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Sug Yeong Lee 1 Article
A case-control study on the relationship between anemia and dietary factors among middle school children
Sug Yeong Lee, Joung Soon Kim
Korean J Epidemiol. 1985;7(1):106-124.
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This case-control study was carried out on anemia group (≤31% of Hct) and healthy control group (≥40% for male, ≥37% for female) selected from the middle school pupils in Korea as a part of the research “Physical and Mental Development of Korean Children in Relation to Family Formation Pattern” from march to July 1984. The objective of this study was to pursue risk factors of the anemia by estimating ∅(odds ratio), and by the dose-response relationship between major factors and ∅(estimated odds ratio), and by identifying the important variables through pear-son's correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis on the variables which have been considered to effect on Hct value directly or indirectly. In this study, 47 pupils in case group were match with 94 students in control group. The matched variables were age, sex and school. The results summarized are as followings; 1) In comparison of two groups for the variables, such as the economic status, MB score, FD score, iron, vitamin A, thiamin, vitamin B12 and pantothenic acid, showed statistical significant difference, whereas the other variables revealed no difference between the case and control group. 2) Among the variables that showed statistical association with anemia, MB score, FD score, irno, protein, folate, vitamin B12, vitamin A also showed a significant dose-response relationship with the estimated relative risk ratio when the socioeconomic status was controlled. Therefore, anemia in this study group was largely due to iron-deficiency, folate and vitamin BI2 deficiency. 3) In addition, it was identified that iron was the most significant variable influencing Hct value directly, and food behavior and socioeconomic status influencing Hct value indirectly according to multiple regression analysis. —This study was partially supported by WHO, Special Programme of Research in Human Reproduction.—

Epidemiol Health : Epidemiology and Health