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Jin Wouk Jeong 1 Article
Relation of long-term weight change to risk factors for coronary artery disease.
Sung Kook Lee, Byung Yeol Chun, Kyung Min Park, Yun Kyeong Rho, Jin Wouk Jeong, Min Hae Yeh
Korean J Epidemiol. ;15(2):132-148.
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This study was conducted to examine the relation of long-term weight change to the risk factors for coronary artery idsease. The study subjects included 592 healthy male workers in a steel company in Kyungpook province who were employed between 1971 and 1978 and whose age was between 23 and 29 years old at the time of employment. In this study, healthy worker was defined as a man with normal body weight (90%≤ideal body weight<110%), [ideal body weight=(individual height in cm-100)x0.9], no sugar no protein in urine, (m and) systolic blood pressure (SBP)<140mmHg and diastolic blood pressure (DBF)<90mmHg. Between July 2 and September 30, 1992, all of the study subjects were tested for serum lipid [cholesterol (TC), triglyceride (TG),and HDL-cholesterol (HDL-C)] and uric acid with 10ml fasting blood, and height, weight and blood pressure were measured. A questionnaie was administered for life style, behavioral pattern and demographic characteristics. The study subjects were classified by their long-term weight change into four group;weight lost group(W.L.G., N=40), weight stable group (W.S.G., N=257), mild weight gain group (M.W.G.G., N=127)f severe weight gain group (S.W.G.G., N=168). The average age (SD) of the study subjects was 45.66(3.93) years. Proportions of the workers with shortness of breath and palpitation were significantly increased with weight increment. Weight increment was positively associated with SBP (p<0.001), DBP (p<0.001), TG (p<0. 001), atherosclerosis index (AI) (p<0.01) and uric acid(p<0.001), whereas negatively associated with HDL-C (p<0.001). Odds ratios (OR) of the S.W.G.G to the W.S.G. for shortness of breath (OR=2.41), palpitation (OR=2.68), SBP(OR=2.31), DBP(OR=2.18), TG(OR=4.11), HDL-C(OR=1.86), AI(OR=2.19) and uric acid(OR=3.39) were significantly greater than 1. On the other hand, ORs of the W.L.G. to the W.S.G. for HDL-C (OR=0.26), AI(OR=0.47) were significantly smaller than 1. Weight change showed significant effect on short ness of breath, palpitation, SBP. DBP, TG, HDL-C, AI and uric acid when the effects of other variables [weight change (raw data), age, drinking and smoking habits, exercise and behavior pattern] were controlled by the stepwise logistic regression analysis. For those significant fisk factors and symptoms, ORs of each weight change group in reference to the W.S.G (dummy variable) were calculated by logistic regression method. ORs of the W.L.G. for HDL-C (OR=0.26) and AI(OR=0.37) were significantly smaller than 1. ORs of the M.W.G.G. for all the risk factors and symptoms were not significant, and ORs of the S.W.G.G. for shortness of breath (OR=1.75),palitation(OR=2.05), SBP(OR=2.53), DBP(OR=2.41), TG(OR=2.81), HDL-C (OR=2.28), AI(OR=2.16) and uric acid (OR=2.20) were significantly greater than 1.

Epidemiol Health : Epidemiology and Health