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Volume 19 (2); December 1997
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Original Articles
A Sociomedical Research on Oriental Hospital Out and Inpatients of Cerebrovascular Accident.
Byung Ha Kim, Chul Hyun Nam, Gwang Bog Wie, Gi Yoel Kim, Seung Hee Yang
Korean J Epidemiol. 1997;19(2):240-257.
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This study is comprehend the reality and characteristics of C.V.A. patients and to be helpful to its prevention and cure by resarching C.V.A. outpatient or inpatients who visited some of the oriental hospitals during three months from April 1 to June 30 1996 which are located in Taegu and Kungbuk Province, and concluded as follow: 1. The general characteristics of the subjects were: (1) 52.3% of the subjects were male. (2) In terms of age, 34.7% of them were in the sixties. (3) In terms of job, 28.5% of them were housewives(the highest percentage). (4) 77.6% of them had their spouses. (5) 67.2% of them were middle class. (6) In terms of educational background, 24.6% of them were literate of korean alphabets, and 23.4% were elemantary school gradurates. (7) 51.6% of them were outpatients. 2. 73.3% of the subjects experienced C.V.A. for the first time, and 23.1% were at recurrence, and 3.6% were chronic. 3. In terms of C.V.A. types, 49.8% of the subjects had cerebral hemorrhage, and 41.9% had cerebral infarction, and 8.3% had the others. In cerebral hemorrage, the percentage in "male, forties, job of sales service, unmarried, middle class, high educational background" were higher than the others respectively. And in cerebral infarction, the percentages in female, over seventies, official job, married, upper class were higher than the others respectively. 4. In terms of reasons of C.V.A. 49.5% of them were high blood pressure, and 24.2% were high stress, and 18.8% were overwork, and 4.0% were fatness, and 2.5% were heredity. In high blood pressure, the percentages in "high age, teacher, unmarried, lower class, low educa-tional background" were higher than the others respectively. 5. In terms of family members' C.V.A. , 56.7% of the subjects answered negatively, and 43.3% positively. In terms of the diseases which they had now except for C.V.A., 33.6% of them had hypertention, and 16.2% had diabetes, and 9.4% had neuralgia, and 4.0% had heart disease, and 16.6% had the otehrs, and 20.2% had no other disease. In heart disease, the percentages in "male, teachers, middlelower class, middle school graduates, inpatients" were higher than the others respectively. In neuralgia, the percentages in "fifties and sixties, housewives, spouse alive, upper class, literate of Korean alphabet" were higher than the others respectively. In terms of the diseases which they had now except for C.V.A., 33.6% of them had hypertension, and 16.2% had diabetes, and 9.4% had neuralgia, and 4.0% had heart diseases, the percentages in "fifties and sixties, housewives, spouse alive, upper class, literate of Korean alphabets" were higher than the others respectively. 6. In terms of the diseases which they had before C.V.A., 22.4% of them had hypertension, and 18.8% had diabetes, and 8.1% had heart diseases, and 11.2% had neuralgia and arthritis, and 7.8% had cancer, and 21.7% had the others. 7. In terms of exercise behaviors before C.V.A., 41.2% of them did nothing, and 58.8% did sometimes. 8. In terms of fatness level by self judgement, 36.1% of them thought "proper", and 41.1% thought themselves "fat(the highst percentage), and housewives(45.5%) thought themselves "fat". 9. In terms of favorite food, 50.2% of them liked meat, and 33.2% liked vegetables, and 13.0% liked fish. 10. In terms of fancy things of C.V.A. patients, 57.0% of them were non-smokers, and 53.1% were non-drinkers, and 55.2% disliked coffee. In smoking level, 16.6% of them smoked less than five pieces a day. In drinking, 18.0% of them drank half a glass of soju. In coffee, 25.3% of them drank a cup of coffee a day. 11. The level of satisfaction with C.V.A. patient-healing methods ; In medical therapy, 43.3% of C.V.A. patients thought it "usual", and 44.1% thought it "satisfactory" and 7.9% thought it "unsatis-factory". In acupunture and moxibustion 39.7% of the C.V.A. patients thought it "usual", and 53.0% thought it satisfactory" and 3.3% thought it "unsatisfactory". The level of satisfaction With Physiotherapy was average 61.7% and 4.0% was "unsatisfactory". From above statement, by considering those characteristics we should develop programs and materials to be health to the prevention and cure of C.V.A. and we should help hospitals and medical personnel families concerned to make use of them.
