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The BRAIN-Q, a tool for assessing self-reported sport-related concussions for epidemiological studies
Laura James, Madeline Davies, Saba Mian, Giulia Seghezzo, Elizabeth Williamson, Simon Kemp, Nigel Arden, Damien McElvenny, Neil Pearce, Valentina Gallo
Epidemiol Health. 2021;43:e2021086.   Published online October 19, 2021
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AbstractAbstract AbstractSummary PDFSupplementary Material
The BRAIN-Q is a tool aimed at maximising the accuracy and minimising measurement error for retrospectively assessing concussions. This paper reports the agreement of the BRAIN-Q tool when compared to extant questionnaire questions, and its reproducibility when compared with its telephonic version (tBRAIN-Q).
The BRAIN-Q entails a 3-stage process: defining a concussion, creating a visual timeline with life events, and establishing detailed characteristics for each reported concussion. It was designed to be administered in-person by trained personnel, and was used in the BRAIN study. Its performance was compared with the MSK study, which previously collected a few questions in a broader self-administered questionnaire, and with the tBRAIN-Q Recall, its telephonic version.
In total, 101 participants were included, of whom 9 were re-assessed with the tBRAIN-Q. The agreement of the BRAIN-Q with the muscle skeletal-questionnaire for rugby-related concussion was 86.7% (κ=0.6). Rugby-related concussion with loss of consciousness showed lower agreement (82.0%; κ=0.6). The comparison between the BRAIN-Q and the tBRAIN-Q showed good reproducibility.
The BRAIN-Q is a relatively easy tool to administer in face-to-face assessments, and it showed optimal reproducibility. It includes a well-established definition of concussion, and is used to collect detailed information on each concussion, allowing for a number of subgroup analyses (e.g., by severity, age, or context). The BRAIN-Q is easily adaptable to other sporting settings.
Key Message
The BRAIN-Q is a new tool for assessing self-reported sport-related concussion in epidemiological studies. It is relatively easy to administer, it showed optimal reproducibility, and can be used by phone.


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  • Prospective cohort study of long-term neurological outcomes in retired elite athletes: the Advanced BiomaRker, Advanced Imaging and Neurocognitive (BRAIN) Health Study protocol
    Karl A Zimmerman, Jessica A Hain, Neil S N Graham, Erin Jane Rooney, Ying Lee, Martina Del-Giovane, Thomas D Parker, Daniel Friedland, Matthew J Cross, Simon Kemp, Mathew G Wilson, Richard J Sylvester, David J Sharp
    BMJ Open.2024; 14(4): e082902.     CrossRef
  • Exposure assessment for repeated sub-concussive head impacts in soccer: The HEalth and Ageing Data IN the Game of football (HEADING) study
    Ioannis Basinas, Damien M. McElvenny, Finley Brooker, Steven Robertson, Yvonne van Hoecke, Simon Kemp, Neil Pearce, Valentina Gallo, John W. Cherrie
    International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health.2023; 253: 114235.     CrossRef
  • Prior exposure to concussions in patients with isolated REM sleep behavior disorder
    Mónica Roig-Uribe, Mònica Serradell, Amaia Muñoz-Lopetegi, Carles Gaig, Alex Iranzo
    Sleep Medicine.2023; 110: 254.     CrossRef
  • eHealth tools to assess the neurological function for research, in absence of the neurologist – a systematic review, part I (software)
    Vasco Ribeiro Ferreira, Esther Metting, Joshua Schauble, Hamed Seddighi, Lise Beumeler, Valentina Gallo
    Journal of Neurology.2023;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • Concussion and long‐term cognitive function among rugby players—The BRAIN Study
    Valentina Gallo, Damien M. McElvenny, Giulia Seghezzo, Simon Kemp, Elizabeth Williamson, Kirsty Lu, Saba Mian, Laura James, Catherine Hobbs, Donna Davoren, Nigel Arden, Madeline Davies, Andrea Malaspina, Michael Loosemore, Keith Stokes, Matthew Cross, Seb
    Alzheimer's & Dementia.2022; 18(6): 1164.     CrossRef
Effects of a cancer prevention education program on elementary school students’ knowledge, attitude, self-efficacy, and intentions in South Korea
Su Yeon Kye, Soon-Yong Hwang, Kyung Hee Oh, Jae Kwan Jun
Epidemiol Health. 2019;41:e2019027.   Published online June 16, 2019
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AbstractAbstract AbstractSummary PDF
Most children and adolescents have low levels of cancer knowledge and awareness, and infrequently engage in preventive behaviors. This study examined the effects of a short classroom-based intervention for cancer prevention on knowledge, attitude toward cancer preventability, self-efficacy, and behavioral intentions of fifth-grade elementary school students.
