hepatitis and Vaccination
    Yoo-Kyung Cho, Byung-Cheol Song
    Korean Journal of Medicine.2012; 82(2): 123.     CrossRef
  • Prevalence and clinical significance of occult hepatitis B virus infection among renal transplant recipients in Korea
    Eunsin Bae, Chang-Hun Park, Chang-Seok Ki, Sung-Joo Kim, Wooseong Huh, Ha-Young Oh, Eun-Suk Kang
    Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases.2012; 44(10): 788.     CrossRef
  • Occupational Infections of Health Care Personnel in Korea
    Jung Oak Kang
    Hanyang Medical Reviews.2011; 31(3): 200.     CrossRef
  • Predictors of HBsAg Seroclearance in HBeAg-Negative Chronic Hepatitis B Patients
    Min-Sun Kwak, Eun-Ju Cho, Eun-Sun Jang, Jeong-Hoon Lee, Su Jong Yu, Yoon Jun Kim, Jung-Hwan Yoon, Hyo-Suk Lee
    Digestion.2011; 84(s1): 23.     CrossRef
  • New Insight for HBV DNA and HBsAg Quantitation during Antiviral Therapy in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis B
    Yoo-Kyung Cho, Byung-Cheol Song
    The Korean Journal of Gastroenterology.2011; 57(3): 144.     CrossRef
  • High prevalence of hepatitis B and hepatitis C virus infections in Korean patients with hematopoietic malignancies
    Jun Kang, Jeong Hyun Cho, Cheol Won Suh, Dae Ho Lee, Heung Bum Oh, Yong Hak Sohn, Hyun Sook Chi, Chan Jeong Park, Sung Soo Jang, Kyoo Hyung Lee, Je-Hwan Lee, Jung Hee Lee, Sang Wook Lee, Young Hwa Chung, Tae Hyup Kim, Hai-Rim Shin, Jooryung Huh
    Annals of Hematology.2011; 90(2): 159.     CrossRef
  • Shifting in Seroprevalence of HBsAg and Anti-HCV during Recent 10 Years in Adults Resident in Daegu and Gyeongbuk Province
    Kyung In Lee, Kyung Sik Park, Hye Jin Seo, Tae Yul Kim, Eun Soo Kim, Byoung Kuk Jang, Woo Jin Chung, Kwang Bum Cho, Jae Seok Hwang
    The Korean Journal of Gastroenterology.2011; 58(2): 82.     CrossRef
  • Development of the Guideline for HIV Testing in South Korea with Low Prevalence of HIV-1 Infection Based on the Expert Consensus
    Hee Jung Choi, Kyoung Ae Kong, Jung Won Min, Hun-Jae Lee, Hae-Sook Park
    World Journal of AIDS.2011; 01(04): 155.     CrossRef
Evaluation of Mumps Vaccine Effectiveness by outbreak investigation in one kindergarten in Ulsan city, 2006.
Kyo Hyun Kim, Heran Ki, Bo Youl Choi, Chang Hui Kim, Dong Han Lee, Un Young Ko, Moran Ki
Korean J Epidemiol. 2008;30(1):110-118.   Published online June 30, 2008
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Despite of the high MMR vaccine coverage, the mumps outbreaks is continued in most developed countries including South Korea. To evaluate the effectiveness of MMR vaccine, we carried out mumps outbreak investigation in one kindergarten.
In Dec. 2006, a mumps outbreak occurred in a kindergarten. Retrospective study was conducted among 212 respondents (205 children and 7 teachers) in 230 study populations (study participation rate: 92%). To define mumps cases, a questionnaire survey, telephone survey, and mumps antibody test with serum were conducted. MMR vaccination status was verified in 198 children using children's vaccination records, National Immunization Registration System and/or medical records of private clinics or hospitals.
Over 90% children had received one dose of MMR vaccination. However, 2nd dose of MMR vaccination rate was 45.1%. Attack rates of mumps were 22.9%(22/96) for one dose MMR vaccinees and 3.3%(3/92) for two doses vaccinees. MMR vaccine effectiveness of two doses over one dose was 86%. Mumps attack rate in one dose MMR vaccinees increased by the duration after MMR vaccination. Among all mumps cases, asymptomatic mumps infection identified by IgM positive or IgG over 10,000mIU/ml was 58% (26/ 45).