A Study on the Comparison of Disease Status between Foreign Patients and Korean Patients.
S Peter Kim, H Ruth Kim, Bong J Choi, Na mi Chun, Young Gun Ko
Korean J Epidemiol. 1997;19(2):231-239.
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The objective of this study is to identify any differences in disease status between foreign patients staying in Korea and Korean patients. The study results are : First, more foreign stayers than Korean in their 20's and 30's seek medical services but those after age of 60 show the opposite pattern. This difference seems to feflect cultural difference in the concept of medical services and health seeking behavior. Second, foreign pateints were much more frequently(almost threee times) diagnosed as having an acute disease, and the fact that the most common diseases were "diseases of the respiratory system" can suggest the seriousness of air pollution problem in Korea. And, the fact that foreign stayers, especially those from developed countries, tend to take more periodic general physical examina-tion indicated that their health maintenance efforts place emphasis on prevention. Foreign patients seek more medical services during the spring and summer time when compared to Korean patients, and Korean patients visited the clinic more frequently during the autum time. Also, the review of the number of outpatients seeking medical services and the average duration of outpatient follow-up mainten-ance after discharge suggest that foreigners suffer less severe diseases than Koreans do. Finally, in contrast to the usual practice of Koreans of coming to the center without prior calling for reservation, most foreign patients tend to make reservations before coming(usually a day before) in general. This is also reflective of cultural difference related to the way of utilizing medical services.
Using Mining Association Rules for the Dietary Assessment of Adults in Rural Area.
J E Shim, H Y Paik, W S Shin, K C Kim
Korean J Epidemiol. 1997;19(2):220-230.
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This study was performed to find out a nutrient which could be used as an index for a quick and easy dietary assessment using mining association rules, the automated and intelligent database analysis. A Dietary survey with 24 hour recall method was conducted to 2037 adults over 30 years of age in rural area of Korea. Daily nutrient intake as the percent of the Recommended Daily Allowances(RDA) was applied to the association rules and nutrient intake over 75% of RDA was considered enough intake. Association rules in nutrient database show relation-ships among nutrients, and they are statements as this form, "50% of person that take protein under 60% of RDA also take calcium." Applying these rules between nutrients over 75% of RDA with 25% level of minimum support, we found that protein, phosphorus, niacin had 7 association rules and association rules of protein had higher level of confidence than the others. Applying between nutrients below 60% of RDA, calcium and vitamin A had the highest number of association rules, however, the levels of confidence were low. Protein had 5 association rules, 2nd higher number, and the levels of confidence were higher than others. From these results protein indicated nutrient intake patterns better than energy did, which is generally used as a representative nutrient. This results could be used in the dietary assessment and nutrition education of korean adults in rural area.
A Time Series Analysis of the Death Rates and Rectangularization of the Survival Curve, 1970-2010.
Yong Gyu Park, Kyung Hwan Cho
Korean J Epidemiol. 1997;19(2):210-219.
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As the population of senior people has been increased rapidly during the past 30 years in Koera, the health policy and related research in this field are strongly demanded to manage various problems which can be derived from the gerontic phenomenon. We estimated the death rates up to 2010 using the annual mortality data published by the National Statistical Office from 1970 to 1995 by time series analysis and calculated the survival curves, life expectancy by life table method with modified Graville's formular and proposed several measures which can be used in describing the theory of retangularization of survival curves and compression of mortality hypothesis. According to the results, the relative and absolute rectangularization and the convergency of survival curves were observed, and all the Keyfitz's H, NH, SD, and CV decreased while the life expectancy increased in the period of 1970 to 2010. So we conclude that the hypothesis of mortality compression suggested by Fries explains the changing pattern of aged population in Korea very well.
Years of Life Lost(YLL) and Health Priority in Korea.
Joo Hon Sung
Korean J Epidemiol. 1997;19(2):200-209.
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A national burden of disease estimation enables priority setting in health policy, baseline and post hoc evaluation of public health service. But, lack of elementary statistics had kept it from having been fully appraised in Korea. Years of life lost(YLL) due to premature death of 1995 was estimated from National Death Certificate data. This study was launched as necessary step for assessing global burden of disease(GBD)which will include years lived with disability (YLD) and disabillity-adjusted life year(DALY).
