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Tae Young Chang 1 Article
Analysis of factors affecting diagnosis and treatment of nasal allergy
Young Moon Chae, In Yong Park, Seung Kyu Chung, Tae Young Chang
Korean J Epidemiol. 1989;11(1):87-97.
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Diagnostic procedures for nasal allergy consist of detailed history taking, anterior rhinoscopic examination, and skin test for specific allergen extracts. However, these procedures, often give conflicting results, and therefore, there is a need to determine a more consistent way to diagnose nasal allergy. While there have been many studies on the diagnosis of nasal allergy, they have largely been carried out with emphasis on the clinical side, rather than the epidemiologic side. The purpose of this study was to identify important factors affecting the diagnosis of nasal allergy using epidemiological and statistical methods. The results were as follows: 1. Factor analysis on four categories of patient characteristics showed that five factors were identified from the symptom category(explains 58.9% of the total variance); two factors were identified from the severity category(explains 58.5% of the total variance); nine factors were identified from the general characteristics category(explains 50.2% of the total variance); and seven factors were identified from the allergen specific characteristics category(explains 64.9% of the total variance). 2. Discriminant analysis, which was performed to identify important factors affecting the diagnosis of nasal allergy, showed that the factors form the symptoms and allergen specific characteristics categories produced the best results with the correct prediction rate of 90.2%. 3. Discriminant analysis which was also performed to identify important factors affecting the treatment of nasal allergy and showed that the factors from the symptoms, general characteristics, and allergen specific characteristics categories produced the best results with the correct prediction rate of 78.5%.

Epidemiol Health : Epidemiology and Health