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Kirang Kim 4 Articles
Profiling the socioeconomic characteristics, dietary intake, and health status of Korean older adults for nutrition plan customization: a comparison of principal component, factor, and cluster analyses
Kyungsook Woo, Kirang Kim
Epidemiol Health. 2024;46:e2024043.   Published online April 12, 2024
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This study was conducted to establish profiles of socioeconomic characteristics, dietary intake, and health status among Korean older adults by employing 3 multivariate analysis techniques.
Data were obtained from 1,352 adults aged 65 years and older who participated in the 2019 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Principal component analysis (PCA), factor analysis (FA), and cluster analysis (CA) were utilized for profiling, with data preprocessing undertaken to facilitate these approaches.
PCA, FA, and CA yielded similar results, reflecting the high common variance among the variables. PCA identified 4 components, accounting for 71.6% of the accumulated variance. FA revealed 5 factors, displaying a Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin value of 0.51 and explaining 74.3% of the total variance. Finally, CA grouped the participants into 4 clusters (R2=0.465). Both PCA and FA identified dietary intake (energy, protein, carbohydrate, etc.), social support from family (incorporating family structure, number of family numbers, and engagement in social eating), and health status (encompassing oral, physical, and subjective health) as key factors. CA classified Korean older adults into 4 distinct typologies, with significant differences observed in dietary intake, health status, and household income (p<0.01).
The study utilized PCA, FA, and CA to analyze profiling domains and derive characteristics of older adults in Korea, followed by a comparison of the results. The variables defining the clusters in CA were consistent with those identified by PCA and FA.
Korean summary
동일한 데이터셋을 사용하여 PCA, FA, CA를 이용한 프로파일링 분석이 한국의 노인들을 특성화하고 분류하기 위해 수행되었습니다. 분석 결과, 세 가지 기법은 한국 노인들의 특성에서 유사한 패턴을 보였습니다.
Key Message
Profiling analysis using PCA, FA, and CA was performed to characterize and classify older adults in Korea on the same dataset. As a result of the analysis, the three techniques showed similar patterns in the characteristics of Korean older adults.
Food literacy and its relationship with food intake: a comparison between adults and older adults using 2021 Seoul Food Survey data
Seulgi Lee, Sohyun Park, Kirang Kim
Epidemiol Health. 2023;45:e2023062.   Published online July 3, 2023
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  • 1 Web of Science
  • 2 Crossref
AbstractAbstract AbstractSummary PDF
This study was conducted to examine the differences in food literacy between adults and older adults and the association of food literacy with food group intake.
In total, 4,039 participants from the 2021 Survey for Food Consumption in Seoul were included in this study. The intake of whole grains, high-protein foods, total vegetables, vegetables excluding kimchi and pickles, fresh fruits, and milk and dairy products was assessed using a simple food frequency questionnaire. Food literacy was measured using a food literacy measurement questionnaire.
With the exception of milk and dairy, adults had a significantly higher proportion of insufficient food intake than older adults (p<0.001). Both adults and older adults with sufficient food group consumption had higher food literacy scores. Notably, the difference in food literacy scores by level of food intake was highest for fresh fruits (p<0.001). After adjusting for confounding factors affecting food literacy scores, a higher score was associated with a lower probability of having insufficient food intake in all food groups for both adults and older adults. Specifically, those in the highest food literacy score quartile were less likely to have insufficient intake of vegetables (odds ratio [OR], 0.35; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.28 to 0.43) and fresh fruits (OR, 0.32; 95% CI, 0.24 to 0.43), compared to the lowest quartile.
Improving food literacy is an important factor for promoting healthy food intake in older adults as well as adults. Therefore, it is necessary to develop intervention programs to work toward this goal.
