COVID-19: Original Article
Analyzing the dynamics of complicated and uncomplicated appendicitis during the COVID-19 pandemic in Seoul, Korea: a multifaceted time series approach
Kiook Baek, Chulyong Park
Epidemiol Health. 2024;46:e2024081. Published online October 1, 2024
Supplementary Material
This study investigated the impact of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic and associated control strategies on the incidence of appendicitis in Seoul, using data from 2018 to 2020 from Korea’s National Health Insurance.
We analyzed records of total, complicated, and uncomplicated appendicitis cases, as well as the ratio of complicated to uncomplicated appendicitis, using natural spline and piecewise regression models to identify trends and breakpoints. Bayesian structural time-series (BSTS) models were used to evaluate the causal impact of social distancing on appendicitis incidences.
The spline regression analysis indicated decreasing trends in both total and uncomplicated appendicitis cases. Conversely, the incidence of complicated appendicitis and the ratio of complicated to uncomplicated cases increased. Breakpoints for a decline in uncomplicated appendicitis and a rise in the ratio occurred at 31 weeks in 2020 (95% confidence interval [CI], 23.2 to 38.8) and at 33.9 weeks (95% CI, 28.3 to 39.6), respectively. The BSTS model demonstrated a 7.8% reduction in total appendicitis cases (95% credible interval [CrI], -12.1 to -3.3). It also showed a 17.4% decrease in uncomplicated cases (95% CrI, -22.2 to -12.3) and increases of 12.8% (95% CrI, 4.9 to 22.0) in complicated cases and 39.0% (95% CrI, 27.0 to 53.3) in the ratio of complicated to uncomplicated appendicitis.
The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in a decrease in both total and uncomplicated appendicitis cases, while the number of complicated cases increased. Reduced medical visits likely accounted for these changes. Strategies are needed to manage changes in disease pathophysiology resulting from altered healthcare utilization during health crises.
Korean summary
-여러 연구에서 COVID-19 유행기간에 급성 충수염의 역학에 대한 변화가 있었다는 보고가 있어 국내 건강보험 청구 자료를 사용하여 확인하고자 하였다.
-시계열 데이터로 역학의 변동 시점에 대한 분석을 수행한 결과, 유의미한 합병증이 없는 충수염의 감소와, 합병증을 동반한 충수염의 비율 변동이 시작된 시점은 사회적 거리두기를 한 시점과 유사한 것으로 나타났다.
-사회적 거리두기를 한 시점 전후의 급성 충수염 역학을 비교하였을 때, 총 급성 충수염 및 합병증이 없는 충수염은 감소하는 경향이, 합병증을 동반한 충수염은 증가하는 경향이 유의하게 보였다.
Key Message
Several studies have reported changes in the epidemiology of acute appendicitis during the COVID-19 pandemic; this study aimed to confirm these findings using national health insurance claims data.
Time-series analysis of the epidemiological shift points showed that the decrease in uncomplicated appendicitis cases and the shift in the proportion of complicated appendicitis cases occurred around the time social distancing measures were implemented.
When comparing the epidemiology of acute appendicitis before and after the onset of social distancing, there was a significant decrease in the incidence of total acute appendicitis and uncomplicated cases, with a significant increase in complicated appendicitis cases.
Original Article
Trends and disparities in avoidable, treatable, and preventable mortalities in South Korea, 2001-2020: comparison of capital and non-capital areas
Sang Jun Eun
Epidemiol Health. 2022;44:e2022067. Published online August 16, 2022
Web of Science
Supplementary Material
This study aimed to describe the regional avoidable mortality trends in Korea and examine the trends in avoidable mortality disparities between the Seoul Capital Area and non-Seoul-Capital areas, thereby exploring the underlying reasons for the trend changes.
Age-standardized mortality rates from avoidable causes between 2001-2020 were calculated by region. Regional disparities in avoidable mortality were quantified on both absolute and relative scales. Trends and disparities in avoidable mortality were analyzed using joinpoint regression models.
Avoidable, treatable, and preventable mortalities in Korea decreased at different rates over time by region. The largest decreases were in the non-Seoul-Capital non-metropolitan area for avoidable and preventable mortality rates and the non-Seoul-
Capital metropolitan area for treatable mortality rates, despite the largest decline being in the Seoul Capital Area prior to around 2009. Absolute and relative regional disparities in avoidable and preventable mortalities generally decreased. Relative disparities in treatable mortality between areas widened. Regional disparities in all types of mortalities tended to improve after around 2009, especially among males. In females, disparities in avoidable, treatable, and preventable mortalities between areas improved less or even worsened.