National Death Certificate data in 1995 and 1991 were available with individual information. Diseases classification system suggested by GBD researchers were modified into 60 entities, reflecting death pattern in Korea. Some tropical, infectious, non-fatal conditions were combined and occupational injury category was newly defined. Potential years of life lost (PYLL) to 60-85 years by 5 years, death rate, standard expected years of life lost(SEYLL) were calculated according to new disease categories.
Cancer followed by traffic accident and Cardiovascular disease was the most important cause of PYLL and SEYLL by 24 categories classification, and traffic accident (TA) contributes by far the largest part of PYLL and SEYLL by 60 categories classification. SEYLL is thought to be a better single index for YLL, and 20 leading causes of SEYLL were calculated (by 60 categories). Such entities as self injury, leukemia, congenital anomaly, occupational injury among 20 leading causes showed discrepancy between relatively low death rate and larger YLLs.
TA, stomach, liver, lung cancers, cerebrovascular attacks, chronic liver diseases, cardiovascular diseases still shows high death rate and enormous YLLs. The importance of controling them cannot be over-emphasized. Diseases with larger YLLs and lower death rate should be reassessed and attentioned in view of public health promotion. This study could be a basis for health policy making and reference of further studies.
Distribution of House Dust Mites in the Bedroom of Patients with Allergic Rhinitis in Pusan Area.
Soon Ock Choi, Baik Kee Cho, Jung Soon Moon
Korean J Epidemiol. 1997;19(2):190-199.
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This study was conducted to investigate distribution of the house dust mites in the bedroom of allergic rhinitis patients in Pusan. From July to December 1995, 51 dust samples were drawn from the bedroom of the patients by using electronic vaccum cleaner. House dust mites were isolated from 50mg dust by applying the modified wet sieving method. The results were as follows: 1 Out of a total 49 dust samples(96.1%) were isolated house mites. 2 Total 977 mites were collected and identified the most prevalent house mites was Pyroglypidae mite with 92.2%. Among them D.pteronyssinus was predominant species. 3 In 1gm of the house dust, 100-499 mites were found in 17 samples(33.3%), more then 500 mites in 12 samples (23.6%). 4 The density of Pyoglypidae mite was close associated with the month. 5 The density of house dust mite was not affected by the type of house, region and the relative humidity of the bed room
Indigenous Malaria Surveillance in Korea.
Dae Seong Kim, Soon Duck Kim, Yong Tae Yum, Chae Seung Lim, Kab Ro Lee, Mi Sook Park, Bae Jung Yoon
Korean J Epidemiol. 1997;19(2):180-189.
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Malaria, one of the compulsory notifiable diseases, has been diappeared from Korea based on that fact no notification on malaria case was received from local health agencies during the last decade or so. Recently, Indigenous malaria has been re-emerged since 1993 and 549 cases was notificated till 1996. We conducted a surveillance system on the resurgent malaria outbreaks in the northern area of Kyonggi Province around the Imjin River. Malaria Surveillance Networks(MSNs) were established in Paju and Yoncheon between August 1996 and December 1996. When a febrile patient visits a clinic or a hospital, clinician takes a blood sample and refer to district malaria laboratory for the sample. The blood sample is examined in the malaria laboratory(public health center), and if malaria parasites are found, a radical or curative treatment is offered to patients. MSNs took 94 febrile cases and identified 23 malaria cases(24.5%). All malaria cases were infected by the indigenous vivax malaria. In Paju, 14 of 62 febrile cases(22.6%) were malaria outbreaks and 9 of 32 febrile cases(28.1%) in Yoncheon. In Korea resurgent malaria, malaria surveillance system should be operated for a program based on the district public health center with the coupled laboratory and dispensary.
Studies on Risk Factors in Cancers of the Breast, Uterine Cervix and Ovary.
Soon Wha Moon, Soo Yong Choi, Tae Yong Lee, Young Chae Chung
Korean J Epidemiol. 1997;19(2):161-179.
