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Chang Up Park 1 Article
A follow-up study of a community hypertension control program in a Korean rural area (I)
Ki Soon Kim, Chang Up Park, Haeng Hoon Lee, Sung Ok Chung
Korean J Epidemiol. 1981;3(1):45-54.
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For Hypertension patients registered in Yongjin Community Hypertension Control Program from Nov. 1979 until Oct. 1980, a follow-up investigation on treatment rate, change of blood pressure, incidence of stroke and case fatality rate during last one year was conducted. The Results were as follows: 1. Total number of patients registered in Yongjin Community Hypertension Control Program until Oct. 1981 was 324, 7.2% of target population 30 years or above in age. 2. Before registration 46.3% of registered knew that they were hypertensive and 64% among those who knew that they were hypertensive were not treated for their hypertension. 3. Eighty six percent of registered contacted with a team member of Yongjin Community Hypertension Control Program, but 27% sought medical care from the team for the disease during last one year. 4. Those who have diastolic hypertension sought mdhical care more frequently among hypertensive patents and those who have subjective symptoms due to hypertension sought the care twice as much double rate of treatment than those who didn’t have subjective symptoms. 5. Mean blood pressure at rescreening during Nov. 1981 was slightly lower than mean blood pressure at registration time, but the difference was not significant statistically. 6. The mean blood pressure of both groups illiterates and literate hypertensive patients decreased at rescreening time in the same degree. 7. Incidence rate of stroke among registered hypertensives was 7.2% and case fatality rate due to stroke was 68.4% during last one year. 8. Mean blood pressure of those who experienced stroke was significantly higher than those of who didn’t have experience of stroke, and 25% among those who have 160/95 mmHg or above blood pressure experienced stroke already or died of stroke.

Epidemiol Health : Epidemiology and Health