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Byung Yeol Chun 13 Articles
Relationship between serum gamma-glutamyltransferase and metabolic syndrome among Korean non-diabetic adults.
Wee Hyun Park, Shung Chull Chae, Byung Yeol Chun, Kyung Eun Lee, Bo Wan Kim, Jung Guk Kim, Ji Seun Lim, Sun Kyun Park
Korean J Epidemiol. 2008;30(2):206-215.   Published online December 31, 2008
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This study was conducted to investigate the association of gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT) with metabolic syndrome among non-diabetic adults.
This study was conducted in a rural area, South Korea from August, 2003 to November, 2003. The study subjects were 1,023 sampled persons aged from 40 years and older (male 377, female 646). We analyzed the association between GGT with metabolic syndrome by multiple logistic regression analysis using SAS 9.1 version.
The prevalence of metabolic syndrome in this study was 28.8%. The prevalence of metabolic syndrome was increased by quartiles of serum GGT level (P for trend <0.05). The prevalence of metabolic alterations fitting the criteria of the metabolic syndrome by quartiles of serum GGT level were almost significantly increased except for the criterion of low high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol with adjustment for age and alcohol intake. Among 5 components of metabolic syndrome, the criterion of high serum triglyceride was most powerfully associated with serum GGT level in both gender.
This study shows that serum GGT level was significantly associated with metabolic syndrome even after excluding diabetic adults.


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  • Relations between Normal Serum Gamma-glutamyltransferase and Risk Factors of Coronary Heart Diseases according to Age and Gender
    Se Young Kwon, Young Ak Na
    Korean Journal of Clinical Laboratory Science.2016; 48(1): 22.     CrossRef
  • The Association between Serum Gamma-glutamyltransferase within Normal Range and Risk Factors of Cardiovascular Diseases: Based on the Framingham Risk Score
    Hae-Jin Ko, Chang-Su Choi, Chang-Ho Youn, Duk-Hee Lee, Sung-Guk Lee
    The Korean Journal of Obesity.2013; 22(1): 21.     CrossRef
  • Letter: The Association between Serum Gamma-glutamyltransferase within Normal Range and Risk Factors of Cardiovascular Diseases: Based on the Framingham Risk Score (Korean J Obes Vol.22 No.1 2013)
    Hye Jin Yoo
    The Korean Journal of Obesity.2013; 22(4): 259.     CrossRef
Annual average cancer incidence and trend of cancer incidence in Daegu for 5 years, 1997~2001.
Byung Yeol Chun, Jin Hoon Yang, Jung Hup Song, Ji Seun Lim
Korean J Epidemiol. 2007;29(1):59-69.
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This study is conducted to identify the annual average cancer incidence and the trend of cancer incidence in Daegu during the 5-year period from 1997 to 2001.
Data on newly diagnosed cancer patients from 1997 to 2001 were collected with a standard registration form. Medical record reviewers visited hospitals if necessary, to detect missing cancer patients.
The annual average overall number of cancer patient was 4,606 (male 2,529 and female 2,077). The crude average annual incidence of cancer in male were 211.8 (ASR 251.4) and 169.8 (ASR 151.3) in female. Five major cancers in male were stomach (ASR 60.3), bronchus and lung (ASR 44.8), liver and intrahepatic bile ducts (ASR 40.7), rectum (ASR 11.2), and colon (ASR 10.8). However, in women, those were stomach (ASR 25.3), breast (ASR 19.8), cervix (ASR 14.9), bronchus and lung (ASR 12.7), liver and intrahepatic bile ducts (ASR 11.1). Increases in incidence were found for colon cancer for both sexes, rectal cancer for males, and lung and breast cancer for females. Decreases were shown for liver cancer for both sexes and stomach and cervical cancer for females.
Primary prevention of cancer based on results of this study remains important.
The Prevalence Rate of Fatty Liver and Its Risk Factors of Adult Women in a Rural Area.