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This study presents the comparative pattern of risks for cancers of the breast, uterine cervix and ovary in relation to various risk factors based on the data from a case-control study conducted at the Korea Cancer Center Hospital in Seoul between August in 1996 and March in 1997. Included in the analysis were 128 women of breast cancer, 169 women of uterine cevical cancer and 45 of ovarian cancer confirmed by the historical diagnosis. Person interviews were conducted in all cases through standard questionnaire. Data were analyzed using multiple logistic regression, adjusting for potential confounding factors. In cancers of the uterine cervix and ovary, increasing risks were seen in earlier age at first menarch. Statistically significant associations were found with postmenopausal women in cancers of the breast(OR=2.0) and ovary(OR=8.5). The OR increased with late age at postmenopause in postmenopausal women of uterine cervical cancer(OR=7.0). Increasing number of pregnant and livebirths was associated with a higher risk of uterine cervical cancer(OR=2.7, 2.9). The risk of uterine cervical cancer was decreasing with increasing age at first birth(OR=0.2). Among postmenopausal women, the OR increased with BMI in breast cancer. A positive history of breastfeeding was associated with significantly lower risk of breast cancer(OR=0.4). There were no associations with anthropometric measurements(height, weight, BMI), smoking, alcohol intake, menstrual regularity, age at first marriage, number of marriage and induced abortion, and oral contraceptives in cancers of the breast, uterine cervix and ovary. In cancers of the breast and uterine cervix, decreasing risks were seen in intake of fresh fruits, carrot and cabbage.
Methodologic Considerations on the Cohort Study of Risk Factors of Stomach Cancer: On the Incompleteness of Case Ascertainment.
Moo Song Lee, Wee Chang Kang, Dong Hyun Kim, Jong Myun Bae, Myung Hee Shin, Young Jo Lee, Yoon Ok Ahn
Korean J Epidemiol. 1997;19(2):152-160.
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AND PURPOSE: The authors conducted the study to evaluate the incompleteness of follow-up as well as the validity of the diagnostic code in the medical insurance databases in a cohort study. They also suggested several useful regression models for the analysis of such incomplete data.
The subjects of Seoul Cohort(n=14,533) were followed up for three and a half years. Based on the chart reviews of the subjects who had the diagnostic code of gastric cancer in the medical insurance databases, forty-four cases of gastric cancer were idenfified, using cancer registry databases and death certificates as the secondary source. Regression coefficients and the associated p-values were estimated using the following six methods and the results were compared with each other. Method 1: The subjects with the diagnostic code in the medical insurance databases were considered as the cases of gastric cancer.
2: The confirmed cases were considered as the cases of gastric cancer. Method 3: The cases were the subjects with the diagnositc code whose diagnosis was confirmed by medical chart reriew. Method 4: Ordinal logistic regression.
5: Weighted logistic regression. Method 6: Polytomous logistic regression RESULTS: A total of 12,541 subjects were followed up excluding censored cases. One hundred and nine subjects were diagnosed with gastric cancer in the medical utilization databases: forty-three were probable cases whose dianosis was not confrimed by chart review, twenty-six were ruled out and 26 were confirmed cases. Another 14 cases were confirmed using the cancer registry and death certificates. Using the secondary sources, four another cases were confirmed and 44 cases were confirmed during follow-up. In method 1, past history of gastritis and gastric ulcer was significant risk factor whereas intake frequency of fresh vegetable, ice cream and coffee was associated with significantly decreased risk. In the second and the sixth method, green tea was a significant protective factor, whereas in methods 3-5, no significant variables were found.
Polytomous logistic regression was the preferred method in the cohort study using secondary sources of information for the follow-up, and it provided additional information for the risk factor identification, especially for the specificity of the risk factors.
Usefulness of Somatotype Drawing as an Instrument of Recalling Obesity in High School Girls.
Jong Myon Bae
Korean J Epidemiol. 1997;19(2):147-151.
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INTRODUCTION: The obesity is related to the chronic diseases of adults. The measurement of obesity level in adolescence is recommended by using Body Mass Index (BMI), but there is a possiblity of recall bias. S@rensen et al(1983) suggested the usefulness of somatotype drawing in measuring the past weight. The aim is to evaluate the usefulness of somatotype drawing as a instrument of recalling obesity in girls.
Study population were second-grade girl students in a high school. The questionnaire survey was done. The somatotype drawing used to assess body build in now, 2-year-ago, 4-year-ago, and 5-year-ago. The BMIs in each period were obtained from 'Annual Health Profile Records'(AHPR).
