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Original Article A literature review study on the correlation between stomach cancer and dietary factors
Jae Sim Jeong
Epidemiol Health 1986;8(2):233-248
DOI: https://doi.org/
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In this study 61 papers published locally and outside Korea have been reviewed to study the relationship between stomach cancer occurrence and dietary factors. The results obtained and summarized are as follows: 1) The risky dietary factors associated with the stomach cancer are smoked and salted food, salt, starchy food, and cereals. 2) The protective dietary factors to stomach cancer are fresh vegetables, fruit, milk, and diary products. Among these the fresh vegetables and fruits show the highest correlation to stomach cancer occurrence among the dietary factors. 3) Stomach cancer patient tends to take meals hastly and irregularly. 4) Stomach cancer patient prefers bot food and be verages. 5) Smoking shows association with stomach cancer, but the association has not revealed any does-response relationship. 6) Stomach cancer occurrence is associated with alcohol drinking, especially beer drinking shows strong association.

Epidemiol Health : Epidemiology and Health