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Kyung Kyoon Chung 1 Article
Quality of life and cardiovascular diseases in F.R. Germany: a social epidemiological study on life satisfaction behavior.
De Hi Kim, Kyung Kyoon Chung
Korean J Epidemiol. 1991;13(2):204-214.
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Seven variables of Life Satisfaction Index are as follows: work situation, living situation, financial situation, free time, health, familiar (family) situation, and relation to friends. Each variable takes the face scale of 1 through 7 points. The linear equation of the life satisfaction factor is as follows : FSz = (0.22095) * XS1Z + (0.21162) * XS2Z + (021152) * XS3Z + (0.19820) * XS4Z (0.16394) * XS5z + (0.23220) * XS6Z - (0.23366) *XS7Z FSz : Factor score in case z ; XSiZ : Standardized score of variable i in case z. The Standardized "London School of Hygiene Cardiovascular Questionnaire" (symptom questionnaire) was used in order to discriminate the angina pectoris group from the no angina pectoris group, to distinguish the angina grade 1 group from the angina grade 2 group, and to tell the possible infarction group from the no infarction group. The results of the study are as follows : 1) There is a significant difference between the possible infarction group and the no infarction group in every life satisfaction variable. (p<0.001) 2) There is a significant difference between the angina pectoris group and the no angina pectoris group in every life satisfaction variable. (p<0.001 ; p<0.05) 3) There is a significant difference between the angina pectoris grade 1 group and the angina pectoris grade 2 group in every life satisfaction variable. (p<0.001 : p<0.05) 4) There is a significant difference between the possible infarction group and the no infarction group in life satisfaction factor. (p<0.001) 5) There is a significant difference between the angina pectoris group and the no angina pectoris group in life satisfaction factor. (p<0.05) 6) There is a significant difference between the angina pectoris grade 1 group and the angina pectoris grade 2 group in life satisfaction factor. (p<0.001)

Epidemiol Health : Epidemiology and Health