June Young Suh, Byung Yeol Chun, Hee Jung Yoon, Kyung Eun Lee, Sam Soon Lee
Korean J Epidemiol. 2003;25(2):100-107.
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To investigate the prevalence rate of fatty liver disease and its related factors of women in rural area.
Seven hundreds and fifty four adult females (above age 30) at eleven Community Health Centers in Koryung County were recruited from 3 March 2001 to 30 May 2001. Abdominal ultrasonography, height, weight, and blood pressure were measured. A questionnaire interviewing method was used to collect life style data.
The prevalence of fatty liver disease was 13.4%. By simple analysis, age(p<0.05), diabetes mellitus(p<0.01), salt intake(p<0.05), and obesity (p<0.01) were significantly associated with fatty liver disease. In multiple logistic regression analysis, the risk for fatty liver in above 50 age group was 2.7 (95% CI: 1.25-5.99) times higher than that in 30-49 age group, overweight was 10.3 (95% CI: 5.26-19.99) times higher than normal group, 3.9 times (95% CI: 1.84-8.38) higher in person with diabetes mellitus than those without and the risk of current drinkers was 2.0 times (95% CI: 1.03-3.85) higher than non-drinkers.
Above findings suggested that risk factors significantly related with fatty liver were age, BMI, diabetes mellitus, and drinking in adult women.
Stress and Cardiovascular Disease.
Byung Yeol Chun
Korean J Epidemiol. 2002;24(2):131-136.
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Stress is a newly recognized risk factor that appears to contribute to all recognized mechanisms underlying cardiac events, specifically, by clustering of traditional cardiovascular risk factors, endothelial dysfunction, myocardial ischemia, plaque rupture, thrombosis, and malignant arrhythmia. And it is necessary to study on the role of stress in the causation of developing cardiovascular disease by a direct hormonal effect on heart or an indirect behavioral change. A better understanding of the behavioral and physiologic associations between psychological stress and cardiovascular disease will assist researchers in developing effective approaches for reducing or reversing the damaging effects of stress and may lead to further reductions of CVD morbidity and mortality in Korea.
Bone Mineral Density and Related Factors of Postmenopausal Women.
Jae Hee Son, Byung Yeol Chun, Min Hae Yeh, Kyung Eun Lee, Sam Soon Lee, Young Seok Lee, Bong Gie Kim
Korean J Epidemiol. 2002;24(2):113-120.
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This study was conducted to estimate the prevalence of osteoporosis and to identify the related factors of bone mineral density (BMD) in rural postmenopausal women.
Three hundred ninety postmenopausal women in a rural area were examined in 1999 Their BMDs of the lumbar spine (L1-L3) were measured by a quantitative computerized tomography (QCT) and their height and weight were measured. A questionnaires interviewing method was used to collect risk factor data. PESULTS: The prevalence of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women of 40-69 years old was 89.2% by reference value of UCSF(University of California, Sanfrancisco), however, changed to 63.1% by that of Korean. From simple analyses, age(p<0.01), duration after menopause (p<0.01), menstrual regularity(p<0.05), delivery frequencies (p<0.01), breast feeding years (p<0.01), alcohol intake(p<0.01), and smoking(p<0.05) were significant risk factors relating to BMD. In multiple linear regression analysis, duration after menopause(p<0.01), menstrual regularity(p<0.05), and breast feeding years (p<0.05) proved to be significant risk factors. However dietary factors and life style were not significantly associated with BMD.
The significant risk factors of postmenopausal women in a rural area relating to BMD were duration after menopause, menstrual regularity, and breast feeding duration.
An Epidemiologic Investigation of Shigella Sonnei Outbreak at a Primary School in Taegu city.
Byung Yeol Chun, Keon Yeop Kim, Ki Soo Park, Sang Won Lee, Young Joo Hur, Sun Hee Park, Ki Sang Kim, Sang Won Lee, Soon Ja Kim, Young Sook Hong
Korean J Epidemiol. 2000;22(2):101-107.
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S: This study was conducted to determine the source of infection and mode of transmission of the shigellosis outbreak on March 27, 1998 at a primary school in Taegu city.