MMR one dose coverage rate was high(92.1%), but the second dose vaccination rate was very low (45.1%). Mumps attack rate was increased by the duration after the MMR vaccination, and the maximum effectiveness of one dose MMR vaccination was low (77.1%). Therefore, to prevent mumps outbreaks in the kindergarten, second MMR vaccination should be scheduled in 4 years old age, and the coverage rate should be increased over 90%. Further studies for the effectiveness of MMR two doses after 5 and more years are needed.


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  • Differential Demographic and Clinical Characteristics between MMR Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Children in South Korea: A Nationwide Study
    Dongwon Yoon, Juhwan Kim, Juyoung Shin
    Vaccines.2021; 9(6): 653.     CrossRef
  • Seroprevalence of mumps in healthcare workers in South Korea
    Sun-Kyung Kim, Jiwon Jung, Sun Hee Kwak, Min Jee Hong, Sung-Han Kim
    Clinical and Experimental Vaccine Research.2020; 9(1): 64.     CrossRef
  • Resurgence of Mumps in Korea
    Sun Hee Park
    Infection & Chemotherapy.2015; 47(1): 1.     CrossRef
  • Mumps outbreak in Incheon, Korea, 2009
    Seon Young Cho, Soo Young Lee, Jin Han Kang, Hui Seung Hwang
    Korean Journal of Pediatrics.2010; 53(1): 67.     CrossRef
  • Mumps Transmission Control Status and Inapparent Infection Rate among Middle and High School Students during the 2007-2008 Mumps Outbreak in Daegu
    Kyo Hyun Kim, Chang Hwi Kim, Bo Youl Choi, Un Yeong Go, Dong Han Lee, Moran Ki
    Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health.2009; 42(6): 408.     CrossRef
Normal Value for Serum Homocysteine and the Prevalence of Hyperhomocysteinemia in a Rural Population.
Jeong Uk Kim, Hyun Ja Kim, Bo Youl Choi
Korean J Epidemiol. 2008;30(1):100-109.   Published online June 30, 2008
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Homocysteine is a known independent risk factor for cardiovascular diseases and its blood levels are influenced by several factors such as race, diet, and lifestyle, so on. Considering these factors, the normal value for total homocysteine has not been determined in Korea. The objective of this study is to establish the normal value for serum total homocysteine and elucidate the prevalence rate of hyperhomocysteinemia by gender and age. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Among the participants of a community-based cohort study conducted in Yangpyeong province, 889 subjects were measured the biochemical analytes including homocysteine. Those who had the medical histories of angina, myocardial infarction and/orstroke, those who had low levels of folate and/or vitamin B12 and those who had high creatinine level were excluded. Finally, 506 subjects were selected as the reference population. A normal value was established with Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute C28-A2 protocol.
Homocysteine concentrations of total 889 population and 506 reference population were 10.3+/-5.7 micromol/L (1.9 ~ 93.9 micromol/L) and 8.8+/-2.5 micromol/L (4.3 ~ 21.4 micromol/L), respectively. Homocysteine level was significantly higher in men compared to women (P<0.001) and was significantly increased with age. Normal values were 6.7~15.3micromol/L for men and 5.2~12.7 micromol/L for women. With the normal values, the prevalence rates of hyperhomocysteinemia were 13.3% for men and 8.5% for women in total 889 population. The prevalence rate was highest for individuals aged 60 years or older.
These data on homocysteine concentrations are similar to from different countries. The established normal value might be used to evaluate quantitatively the risk for hyperhomocysteinemia.


