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This study was conducted to find out the risk factors of hypertension and the effect of thesefactors on blood pressure. The eighteen factors were collected on the subjects of 932 from November 1994 to January 1995 through questionnaire and laboratory test - those were age, sex, education level, body mass index(BMI), family history of hypertension (FHH), triglyceride (TG), blood sugar and lactate dehydrogenase(LDH), etc. The status of blood pressure was classified by the classification of hypertension proposed by Joint National Committee of hypertension, USA. The prevalence of diastolic hypertension was 17.7% and the prevalence of systolic hypertension was 11.6 %. In the frequency analysis on the status of blood pressure, by age, education level, smoking habit, RM, BMI, FBS, LDH, TG, the prevalences were significantly different for both diastolic and systolic hypertension(p(0. 05). By stepwise logistic regression with dichotemization of blood pressure, the following odds ratios were significantly high (p, 0.05) - for diastolic hypertension, age 1.973, BMI 2. 106, FHH 2, 102, LDH 2. 773, TG 1.715, and for systolic hypertension, age 4.414, BMI 1.563, FHH 2.125, RM 0.487, LDH 3.814, TG 2. 707. By multiple regression analysis with blood pressure as dependent variable and these factors as independent variables, the regression equationswere diastolic hypertension =51.07+0.20.age+0.07 BMI+0.02.TG+0.02.LDH+3.22.FHH, and systolic hypertension = 88. 59+0.23.age+0.06.BMI+5.46.FHH-2.62.RM+0.03.LDH+0,03.TG By this study, the significant risk factors of hypertension were age, BMI, TG, family history of hypertension, LDH, and efficient control of hypertension would be expected through control of these factors.