On-site interview using a standard questionnaire and rectal swab were conducted to 1,629 peoples who ate lunch on March 26 and 1,389 peoples who contacted with suspected cases. And bacteriological examination for 91 environmental materials and 25 food items were performed.
Of the 1,629 persons who ate lunch on March 26, seventy three had culture-confirmed S. sonnei infection(first attack rate: 4.5%). And additional fifty four had shigellosis among those 1,389 persons who might be exposed to the suspected cases(second attack rate: 3.9%). A total of 730 persons who complained one of four typical symptoms or more were treated as suspected cases(first attack rate of suspected cases: 44.8%). S. sonnei was never isolated from water, foods, and other environmental materials. The median incubation period was estimated about two days. The common symptom reported were diarrhea(88.7%), fever(73.4%), abdominal pain(54.7%), and vomiting episode(38.4%) in order. The shorter duration of the outbreak and the large proportion of cases involving students who ate lunch on March 26 are consistent with fecal-oral transmission, although the limited epidemiologic data obtainable do not clearly define the route of transmission.
Thus the outbreak reported here appear to be related to the unsanitary conditions of food facility in this school.
The Effect of Vitamin Supplementation on Cognitive Function in the Elderly.
Sam Soon Lee, Byung Yeol Chun, Sang Soon Kim
Korean J Epidemiol. 2000;22(1):32-41.
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To estimate the effects of an oral vitamin supplementation on cognitive function in the elderly, 254 elderly people(experiment group) who were received an oral vitamin supplement for one-year was compared with 292 elderly who were treated as the control group in Koje city during the study period(from February 1997 to March 1998).
The cognitive function was tested by mini-mental state examination Korea(MMSE-K). Multiple regression analysis was done to control other confounding variables such as gender, age, educational level, smoking, alcohol, a past 15-day medical history, satisfaction for living cost, family number, cognitive function of the baseline survey.
In the baseline survey, the prevalence of cognitive impairment was 31%(mild impairment 12.5% and severe impairment 18.5%). There was a significant difference(0.76) in cognitive change in the elderly between two groups, 0.68 improved in the experiment group and 0.08 worsen in the control group(p<0.01). In multiple regression analysis, the significant variables were an oral vitamin supplementation, a past 15-day medical history, family number, cognitive function of baseline survey(p<0.05). The improvement of cognitive function was observed in those who do not have a past 15-day medical history, have a large family number, and have a low cognitive function of the baseline survey.
It appears that an oral vitamin supplementation was effective in improving the cognitive function in the elderly and more effective in the cases with abnormal cognitive function.
Incidence and Risk Factors of Needle Stick Injury and the Association with HBV Infection in Hospital Personnels.
Jin Hee Park, Byung Yeol Chun, Min Hae Yeh
Korean J Epidemiol. 1997;19(1):29-41.
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To investigate the incidence and risk factors of needle stick injury(NSI) and the association between NSI and hepatitis B infection in hospital personnel, a prospective cohort study was conducted at a university hospital in Pusan city from April 1, 1994 to September 30, 1994. Of five hundred and thirty hospital personnel, 38.7 percent reported one NSI or more. The annual person incidence rate of NSI was 81.3 per 100 person and annual spell incidence rate was 144.3 per 100 persons. The annual incidence rate in registered nurses(192.8 cases per 100) was the highest, followed by physicians(115.4 cases per 100), nurse aids(75.5 cases per 100) and laboratory technicals(51.8 cases per 100) (p<0.05). Risk factors significantly associated with needle stick injuries were being interns higher than residents(p<0.05) for physicians, the incidence rate decreased as length of employment increased (p<0.05) for registered nurses and working in operating room and central supply room higher than working in surgical department(p<0.05) for nurses aids. The most common device related to needle stick injuries was disposable needles(49.7%), the most frequent activity related to needle stick injuries was recapping needle(35.7%), and most of the needle stick injuries occurred in nurse station(40.9%) and patient room (34.1%). The vaccination rate for hepatitis B virus was 40.2 percent. Of the non-vacciness, 4.5 percent were positive for hepatitis B surface antigen and 69.2 percent were serologically positive for hepatitis B viral markers at the beginning of this study. Of 80 negative personnel for for all hepatitis B viral markers, 27 persons experienced needle stick injuries during study period. Three out of 27persons were positive for hepatitis B markers at the end of follow-up. However, all of 53 persons who had no experience of needle stick injuries were negative. Therefore, NSI was significantly associated with HBV infection and the annual incidence for hepatitis B virus infection was as 8.0 per 100 in hospital personnel. These findings suggest that hospital personnels are at a high risk group for needle stick injuries. Particulary interns, novice registered nures (length of employment less than 1 year), and nurse aids who are working at operating room and central supply room are the highest risk group. It is recommended that NSI prevention program for hospital personnel should be developed to minimize the risk of needle stick injuries in the hospital.