Trends and disparities in avoidable mortality across areas in Korea seem to have varied under the influence of diverse social changes. Enhancing health services to underserved areas and strengthening gender-oriented policies are needed to reduce regional disparities in avoidable mortality.
Korean summary
2001년부터 2020년까지 회피가능, 예방가능 사망률의 수도권과 비수도권 대도시, 비수도권 비대도시 지역 간 절대적, 상대적 격차는 대체로 감소했지만, 치료가능 사망률의 상대적 격차는 커졌다. 회피가능, 치료가능, 예방가능 사망률의 지역 간 격차는 2009년경 이후에 특히 남성에서 개선됐지만, 여성의 경우 덜 개선되거나 오히려 악화되기도 했다.
Key Message
Regional disparities in avoidable, treatable, and preventable mortalities tended to improve after around 2009, especially among males, but, in females, disparities in all types of mortalities between areas improved less or even worsened.
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COVID-19: Brief Communication
Time-variant reproductive number of COVID-19 in Seoul, Korea
Seong-Geun Moon, Yeon-Kyung Kim, Woo-Sik Son, Jong-Hoon Kim, Jungsoon Choi, Baeg-Ju Na, Boyoung Park, Bo Youl Choi
Epidemiol Health. 2020;42:e2020047. Published online June 28, 2020
Web of Science
Supplementary Material
To estimate time-variant reproductive number (R<sub>t</sub>) of coronavirus disease 19 based on either number of daily confirmed cases or their onset date to monitor effectiveness of quarantine policies.
Using number of daily confirmed cases from January 23, 2020 to March 22, 2020 and their symptom onset date from the official website of the Seoul Metropolitan Government and the district office, we calculated R<sub>t</sub> using program R’s package “EpiEstim”. For asymptomatic cases, their symptom onset date was considered as -2, -1, 0, +1, and +2 days of confirmed date.
Based on the information of 313 confirmed cases, the epidemic curve was shaped like ‘propagated epidemic curve’. The daily R<sub>t</sub> based on R<sub>t_c</sub> peaked to 2.6 on February 20, 2020, then showed decreased trend and became <1.0 from March 3, 2020. Comparing both R<sub>t</sub> from R<sub>t_c</sub> and from the number of daily onset cases, we found that the pattern of changes was similar, although the variation of R<sub>t</sub> was greater when using R<sub>t_c</sub>. When we changed assumed onset date for asymptotic cases (-2 days to +2 days of the confirmed date), the results were comparable.
R<sub>t</sub> can be estimated based on R<sub>t_c</sub> which is available from daily report of the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Estimation of R<sub>t</sub> would be useful to continuously monitor the effectiveness of the quarantine policy at the city and province levels.
Korean summary
우리나라 전체와 각 시도별 일별 증상 발현자 수 또는 확진자 수를 이용하여 추정한 Rt로 방역정책의 효과를 국가 및 시도 수준에서 지속적으로 모니터링 할 필요가 있다.
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Original Article
Measurement Errors on Normotensive Subjects in Screening Test.
Jong Myon Bae, Dae Sung Kim, Jaiyong Kim, Yoon Ok Ahn
Korean J Epidemiol. 1999;21(1):1-7.
Blood pressure measurements with a mercury sphygmomanometer serve as the screening test to establish the clinical diagnosis of primary hypertension. But one of the problems of hypertension screening is the variability of blood pressure measurements.METHODS
In order to identify the measurement error of blood pressure through the biennial health screening program of Korea Insurance Medical Corporation, we compared the blood pressure of screening test with true value which defined as the mean of blood pressures taken from the direct contact and twice check-up among normotensive Seoul Cohort participants.RESULTS
Three hundred forty-nine participants had both data of screening measurement and survey of direct contact.
The means of difference in systolic and diastolic blood pressure between both data were 8.47 mmHg and 6.54 mmHg, respectively. These results showed statistical significance with paired t-test (p=0.001).CONCLUSION
Our findings indicated that screening measurement of blood pressure had false negative. And if a epidemiologic study about blood pressure used the data of screening test, it should adjust value of systolic and diastolic blood pressure with adding 8 and 7 mmHg, respectively.