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A follow-up study was made for those pulmonary tuberculosis patients who were radiologically identified during the Nationwide Pulmonary Tuberculosis Prevalence Survey in 1980 in order to study the treatment behavior and change in disease after the elapsing of a certain period. The follow-up study was made in August and September 1982. And the discriminant analysis was used to identify major detertminants for the treatment behavior and the disease change of the pulmonary tuberculosis patients and major findings were as follows. 1. The determinants for the treatment behavior were circumstance for detection, severity (findings of X-ray examination and sputum test in 1980), level of education, residential area, mobilization, income, family size and occupation. 2. The most important factor for the treatment was the circumstance of detection, actively detected group received more treatment than passively detected group. 3. The hit rate was 69.6% for the prediction of the treatment behavior in discriminant analysis function with above variables. 4. The determinants for the recovery from the pulmonary tuberculosis were severity of the disease (findings of sputum in 1980), age, duration of smoking, income, presence of cavity, TREAT score, residential area, occupation and sex. 5. The hit rate was 68.7% for the prediction of the recovery in discriminant analysis function with above variables. 6. Discriminant analysis could be used usefully in multivariate analysis for the binaryoependent variables.