Impact of the Discontinuance of Regular Exercise on Serum Lipids.
Byung Yeol Chun, Min Hae Yeh, Young Ae Ha
Korean J Epidemiol. 1996;18(1):76-83.
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To estimate the impact the discontinuance of regular exercise on serum lipids, we selected 90 healthy young adults who were recruited and completed their training course as scheduled(5-week basic physical training and 4-week indoor education) during the period February 1995 to April 1995. Serum lipids, height, and weight were measured three times(Time I: before training, Time II: after 5-week training, Time III: after 4-week detraining). Ninety study subjects were classified as underweight, normal and overweight based on the criteria of Katsura equation. Of 17 underweight subjects, two were weight maintainers and 15 were weight gainers. There was no significant change in serum lipids after detraining among 15 weight gainers. Of 64 normal weight subjects, three were weight losers, 12 weight maintainers and 49 were weight gainers. There was significant increase in total cholesterol after detraining among 12 weight maintainers(P<0.01). In addition to this, there was also significant increase in total cholesterol(P<0. 01), LDL- cholesterol(P<0. 01) and HDL-cholesterol(P<0.05) after detraining among 49 weight gainers. This might be due to the harmful effect of detraining except HDL-cholesterol change. Of nine overweight subjects, only one was weight loser and eight were weight maintainers. There was significant increase in HDL-cholesterol after detraining among 7 weight maintainers (P<0.05). However, there were no significant changes in total cholesterol, triglyceride, LDL-cholesterol and MI index. The harmful effect of detraining was not observed in overweight subjects. In conclusion, the harmful effect of detraining was observed in weight maintainers and weight gainers among normal weight subjects after regular exercise.
Relationship of Body Fat Distribution and Serum Lipids in Men.
Byung Yeol Chun, Min Hae Yeh, Sung Kook Lee, Yun Kyeong Rho, Soon Yeol Nam
Korean J Epidemiol. 1994;16(1):28-40.
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This study was conducted to investigate the relationship of body fatness indicators and serum lipids (total cholesterol, high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, low density lipoprotein(LDL) cholesterol, triglycerides, myocardial infarction(MI) index) to find anthropometric indicators of body fat distribution that are strongly associated with serum lipids. 347 adult male workers of an industry in Kyungpook province were selected and data on the general characteristics were obtained using questionnaire from June 26 to June 29, 1991. Serum lipids were tested with 5 ml fasting blood and height, weight, circumferences of waist, hip and mid-thigh, five subcutaneous fat thickeness(biceps, triceps, supscapular, suprailiac, thigh) were mea sured using Ultrasound type A TATT. Waist circumference, waist/hip circumference ratio and subcutaneous fat thickness of suprailiac area are significantly increased with increasing age, but thigh circumference is significantly decreased (P< 0.05). These results suggest that central obesity is closely related to age and waist circumference may be the best indicator of body fatness or body fat distribution in men. In younger age group(below 40 year old), the result of canonical correlations analysis suggests that circumferences(0.501) was slightly closely related to serum lipids than subcutaneous fat thickness(0.493), however, in older age group (above 40 year old), subcutaneous fat thickness(0.528) were more strongly associated with serum lipids than circumferences(0.419). Weighted canonical analyses suggest that biceps and suprailiac areas in younger age group and sub scapular area in older age group are stronger indicators of serum lipids among .subcutaneous fatness measurements. Of the circumferences, waist is the most strongest indicator of serum lipids in both age groups. Therefore, it is recommended that circumference of waist and subcutaneous fat thickness of subscapular area should be measured to estimate the degree of central obesity for preventing cardiovascular disease in men.
