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Special edition Smoking-Attributable mortality among Korean adults
Kwang Ho Meng
Epidemiol Health 1988;10(2):138-145
DOI: https://doi.org/
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Based on known medical knowledge that cigarette smoking is causally related to many diseases, and the fact that the prevalence rate of smoking among Koreans is high, it can be easily assumed that much of the deaths among Koreans are smoking-related. However, this smoking-attributable mortality has never been calculated simply because there have been no basic data on mortality ratios for smoking-related diseases between smokers and non-smokers in Korea. This paper firstly attempts to estimate the smoking-attributable mortality among Korean adults by borrowing the Japanese mortality ratios for smoking-related diseases, and using other existing data on smoking prevalence rates of Koreans and their mortality statistics. Number of smoking-related deaths were calculated by applying the percentages of population attributable risks to the estimated number of deaths by diseases and the population attributable risks were obtained by using mortality ratios and population smoking prevalence rates. Among adult male, the smoking-attributable mortality(21,216) represents 16.60% of total 1985 mortality, whereas the smoking-attributable mortality(3,112) for adult females was 3.51%. Smoking was supposed to be responsible for 31.61% of all male cancer deaths and 3.71% of all female cancer deaths in Korea. Male cancers representing high population attributable risk % were cancers of larynx, mouth and pharynx, and lung and bronchus, and the risk percentages were 93.22%, 71.79% and 69.00%, respectively. Smoking was also responsible for 25.05% of male stomach cancer deaths. Percentages of population attributable risks for the most frequent cancers among females such as cancers of cervix uteri, stomach and liver were 7.15%, 2.61% and 7.25%, respectively.

Epidemiol Health : Epidemiology and Health