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Yun Hwan Lee 2 Articles
Comparisons of cholera bacilli positive and negative patients in symptoms and laboratory findings among 1991 cholera patients.
Hee Choul Ohrr, Sun Ha Jee, Kyu Sang Kim, Yun Hwan Lee
Korean J Epidemiol. 1996;18(2):713-181.
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Among 130 cholera patients treated in Seohae Hospital in 1991, 86 were cholera bacilli positive and remaining 44 were negative. All cholera bacilli 'positive' patients were confirmed bacteriologically by National Institute for Health team. Cholera related symptoms and laboratory findings were gathered by interviews and medical records surveys. Symptoms and some serological laboratory findings are compared between cholera bacilli 'positive' and 'negative' patients in 1991 cholera epidemic. Results are as follows: 1. There were no differences in symptoms distribution and in mean values of all serological laboratory tests done between two groups. These facts support that both cholera bacilli 'positive' and 'negative' patients are persons who have cholera bacilli infection. 2. The age distribution of the cholera bacilli 'negative' group tended to be much younger than that of 'positive' group. The infection source of this group is believed to be the environmental reservoir. This findings suggests that cholera bacilli 'negative' patients have the possibility of endemic characteristics. We think it is worth investigating Vibrio cholera antibody titers of people in area with frequent cholera epidemics in Korea.
Survey on HIV seropositives in Korea.
Young Keol Cho, Woong Soo Lee, Yun Hwan Lee, Duk Hyoung Lee, Kye In Ko, Yung Oh Shin
Korean J Epidemiol. 1991;13(1):23-32.
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A survey to evaluate the overall aspects concerning the life-style of HIV-infected persons was conducted on 48 out of 130 HIV(Human Immunodeficiency Virus) seropositives currently under continuous monitoring. Questionnaires consisted of 33 statements to assess seven areas : personal information, confidentiality, relationship with other people, economic problems, occupation, treatment and health, and knowledge about AIDS. The major results of the study are as follows : 1. The study population consisted of 43 males(90%) and 5 females(10%), mostly in their twenties. According to the marital status, 27 were single, 17 married, and 4 divorced. 2. Of the respondents, 79.2% were satisfied with confidentiality provided by the government and valued confidentiality above everything else. It was found that 65% relied on the current system of maintaining confidentiality. 3. Of the respondents, 30(63%) had no sexual intercourse following HIV infection and 18(37%) had sexual contact. Of the 18 persons who had sexual contact, 14(78%) always used condom, 3(17%) used it occasionally, and 1(6%) never used it. Education levels, age, marital status did not play a significant role in regard to condom use. 4. Persons to whom the respondents told about their HIV status were brother or sister(28%), parents(23%), spouse(21%), and friend(13%). Twenty-one (44%) did not tell anybody. The period of time the respondents knew of their infection status did not have significant influence on talking about their HIV status to others. 5. In response to questions concerning occupation and economy, 48% responded that they changed their job by their own choice and 63% answered that they had some economic difficulties. 6. Forty-eight percent responded that they had sufficient knowledge on AIDS and the most concerned issue was the subject on new treatment agents(54%).

Epidemiol Health : Epidemiology and Health