The prevalence of hepatitis B surface antigen among Korean byliterature review.
Byung Yeol Chun, Mi Kyeong Lee, Yun Kyeong Rho
Korean J Epidemiol. 1992;14(1):70-78.
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This study was carried out to estimate the prevalence of HBsAg in Korea by systematic reviewing the literature on HBsAg prevalence, published during the period of 1980-1989. We analyzed the result of 74 studies by serologic tests, age, sex, and characteristics of study subjects and summarized. The average prevalence rate of HBsAg was 7.95±2.97% or 7.25% considering the size of the study population. The prevalence rate of HBsAg in male (9.11%) was higher than that in female(7.13%). The prevalence of HBsAg was 6.21% in the age group of 0-9 years, 7.00% in the age group of 10-19 years, 8.69% in twenties, 8.83% in thirties, 8.34% in forties, 5.81% in fifties, and 4.39% in sixties or over. The prevalence of HBsAg was increased with age at a peak in thirties and was decreased thereafter. The prevalence of HBsAg was 5.67% in students, 6.57% in pregnant women, 8.83% in the population of community, and 16.62 % in the high risk children such as orphans and mentally retarded children.
Hepatitis B virus infection rate of orphans
Sung Kook Lee, Min Hae Yeh, Gi Dog Ahn, Byung Yeol Chun, Chang Eun Kim
Korean J Epidemiol. 1987;9(2):183-192.
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To determine the hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection rate of orphans and take preventive measures against the hepatitis B virus, the hepatitis B virus infection rate by age, residence duration in orphanages and residence before admission of 249 orphans(male 143, female 106) in 2 orphanages among 21 orphanages which are located in Busan was analyzed and measured for HBsAg, anti-HBs, and anti-HBc, HBeAg with RPHA and RIA method from April 1 to April 28, 1987. Overall HBsAg positive rate was 6.4% and rate for male (9.1%) was statistically significant higher than that for female (2.8%) (P<0.05). Anti-HBs positive rate was 44.6% (48.3% for male, 39.6% for female) and anti-HBc positive rate that executed orphans of HBsAg and anti-HBs negative was 14.8% (19.7% for male, 9.8% for female). Accordingly the hepatitis B virus infection rate (HBV) was 58.2% and the infection rate for male (65.7%) was higher than that for female (48.1%) (P<0.01). HBsAg positive rate by preschool age (under 5 years old) was 8.7%; elementary school age (6-11 years old), 8.3%; junior school age (12-14 years old), 4.8%; senior school age (15 years and over), 4.4% and preschool children were the highest in HBsAg positive rate. HBV infection rate for 5 years old and under was 30.4%; 52.1% for 6-11 years old; 66.1% for 12-14 years old; 69.1% for 15 years and over and the infection rate was increased as age increased. The infection rate by duration of residence in orphanages was 50.3% for 4 years under; 77.4% for 5-9 years; 80.7% for 10 years above and the infection rate by duration was in proportion to their residence duration. The infection rate by residence before admission was 53.5% for home; 75.5% for orphanages; 57.1% for temporary residence and the orphanage residence group was the highest. HBsAg positive rate among HBsAg poisitive orphans (68.8%) was so high and HBV infection rate of orphans with HBeAg positive person in the same room was 64.1% HBV infection rate of orphans with HBeAg negative person in the same room was 55.1% and orphans who live with HBeAg positive person showed the high positive rate, but there isn’t statistically significant difference. Three orphans among 16 HBsAg positive orphans were the HBV patients and HBsAg positive rate related to the result of liver function test greatly. As result of this study, 58.2% orphans among young aged orphans were infected with the hepatitis B virus, and HBsAg positive rate of workers at restaurant was 40.0% and that of workers at office or room was 27.3%. HBeAg positive rate among HBsAg positive workers in orphanage was 80.8%. HBV infection rate of adults in orphanage was 81.6%. There findings suggest that the high HBV infection rate of orphans should be attributed to the high HBeAg positive rate among workers in orphanage by horizontal transmission of HBV through close personal contact. So it is recommended to test new orphans soon after the admission to the orphanage and immunize all the susceptible orphans. Also it is necessary to observe continually after seperating any HBeAg positive orphans who can infect the other.