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  • Major Determinants of Serum Homocysteine Concentrations in a Korean Population
    Hyun Ja Kim, Mi Kyung Kim, Jeong Uk Kim, Hun Young Ha, Bo Youl Choi
    Journal of Korean Medical Science.2010; 25(4): 509.     CrossRef
  • Prevalence of Hyperhomocysteinemia and Related Factors in a Community-based Health Examination Survey: A Cross-sectional Study
    Soo Jeong Kim, Kyung Sook Lim, Mi Sook Song, Yeonji Kang, Soon Young Lee
    Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health.2009; 42(5): 337.     CrossRef
Association of obesity indices with physiological markers for cardiovascular disease among middle age and elderly in Chuncheon : Hallym Aging Study
Jin Young Jeong, Jeong Hun Kim, Young Ho Choi, Soong Nang Jang, Yong Jun Choi, Dong Hyun Kim
Korean J Epidemiol. 2008;30(1):89-99.   Published online June 30, 2008
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This study was performed to evaluate association of obesity indices with physiological markers for cardiovascular disease(CVD) in community dwelling middle aged and elderly populations.
We evaluated cross-sectional association of obesity indices with physiological markers for CVD using the data of Hallym Aging Study(HAS) conducted in 2004. Information on general characteristics and medical histories were collected by trained interviewers. Also obesity indices including waist circumference(WC), waist to hip ratio(WHR), body mass index(BMI), and body fat mass(BFM), and physiological markers of CVD including systolic blood pressure(SBP), diastolic blood pressure(DBP), triglyceride(TG), high density lipoprotein cholesterol(HDL-C), total cholesterol(TC), and fasting blood sugar(FBS) were measured by clinical staffs. 589 out of the 922 participated in HAS were enrolled in the final analysis, excluding 333 who had been diagnosed and medicated due to obesity-related diseases. Age and gender specific correlation coefficients between obesity indices and physiological markers for CVD were calculated by partial spearman correlations using SAS ver 9.1.
The strength of correlation of obesity indices and physiological markers of CVD changed with age. The correlations between SBP, DBP, TG and HDL-C and obesity indices were attenuated with age, whereas those of TC, FBS and LDL-C were increased among the elderly. These patterns were similar in both gender.
These findings show that more appropriate obesity indices according to age are needed to evaluate the association between these indices and CVD risks.


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  • What is the Most Reliable Obesity Iindex in Korean Elderly Population?
    June Hyung Yoon, Jongwoo Kim, Seon Yeong Lee, Kyunam Kim, In Young Cho, Young M Cho
    The Korean Journal of Obesity.2012; 21(3): 140.     CrossRef
Related factors on Fatigue Symptom in Married Working women.
Kyung Jae Lee, Joo Ja Kim
Korean J Epidemiol. 2008;30(1):82-88.   Published online June 30, 2008
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To investigate the related factors on fatigue symptoms among married working women.
Data was analyzed from a cross-sectional survey of 902 married working women. Information was obtained about fatigue symptoms, sociodemographics, health behaviors, and job-related characteristics. Multiple regression tested the related factors on fatigue symptoms in married working women.
Fatigue was more common in office working women than in manufacture working women. Mean fatigue symptom was significantly higher in office working than in manufacture working women(p=0.002). In a multiple regression analysis, fatigue was associated with educational level, alcohol drinking state, stress, and overtime work in a multiple regression analysis(p<0.001).
Our findings suggest that fatigue is affected by job-related factor like overtime work with educational level, alcohol drinking state, or stress. Further research will be needed to establish preventive strategies for controlling the negative effects of fatigue on health stats of married working women.
Correlation between YMCA step-test and maximum oxygen consumption (VO2max) as measurement tools for cardiorespiratory.
On Lee, Sung Soo Kim, Yeon Soo Kim, Hyun Jin Son, Yu Mi Kim, Bo Youl Choi
Korean J Epidemiol. 2008;30(1):73-81.   Published online June 30, 2008
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The purpose of this study is to determine that YMCA step-test is useful method of cardiovascular fitness field-test for large scale study of epidemiology. 57 adults participated in this study. They are recruited considering subject's clinic status and gender proportion. Cardiorespiratory fitness of each participant was determined by grade exercise testing(GXT) with gas analysis and YMCA step-test. There are at least more two days an interval between the tests. Data were analyzed with a statistics program, SPSS version 14.0, by applying Spearman correlation coefficient and independent t-test and Fisher's exact test with a statistical significant level of alpha<.05. The results of this study were as followed. VO2max value exhibited significant correlation with YMCA step test scale(male : r =-.611, p=.001 ; female: r=-.656, p>.001). Our result is that validity of YMCA step-test is acceptable. YMCA step test is vary efficient as dimension of investigator's and subject's effort then the other field-test for assessment of cardiorespiratory. Therefore, Step test is useful for large scale study of epidemiology.


