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Hamid A. Elmutashi 1 Article
Two cases of cholera O1 in South Batinah, Oman, April 2019: lessons learned
Zayid K. Al Mayahi, Nasser Al-Shaqsi, Hamid A. Elmutashi, Ali Al-Dhoyani, Azza Al Hattali, Khalid Salim, Issa S. Al Fulaiti, Mahmood S. Al Subhi
Epidemiol Health. 2019;41:e2019033.   Published online July 12, 2019
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Cholera represents an ongoing threat to many low-income and middle-income countries, but some cases of cholera even occur in high-income countries. Therefore, to prevent or combat cholera outbreaks, it is necessary to maintain the capacity to rapidly detect cholera cases, implement infection control measures, and improve general hygiene in terms of the environment, water, and food. The 2 cases, 1 imported and 1 secondary, described herein are broadly indicative of areas that require improvement. These cases were missed at the primary health care stage, which should be the first detection point even for unusual diseases such as cholera, and the absence of strict infection control practices at the primary care level is believed to contribute to secondary cases of infection. This report also encourages countries to ensure that rapid diagnostic stool tests are available to enable quick detection, as well as to provide information to people travelling to areas where cholera is endemic.


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Epidemiol Health : Epidemiology and Health