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Sujung Kim 1 Article
Test-retest Reliability of a Self-Administered Smoking Questionnaire for Middle and High School Students.
Sun Ha Jee, Ji Eun Yoon, Soyoung Won, Sujung Kim, Il Suh
Korean J Epidemiol. 2003;25(1):16-23.
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Since 1988, the annual or biannual survey was conducted by Korean Association of Smoking and Health (KASH) to examine the smoking rate, knowledge and attitude on smoking of students attending middle and high school in Korea. The objective of this study was to investigate the test-retest reliability of self-administered smoking questionnaire for Korean middle and high school students.
For the test-retest study, we sampled 30 school among 106 schools which participated in annual survey on June of 2002. Among 30 schools, 26 schools (86.7%) were responded for this study.
1) For the subjects of 1st and 2nd surveys, there were no difference on smoking related variable including attitude, knowledge, perceived health status, father's smoking status, friend's smoking status, willingness to smoke, and readiness to quit smoking 2) For middle school students among male, current smoking rates were 3.5% for 1st survey and 3.0% for 2nd survey, which was statistically no significant. For high school students, however, current smoking rate of 1st survey was higher (21.1%) than that of 2nd (18.2%), although the rate was not significantly differed. 3) For middle school students among female, current smoking rates were 1.1% for 1st survey and 3.3% for 2nd survey, which was statistically no significant. Corresponding rate for high school students were 9.8% and 11.4%, respectively.
The results indicated that smoking questionnaire has been conducted by KASH is reliable for use in estimation for prevalence of smoking for middle and high school students.

Epidemiol Health : Epidemiology and Health