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  • Development of the Korean Firefighter Performance Battery
    Ji-Been Kim, Chae-Been Kim, Ying-Ying Xiang, Seo Dong-il, Song Wook, Han-Joon Lee, Hyun-Joo Kang, Chung-Gun Lee, Yeon Soon Ahn, Jung-Jun Park
    Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine.2023; 65(5): e346.     CrossRef
  • Test-Retest Reliability of Home-Based Fitness Assessments Using a Mobile App (R Plus Health) in Healthy Adults: Prospective Quantitative Study
    I-I Lin, You-Lin Chen, Li-Ling Chuang
    JMIR Formative Research.2021; 5(12): e28040.     CrossRef
  • Effects of 12 weeks of high intensity circuit training on abdominal fat, physical fitness, blood lipids, and insulin resistance in middle-aged obese women
    Won-Beom Park, Hyun-Seok Cho, Man-Gyoon Lee
    Korean Journal of Sport Science.2019; 30(2): 236.     CrossRef
  • Cardiopulmonary Fitness Is Independently Associated with Insulin Resistance in Non-Diabetes Mellitus Patients of a University Hospital in Korea
    Eun-Hye Jun, Bo-Yoon Choi, Duk-Chul Lee, Ji-Won Lee, Jee-Yon Lee
    Korean Journal of Family Medicine.2013; 34(2): 139.     CrossRef
Academic Research Activities and their Co-author and Keyword Network in Epidemiology Fields : Analysis of Papers in the Korean Journal of Epidemiology, 1991~2006.
Minsoo Jung
Korean J Epidemiol. 2008;30(1):60-72.   Published online June 30, 2008
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This research analyzed knowledge structure and its effect factor by evaluation of coauthor and keyword network in Korea's Epidemiology sector.
The data was extracted from 318 papers listed in the Korean Journal of Epidemiology, and was transformed into 643 coauthors and 131 keywords matrix. In this matrix a link was judged by impact factors which were calculated by the weight value of what the role was and the rate of how many authors participated. We verified that the research achievement was dependent upon the author's status and network index.
The results showed a small world effect according to the development of a random network in the center of a few high productivity researchers. In particular, degree centrality was more developed than closeness centrality. Also, power law distribution was discovered in impact factor and research productivity by college affiliation. In multiple regression, the effect of the author status was significant in both the impact factor calculated by the participatory rate and the number of listed articles. Moreover, a small group of researchers with outstanding research productivity carried out many of the core academic activities in the Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health.
This study shows that the small world phenomenon exists in coauthor and keyword networks in the unit of journal like as citation networks. However, the coauthor networks in the field of epidemiology was more differentiated than the preventive medicine field.


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  • Generation of Collaboration Network and Analysis of Researcher's Role in National Cancer Center
    Hae-Lan Jang
    The Journal of the Korea Contents Association.2015; 15(10): 387.     CrossRef
  • Social Network Analysis of Elders' Health Literacy and their Use of Online Health Information
    Haeran Jang, Ji-Young An
    Healthcare Informatics Research.2014; 20(3): 216.     CrossRef
  • Book Review: Social Networks and Health: Models, Methods, and Applications
    Ji-Young An
    Healthcare Informatics Research.2012; 18(4): 287.     CrossRef
  • Application of Social Network Analysis to Health Care Sectors
    Hae Lan Jang, Young Sung Lee, Ji-Young An
    Healthcare Informatics Research.2012; 18(1): 44.     CrossRef
Examples and outlook of family-based cohort study.