Korean summary
건강정보 이해능력(health literacy)은 노인에서 만성질환이나 인지능력과의 관련성이 보고되고 있으나 영양정보 이해능력(food literacy)에 대한 연구는 미비하다. 급변하는 식이 환경에서 식사 및 영양과 관련된 정보를 올바르게 이해하고 판단할 수 있는 영양정보 이해능력은 노인성 질환 예방에 중요하다. 본 연구에서 영양정보 이해능력과 식품군 섭취와의 상관성을 분석한 결과 영양정보 이해능력이 높은 노인이 건강한 식품 섭취 부족 위험이 낮았다. 특히 과일 섭취 부족 위험은 영양정보 이해능력이 높은 노인에서 뚜렷하게 낮았다. 국내 영양정보 이해능력 연구는 초기 단계로 주로 성인 대상으로 연구가 이루어져서 본 연구에서의 결과는 그 의의가 크며, 영양정보 이해능력 향상은 성인과 마찬가지로 노인에서도 건강한 식품 섭취를 위한 중요한 요인으로서 이를 위한 프로그램 개발이 필요할 것으로 사료된다.
Key Message
The study on food literacy among older adults in Korea is significant as previous research has mostly focused on adults. The results showed that older adults with higher food literacy score had lower risk of insufficient food intake as compared with those with lower food literacy score. Specifically, the risk of insufficient fresh fruits intake was the lowest among older adults with higher food literacy score. Therefore, improving food literacy is an important factor for promoting healthy food consumption among older adults.


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The Current Status and the Perspectives of Nutrition Survey.
Mi Kyung Kim, Kirang Kim, Cho Il Kim, Kyungwon Oh, Yoo Jin Oh, Bo Youl Choi
Korean J Epidemiol. 2007;29(2):111-128.
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The Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey is a nationwide health survey in Korea. This survey is composed of three parts: the Health Interview Survey, the Health Examination Survey, and the Nutrition Survey. The aim of this study was to refine the nutrition survey system in the Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES). Based on the literature review, we summarized international survey systems and the limitations of the current system in Korea and proposed an improved system. We suggested the following: 1) A government agency which will be exclusively responsible for KNHANES overall is needed. 2) The current short-term nutrition survey should be a year-round survey. 3) The objectives of this survey should be written with more clarity and detail. 4) Biochemical measures in relation to nutritional status should be added. 5) The budget to set up various databases in the nutrition survey should be increased. 6) Various other issues should be addressed, including the definition of raw data (i.e., whether nutrient intake data per day is raw data), ethical issues in survey techniques, and strategies to produce evidence for the public using this survey data. Not all suggestions could be adopted in the short-term, but should be integrated into long-term goals for survey system improvement.
The Effect of Anthropometric Change on Blood Lipids in Adolescents in Rural Area of Korea.
Kyeong Soo Cheon, Myoung Hee Kim, Kirang Kim, Mi Kyung Kim, Young Jeon Shin, Bo Youl Choi
Korean J Epidemiol. 2002;24(1):17-28.
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Primary prevention of atherosclerosis is important for reducing morbidity and mortality from cardiovascular disease. As modifiable risk factors for atherosclerosis which appears and progresses in early life, obesity and hyperlipidemia are related with each other. Especially hyperlipidemia during adolescent period is closely related to cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in later life, but the association between anthropometric changes in growth period and lipids level in adolescence is not known yet. Therefore we investigated the effect of anthropometric changes in growth period on adolescent lipids level among 615 high school students in rural area of Korea. The study results were as the followings; In childhood, the weight and the height of boys didn't differ from those of girls, however, began to exceed them at 14 and 15 years old respectively. The body mass index(BMI) of both genders was appeared to increase with age. The BMI increase of girls was greater than that of boys from twelve years of age. The BMI slope (annual average increment of BMI; coefficient of regression line) of girls was greater than that of boys(t-test, p<0.01). The proportion of high obesity tracking group was 13.1%(82 persons). In multivariate analysis, total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol were positively correlated with obesity tracking in boys; BMI slope and BMI at 7 years old in girls. The HDL-cholesterol didn't show any significant association with those factors. The triglyceride was related to BMI slope and obesity tracking in boy, but nothing in girls. In this study, the obesity at 7 years old, the BMI slope, and the obesity tracking are associated with adolescent serum lipid level. For primary prevention of cardiovascular disease, it is needed to develop more active prevention or health promotion program for children and adolesecents in Korea.

Epidemiol Health : Epidemiology and Health