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Myung Sook Lee 1 Article
A study on the behavioral determinants of compliance with health screening of some urban people
Hyun Chang Moon, Yong Tae Yum, Myung Sook Lee
Korean J Epidemiol. 1990;12(2):184-190.
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The government has implemented primary health service programs in several target areas of Seoul. One of them was established in Guro 6 Dong for which Korea University provided consultant services. This research was conducted to explore preventive health behavior which was one of the special programs performed in Guro Project. The data were collected by conducting free health screening examinations for married women and interviews with 688 participants and 429 non-participants on motives for participation and reasons of non-participation. The survey included the evaluation of behavioral determinants such as health concerns, benefits, barriers and of others. The results were as follows. 1. Majority of participants (74.4%) expressed that confirmation of their good health was the reason for participating in the health screening program. These people had no subjective symptoms. 2. Majority of nonparticipants gave lack of free time as their reason for nonparticipation in the health screening program. Among these people, 78.1% had no known symptoms and 14.0% complained of some ill health. 3. As a part of preventive health action, health belief study was carried out to reveal that both of health concern and benefit components were higher in participants as well as the barrier of hospital time, barriers of hospital cost and procedure components of barriers.

Epidemiol Health : Epidemiology and Health