Relation of long-term weight change to risk factors for coronary artery disease.
Sung Kook Lee, Byung Yeol Chun, Kyung Min Park, Yun Kyeong Rho, Jin Wouk Jeong, Min Hae Yeh
Korean J Epidemiol. ;15(2):132-148.
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This study was conducted to examine the relation of long-term weight change to the risk factors for coronary artery idsease. The study subjects included 592 healthy male workers in a steel company in Kyungpook province who were employed between 1971 and 1978 and whose age was between 23 and 29 years old at the time of employment. In this study, healthy worker was defined as a man with normal body weight (90%≤ideal body weight<110%), [ideal body weight=(individual height in cm-100)x0.9], no sugar no protein in urine, (m and) systolic blood pressure (SBP)<140mmHg and diastolic blood pressure (DBF)<90mmHg. Between July 2 and September 30, 1992, all of the study subjects were tested for serum lipid [cholesterol (TC), triglyceride (TG),and HDL-cholesterol (HDL-C)] and uric acid with 10ml fasting blood, and height, weight and blood pressure were measured. A questionnaie was administered for life style, behavioral pattern and demographic characteristics. The study subjects were classified by their long-term weight change into four group;weight lost group(W.L.G., N=40), weight stable group (W.S.G., N=257), mild weight gain group (M.W.G.G., N=127)f severe weight gain group (S.W.G.G., N=168). The average age (SD) of the study subjects was 45.66(3.93) years. Proportions of the workers with shortness of breath and palpitation were significantly increased with weight increment. Weight increment was positively associated with SBP (p<0.001), DBP (p<0.001), TG (p<0. 001), atherosclerosis index (AI) (p<0.01) and uric acid(p<0.001), whereas negatively associated with HDL-C (p<0.001). Odds ratios (OR) of the S.W.G.G to the W.S.G. for shortness of breath (OR=2.41), palpitation (OR=2.68), SBP(OR=2.31), DBP(OR=2.18), TG(OR=4.11), HDL-C(OR=1.86), AI(OR=2.19) and uric acid(OR=3.39) were significantly greater than 1. On the other hand, ORs of the W.L.G. to the W.S.G. for HDL-C (OR=0.26), AI(OR=0.47) were significantly smaller than 1. Weight change showed significant effect on short ness of breath, palpitation, SBP. DBP, TG, HDL-C, AI and uric acid when the effects of other variables [weight change (raw data), age, drinking and smoking habits, exercise and behavior pattern] were controlled by the stepwise logistic regression analysis. For those significant fisk factors and symptoms, ORs of each weight change group in reference to the W.S.G (dummy variable) were calculated by logistic regression method. ORs of the W.L.G. for HDL-C (OR=0.26) and AI(OR=0.37) were significantly smaller than 1. ORs of the M.W.G.G. for all the risk factors and symptoms were not significant, and ORs of the S.W.G.G. for shortness of breath (OR=1.75),palitation(OR=2.05), SBP(OR=2.53), DBP(OR=2.41), TG(OR=2.81), HDL-C (OR=2.28), AI(OR=2.16) and uric acid (OR=2.20) were significantly greater than 1.

Epidemiol Health : Epidemiology and Health