The means of height now and of weight now were 160.48cm and 54.66kg respectively in the 651 subjects so that the median of BMI now was 20.82. The scores of somatotype drawing increased according to higher BMI in all 4 periods. Spearman's correlation coefficients between score of somatotype drawing and BMI in now, 2-year-ago, 4-year-ago, and 5-year-ago were 0.71, 0.67, 0.65 and 0.63 respectively.
The instrument of somatotype drawing might be useful to measure the level of past obesity in girls.
The Relationship Between Cholesterol Level and Mortality in Korean Women.
Yun Mi Song, Joo Hon Sung, Jai Jun Byeon, Joung Soon Kim, Oh Young Park
Korean J Epidemiol. 1997;19(2):131-146.
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There were many efforts to evaluate the relationship between cholesterol and mortality. But almost all of them have been performed on male western people who have higher mean cholesterol concentration than oriental people and have different disease pattern from women's. So, upto now, the relationship of cholesterol to mortality in women with low cholesterol concentration was not well known. We carried out this study to investigate the relationship in Korea women whose mean cholesterol level was lower than that of western people and men.
Study subjects included in were 100,363 Korean women aged 30-65 years. They undertook multiphasic health examination provided by Korea Medical Insurance Corporation between March 1990 and July 1990, and had no history of cancer and no significant medical illnesses which could change blood cholesterol level. Study subjects were followed for 5.5 years until December 1995 and it was determined whether each subject was dead or alive using the mortality data from the Korea National Statistical office and the Korea Medical Insurance Corporation. Nonlinear ralationship between serum total cholesterol and mortality was investigated with the use of quadratic regression and with dummy variables using the 158-180mg/dl group as the comparison group. To analyzing the relationship between cholesterol concentra-tion and mortality with controlling for age, smoking, alcohol drinking, exercise, diastolic blood pressure, body mass index, pay level, Cox propor-tional hazard model was used.
During the follow-up period, there were 369 deaths. Mean cholesterol concentration of study subjects was 182.8mg/dl There was no significant association between serum cholesterol and total mortality, but women with cholesterol concentrations below 130mg/dl showed slightly increased risk of death(RR=1.20). Cholesterol had an inverse relationship with mortality from stroke, and women with cholesterol concentrations below 130mg/dl had higher risk of death from stroke(RR=3.28). Although there was no statistical significance,risk of mortality from hemorrhagic stroke in women with very low cholesterol concentration was markedly higher than in women with cholesterol concentrations above 130mg/dl. Mortality relationship with cholesterol. And women with cholesterol concentrations higher than 203mg/dl had abruply increased risk for death from ischemic heart disease.
Through this study, we could observe an inverse J shaped relationship between cholesterol concentration and mortality in Korean women. The increased risk of mortality from hemorrhagic stroke in people with very low cholesterol concentration supports the previous report which proposed low cholesterol level as a significant risk factor of hemorrhagic stroke. In spite of the lack of statistical signi-ficance, greately increased risk of mortality from ischemic heart disease in people with cholesterol higher than 203mg/dl suggests that cholesterol concentration at the upper end of distribution can be a significant risk factor of ischemic heart disease in women.
An Epidemiologic Investigation of Typhoid Fever Outbreak in Pusan, 1996.
Hai Rim Shin, Byung Seong Suh, Jue Bok Song, Duk Hee Lee, Meang Bok Lee, Jin Hyung Park, Man Su Kim, Young Hack Shin, Sang Won Lee, Hee Choul Ohrr
Korean J Epidemiol. 1997;19(2):122-130.
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An epidemiologic investigation was carried out to identify the source of infection of typhoid fever outbreak, which was occurred in Nam-Gu, Pusan city from April 20 to June 28, 1996. The distribution of 83 reported cases (55 confirmed cases and 28 suspected cases) by sex and age group showed that this epidemic would be occurred by the exposure to a common source with low toxic pathogen because 55.4% of cases were under 20 years old and most of the adults cases were female. The epidemic curve showed a unimodel curve with a peak on about 15 May and tailed down to 23 June, suggesting that the exposure was constant. These results supposed that the contamination of a public water supply would be the source of infection. The analysis of reported cases and population survey conducted to household members and community contacts living in the epidemic area, led the conclusion that the source of infection was tap water supplied through the Dae Youn pumping station, based on the following findings: (1) There were singificant differences of incidence rate among regions (Tong) even though in the same Dong and the spot map of incident cases distributed in accord with the water supply by Dae-Youn pumping station. (2) Among reported cases, 21 cases, including 17 confirmed cases, stated they had used only tap water. (3) The analysis of tap water from the house which had seven typhoid cases, revealed the contamination of E coli and the dilution of residual chlorinated concentration. (4) The outbreak of typhoid fever was stopped after the replacement of The worn-out pipe line of tap water supply to the new one.
