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Wha Ki Hong 1 Article
A literature review study on accidents in Korea
Wha Ki Hong
Korean J Epidemiol. 1985;7(2):299-318.
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There has been a significant decline of infectious disease due to an improvement in economic situation, living standard and medicine. But Accidents have rather increased and become a major cause of death. This study attempts to identify the epidemiologic characteristics of accidents in Korea. Basic information on the magnitude and incidence of various kinds of accidents was collected in order to be of use for the epidemiologic research and prevention of accidents. Specifically, patterns and causes of accidents which occurred in Korea during the period from 1960 to 1984 were investigated. One hundred and thirty-six articles and statistics published since 1960 were carefully reviewed. Some important features obtained are as follows: Injury and poisoning due to accidents have become the leading death cause recently. Forty to fifty per cents of all patients who visited emergency room had suffered accidents. The most frequent accident type was traffic accident in male, and poisoning in female. Among accident patients in emergency room, there were more male patients than female patients(sex ratio> 1.0) and more patients in the age group of 1~4 years than any other age levels. Since the hospital materials analysed only numerators and the validity of study materials have not been tested, this study gives no conclusive results about such important epidemologic factors as incidence, risk factors, and natural history of accidents.

Epidemiol Health : Epidemiology and Health