Jae Woong Sull, Sue Kyung Park, Heechoul Ohrr, Sun Ha Jee
Korean J Epidemiol. 2008;30(1):49-59.   Published online June 30, 2008
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Family-based designs are commonly used in genetic association studies to identify and to locate genes that underlie complex diseases. In this paper, we review two examples of genome-wide association studies using family-based cohort studies, including the Framingham Heart Study and International Multi-Center ADHD Genetics Project. We also review statistical methods of family-based designs, including the transmission disequilibrium test (TDT), linkage analysis, and imprinting effect analysis. In addition, we evaluate the strengths and limitations of the family-based cohort design. Despite the costs and difficulties in carrying out this type of study, a family-based cohort study can play avery important role in genome wide studies. First, the design will be free from biases due to population heterogeneity or stratification. Moreover, family-based designs provide the opportunity to conduct joint tests of linkage and association. Finally, family-based designs also allow access to epigenetic phenomena like imprinting. The family-based cohort design should be given careful consideration in planning new studies for genome-wide strategies.
Evaluation of risk prediction model for stroke risk based on Cox's and Weibull model in Korea.
Youn Nam Kim, Ur Rin Cho, Byung Ho Nam, Il Soo Park, Sun Ha Jee
Korean J Epidemiol. 2008;30(1):41-48.   Published online June 30, 2008
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OBJECTIVE: The objective was to compare Cox proportional hazards model and Weibull model for predicting long-term probabilities for stroke risk in the Korean Cancer Prevention Study(KCPS).
The subjects comprised of 385,279 Korean aged 55 to 64 years who received health insurance from the National Health Insurance Corporation and who had medical examinations in 1992 and 1995. 70% of the subjects were used for model building and the rest for model evaluation. The final prediction model for stroke includes age, systolic blood pressure, diabetes, total cholesterol and smoking. Subjects were follow-up for identification of incident stroke cases between 1993 and 2005. Comparisons included predicted coefficients of stroke risk factors, incidence probabilities over 10 years, and the area under a receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curve for both Cox's proportional hazard model and Weibull model.
The average age of study population was 55.5 years in men and 56.3 years in women, respectively. Percentage of men and women in study population were 58.0% and 42.0%, respectively. The study findings satisfied proportionality according to the two models. There was no significant difference in coefficients between the two models of prediction models in men and in women. Moreover, there was no difference in incidence probabilities of stroke and c-statistics. C-statistics were 0.68 for men as same as for women.
There was no difference for the prediction of the stroke risk in the Korean population using Cox's proportional hazard model and Weibull model, thus the two models were found to be efficient for this purpose.
Seroprevalence of measles and mumps antibody among preschool children in Korea, according to their vaccination history.
Jung Hwa Lee, Geun Ryang Bae, Chang Sik Park, Yoon Seok Chung, Young A Kang, Hyun Woo Han, Chun Kang
Korean J Epidemiol. 2008;30(1):34-40.   Published online June 30, 2008
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To maintain measles elimination status, we evaluated the seropositivity of measles and mumps according to time interval since the first or second dose of MMR in children aged 4 to 6 years, who are starting communal life. MATERIALS AND METHOD: 2,447 children aged 4 to 6 years were enrolled at 251 public health centers over the period of March to May 2007. Subjects were verified their date of MMR vaccination and then their blood was sampled for serologic test. Measles and mumps IgG antibody was tested by ELISA at Korea CDC.
Vaccination coverage was 99.9% in the first dose, 64.9% in the second dose regardless of gender. Seropositivity of measles and mumps was 95.7%, 85.5% in the first dose and 98.7%, 98.1% in the second dose, respectively. The seropositivity of measles was 88.1% in 6-year-olds who did not receive the second dose of MMR. As time since receipt, seropositivity of measles tended to decrease over time and was 93.3% in vaccinees over 48 months after the first dose.
A first dose MMR at 12-15 months cannot lead to herd immunity. More public information is needed to encourage second dose vaccination before admission to day-care center or kindergarten.


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  • Universal measles-mumps-rubella vaccination to new recruits and the incidence of mumps in the military
    Jong Youn Moon, Jaehun Jung, Kyungmin Huh
    Vaccine.2017; 35(32): 3913.     CrossRef
  • Resurgence of Mumps in Korea
    Sun Hee Park
    Infection & Chemotherapy.2015; 47(1): 1.     CrossRef
Metabolic Syndrome and Serum Alanine Aminotransferase Levels in Korean Adults : The Third Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES III), 2005.
