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Won Hee Rhee 1 Article
A review study of cerebrovascular diseases in Korea
Won Hee Rhee, Joung Soon Kim
Korean J Epidemiol. 1981;3(1):1-22.
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Cerebrovascular diseases in Korea is an important health problem since mortality and mobidity have been increasing rapidly. Cerebrovascular diseases marked the 1st rank of cause specific death rate in 1979. The objective of this review study is to understand epidemiologic characteristics of this disease so as to provide necessary information for preventive measures. The results are summarized as followings: 1. The C.V.D became the 1st rank of death causes in 1979's from 3rd in 1953’s. 2. C.V.D specific death rate per 100,000 population was 19.6 for both sexs in 1958-1959 death certificate study, whereas it was 93.7 for both sexes in 1979 death certificate data. 3. The secular trends of C.V.D death rate showed gradual increase for all age groups. Specific death rate in male was higher than that in female. 4. Prevalence rate of stroke per 100,000 population was 193.7 in 1979 Seoul community study, whereas it was 159.7 in Kang-Wha county study. In Kang Whacounty incidence rate of stroke was 254, death rate 195 per 100,000, and fatality rate per year was 65.8%. 5. Most of the morbidity data were hospital materials analysed only numerators with out even control groups. Relative frequencies of pathologic types in C.V.D. were as follows: Cerebral Hemorrhage ranged from 31.0% to 70.2%, Cerebral Thrombosis 11.9%-46.0%, Subarachroidal Hemorrhage 4.1%-28.0%, Cerebral Embolism 1.6%-9.7%. 6. Sex ratio of C.V.D patient ranged from 0.9:1 to 2.3:1. 7. Major symptoms and signs at the time of onset were motor-paralysis, motor-paresis, headache, nausea & vomiting, dysarthria, and coma. 8. Abnormal findings of E.C.G among C.V.D patients ranged from 77.4% to 92.1%, above Grade II fundoscopic finding ranged 48.4%-74.6%, and bloody cerebrospinal fluid finding ranged 36.3%-59.4%. 9. Fatality rate of C.V.D by pathologic types during admission was : Cerebral Hemorrhage ranged from 18.8% to 73.2%, Cerebral Thrombosis ranged 3.9%-15.6%, Subarachnoidal Hemorrhage ranged 6.4%-50.0%, Cerebral Embolism 7.1%-75.0%. 10. Survival periods for fatal cases of C.V.D were 47.0% within 24hrs, 66.2% within 2-3 days and 90.3% within 1 week respectively. 11. Major contributing factors for occurrence of C.V.D studied by various workers were mental and physical stresses at the time of onset, and related to the presence of hypertension. Cerebrovascular accident was found to be the most frequent cause of death among hypertensive patients. 12. It was found that further necessary information for effective preventive measures will be; 1) mortality and morbidity based on population study 2) data on naturae history of C.V.D by well designed epidemiologic study 3) data from registration of C.V.D.

Epidemiol Health : Epidemiology and Health