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Y.S. Shim 1 Article
Studies on cancer patients of cancer research hospital (II)
J.Y Kim, Y.K Shim, S.Y Choi, T.K Yun, K.B Park, T.W Kang, Y.K Kim, J.O Lee, H.J Ahn, Y.S. Shim, H.J Chang, K.H Lee, U.D Lee, S.H Soe, S.I Chin, J.J Chang
Korean J Epidemiol. 1983;5(1):102-117.
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This study was done on the basis of medical records registered in Cancer Research Hospital for 15 years from the year of 1963 to 1977. All the cancer patients were analyzed in order to obtain available data for future cancer researches. The ICD-O (WHO, 1976) was used for classification of histological types and anatomical sites of cancer. The results of this study were as follows; 1. The total number of the new patients was 106,271 Cases. Among them, patients with, malignant neoplasms were 24.1% and patients with benign neoplasms were 4.1%. The absolute number of malignant neoplasms showed gradual increase by year from 1963 to 1977, however the proportion of cancer patients among all new patients was decreased gradually during the same period. 2) The ratio of cancer patients in male and female was 1 to 1.16. The highest proportion of cancer patients in male and female was seen 55~64, 45~54 age group, rating 29.4, 32.0 percent respectively. The relative frequency of malignant neoplasms increased over 55 ages in male and female by year. 3) The most frequent malignant neoplasms among all cancer patients were stomach, liver, lung, larynx and lymph nodes in male, and cervix uteri, breast, stomach, thyroid gland and liver in female. Integrating various data published by others in Korea, the most frequent primary sites would be stomach in male and cervix uteri in female. 4) 69.5 percent of malignant neoplasams were diagnosed by histological examination. However, there is no autopsy with concurrent or previous history which is the most valid basis of diagnosis of cancer. The proportion of histological examination was decreased whereas the proportion of clinical investigation was increased. The most frequent histological types of the selected malignant neoplasms were adenocarcinoma in stomach, squamous cell carcinoma in cervix uteri and infiltrating duct carcinoma in breast. 5) The proportion of cancer patients who visited CRH without any diagnosis and/or treatment in other institutions was increased by year, whereas that of patients who visted after treating in other institutions was decreased. 6) Among the cases initially diagnosed and/or treated in this hospital, the proportion of malignant neoplasms by the disease was 0.8 per cent for carcinoma-in-situ cases, 60.6% for localized cases, 7.5 percent for regional lymph nodes and 6.9 percent for distant metastasis cases. 7) The highest proportion of the initial treatment method was 49.8% in radiation therapy alone. Among all the cases confirmed malignant neoplasms in CRH, 36.9 percent of the patients never come back to the institute. 8) The proportion of cancer patients traced to death was 3.3 percent out of 610.

Epidemiol Health : Epidemiology and Health