Mi Ah Han, So Yeon Ryu, Jong Park, Myung Geun Kang, Ki Soon Kim
Korean J Epidemiol. 2008;30(1):25-33.   Published online June 30, 2008
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The aim of this study was to investigate the association between the metabolic syndrome and alanine aminotransferase(SGPT) levels in Korean adults.
The study subjects were 4,325 adults aged > or = 19 years without an apparent cause of liver disease from the Third Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey(2005). The metabolic syndrome was defined using criteria established by the NCEP/ATP III, while abdominal obesity was assessed based on the Asia-Pacific guidelines. Subjects with SGPT > or = 40 IU/L were considered to have elevated SGPT levels. Demographic characteristics, waist circumference, blood pressure, triglyceride, HDL cholesterol, fasting blood sugar were recorded for statistical analysis.
The prevalence of elevated SGPT levels was significantly increase with the presence of the metabolic syndrome and its components. In multiple logistic regression analyses, odds ratio for the elevated SGPT levels was significantly high in the subjects with the metabolic syndrome compared to the subjects without metabolic syndrome after adjusted for socio-demographic characteristics and health-related behavior.
The metabolic syndrome was independently associated with SGPT levels in Korean adults.
Bias in Cancer Screening Evaluation.
Sang Heon Yoon, Hyeon Woo Yim, Won Chul Lee
Korean J Epidemiol. 2008;30(1):12-24.   Published online June 30, 2008
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Cancer screening evaluation will be a important issue in Korea in near future. Bias in cancer screening evaluation is well known by concept, but it is not applied yet using the data from screening program of Korea. So introducing the way how the bias is adjusted will be helpful. This review deals with the type, meaning, the way how the bias is adjusted, and examples. Especially, lead-time bias, length bias and self-selection bias were focused. Adjusting bias is one of the imperative step for epidemiologic analysis. Understanding the background concept and experience using the screening program data will be helpful for estimating the effectiveness of national screening program of Korea.


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  • Evidence-based National Cancer Screening program of Korea
    Won-Chul Lee
    Journal of the Korean Medical Association.2011; 54(10): 1028.     CrossRef
Theory and practice of Case-Crossover Study Design.
Moran Ki
Korean J Epidemiol. 2008;30(1):1-11.   Published online June 30, 2008
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A case-crossover study design is a method to assess the effect of transient exposures on the risk of onset of acute events. Which was introduced by Maclure in 1991 for Myocardial Infarction Onset Study. The design has been used to diverse fields of epidemiology such as injury, drug adverse events, air pollution and so on. The most valuable advantage of this design is unnecessary of control selection. To estimate relative risk, the exposure frequency during a window just before outcome onset is compared with exposure frequencies during control times rather than in control persons. One or more control times are supplied by each of the cases themselves. Self-matching of cases eliminates the threat of control-selection bias and increases efficiency. To application of the case-crossover design, we need to make sure several criteria and the possibility of specific bias. This review is designed to help the reader apply a case-crossover study design to their research fields by understanding general ideas, prior conditions and limitations of the design.


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  • Risk of Falls Associated with Long-Acting Benzodiazepines or Tricyclic Antidepressants Use in Community-Dwelling Older Adults: A Nationwide Population-Based Case–Crossover Study
    Inyoung Na, Junyoung Seo, Eunjin Park, Jia Lee
    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.2022; 19(14): 8564.     CrossRef
  • Comparison of Effect of Two-Hour Exposure to Forest and Urban Environments on Cytokine, Anti-Oxidant, and Stress Levels in Young Adults
    Su Im, Han Choi, Yo-Han Jeon, Min-Kyu Song, Won Kim, Jong-Min Woo
    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.2016; 13(7): 625.     CrossRef
Editorial Note
Editorial Note; Future directions of Korean Journal of Epidemiology
Bo Youl Choi,
Published online June 30, 2010  
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Epidemiol Health : Epidemiology and Health