Prevalence of Hepatitis C Virus Genotype in Pusan, Korea.
Hai Rim Shin, Jue Bok Song, Byung Seong Suh, In Sik Kim, Yun Young Huh, Kap Yeol Jung, Joon Youn Kim, In Hoo Kim, Jung Man Kim, Wo Won Shin, Hak Do Yang, Myung Kee Lee
Korean J Epidemiol. 1997;19(2):111-121.
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The authors investigated the distribution of Hepatitis C virus (HCV) genotype in blood donors with positive for anti-HCV (n=34), health check-up examiness with positive for anti-HCV (n=29), and in patients with various chronic liver disases positive for anti-HCV (n=63) in Pusan, Korea. HCV genotype was determined by using the molecular typing method through the reverse transcription - polymerase chain reaction (RT - PCR) with four type specific primers. Among 116 anti-HCV positive study subjects, 66.4% were positive HCV RNA by RT-PCR. The major HCV genotype was type II (31.9%) and it was followed by type III (27.6%). Two cases were type IV (1.7%). Double infection with two different HCV genotypes (mixed type) was found in three cases (2.6%). Three cases (2.6%) were not determined by the four type specific primers, it may have different subtype. Type II was more prevalent than type III in the blood donors and health check-up examinees, but the reverse was true in the chronic liver disease patients including hepatocellular carcinoma patients. Type II was more prevalent than type III among the anti-HCV positive subjects with risk factors such as acupuncture history, surgical operation history, and trans-fusion history. In contrast type III was more prevalent than type II among the subjects without the above risk factors. It is supposed that the pathogenicity of different kind of HCV genotype might be different. The results of this study suggest that the type II and type III may be the major CV genotype in Korea. The differences of HCV genotype distribution between the study groups support that the clinical significance according to the HCV genotype may be different.
A Cross-Sectional Study on Smoking and Tuberculosis Prevalence in Korea.
Kwang Ho Meng, Se Yong Lee, E G Park
Korean J Epidemiol. 1997;19(2):103-110.
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In Korea, National Tuberculosis Prevalence surveys have been regularly carried out in every 5 years since 1965 and the 7th one was done on March 27-June 10, 1995. In this 7th survey, three variables related to smoking(smoking experience, number of cigarettes the smokers consume a day, and the age they started smoking) were included in the survey form. This study is a result of an analysis of data on smoking and tuberculosis prevalence for males aged 20 and over to see how the smoking is associated with tuberculosis prevalence of the Korean adult males. It was found that the smoking prevalence of Korean adult males aged 20 and over was 60.8% and the tuberculosis prevalence of Korean adult males was 2.2%. In univariate analysis, tuberculosis prevalence was higher among current and ex-smokers(2.4%) than non-smokers(2.0%), eventhough the difference was not statistically significant. However, in multivariate stratification analysis controlling for age and living place, smoking variables were significantly or marginally associated with tuberculosis prevalence in some strata.
Segregation Analysis in Genetic Epidemiology.
Sun Ha Jee
Korean J Epidemiol. 1997;19(2):95-102.
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Genetic epidemiology is an emerging field with diverse interests, one that represents an important interaction between the two parent disciplines: genetics and epidemiology. Segregation analysis was originally designed to test whether or not an observed mixture of phenotypes among offspring is compatible with Mendelian inheritance. Over the years, segregation analysis has broadened to encompass, but the ultimate goal is the same: to test for compatibility with Mendelian expectations by estimating parameters of a given model of inheritance. Segregation analysis tests explicit models of inheritance on family data. The analytic strategy relies heavily on fitting genetic models, along with a few arbitrary nongenetic models, and selecting the model that best explains the data. While showing an adequate fit to a genetic model of inheritance in a single data set does not constitute proof that a trait or disease is in truth under genetic control, it may be considered strong statistical evidence. Even though segregation analysis has its limitations, it remains a powerful tool for identifying genetic mechanisms that may control traits associated with disease or contribute to disease risk.

Epidemiol Health : Epidemiology and Health