The study was based on a pre-post-follow-up, 2-group, quasi-experimental design. Participants in the intervention group attended two 40-minute sessions on cancer prevention education and watched a music video about cancer prevention, while participants in the control group were only exposed to the music video. Self-reported knowledge, attitude toward cancer preventability, self-efficacy, and behavioral intentions were assessed 1 week pre-intervention and post-intervention, as well as 3 months post-intervention.
The 3-month post-intervention results revealed partial effects, indicating that the education intervention improved knowledge and attitudes toward cancer preventability; however, no effects were observed on self-efficacy and behavioral intentions 3 months after the intervention.
Long-term regular booster sessions are required to improve not only social-cognitive factors, but also behavioral intentions, which could result in behavior changes promoting cancer prevention.
Korean summary
대부분의 아동과 청소년들은 암예방행동 실천을 잘 하지 못하고 있을뿐만 아니라 낮은 암지식 수준을 보인다. 본 연구는 초등학교 5학년 학생들을 대상으로 단기간의 교실 중심의 암예방중재가 지식, 암예방가능성에 대한 태도, 자기효능감, 행동의도에 미치는 영향을 살펴보았다. 사전-사후-3개월이후 추후조사의 형태로 두 집단 유사실험설계로 구성되었다. 중재집단의 참여자들은 2회의 40분으로 구성된 암예방교육에 참여하였고 암예방뮤직비디오를 시청하였다. 대조집단의 참여자들은 암예방뮤직비디오만 시청하였다. 지식, 암예방가능성에 대한 태도, 자기효능감, 행동의도가 중재전, 중재직후, 중재3개월후에 자가보고형식으로 측정되었다. 3개월 이후 추후조사에서 지식과 암예방가능성에 대한 태도가 향상되었으나, 자기효능감과 행동의도에서는 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 나타나지 않았다. 인지적 요소뿐만 아니라 행동적 요소를 변화하기 위해서는 장기간의 추가교육이 필요할 것으로 판단된다.


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A suggestion for quality assessment in systematic reviews of observational studies in nutritional epidemiology
Jong-Myon Bae
Epidemiol Health. 2016;38:e2016014.   Published online April 26, 2016
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AbstractAbstract AbstractSummary PDFSupplementary Material
It is important to control the quality level of the observational studies in conducting meta-analyses. The Newcastle-Ottawa Scale (NOS) is a representative tool used for this purpose. We investigated the relationship between high-quality (HQ) defined using NOS and the results of subgroup analysis according to study design.
We selected systematic review studies with meta-analysis which performed a quality evaluation on observational studies of diet and cancer by NOS. HQ determinations and the distribution of study designs were examined. Subgroup analyses according to quality level as defined by the NOS were also extracted. Equivalence was evaluated based on the summary effect size (sES) and 95% confidence intervals computed in the subgroup analysis.
The meta-analysis results of the HQ and cohort groups were identical. The overall sES, which was obtained by combining the sES when equivalence was observed between the cohort and case-control groups, also showed equivalence.
The results of this study suggest that it is more reasonable to control for quality level by performing subgroup analysis according to study design rather than by using HQ based on the NOS quality assessment tool.
Korean summary
관찰연구에 대한 메타분석을 수행할 때, 선정된 논문들의 질적 수준을 통제하기 위해 개발된 Newcastle-Ottawa Scale (NOS)는 평가 항목의 속성상 환자-대조군연구보다는 코호트 연구에서 High quality (HQ) 판정이 될 가능성이 높다. 이에, 식이와 암의 관련성을 연구한 관찰연구에 대한 메타분석에 있어 대부분의 코호트 연구를 HQ로 판정하였기에, HQ 군과 Cohort 군의 메타분석 결과는 동일하였다. 코호트군과 환자-대조군 간의 summary effect size (sES)가 동질성을 보일 경우 이를 합친 Overall sES 또한 동질성을 보였다. 이에, 식이역학에 특화된 질적평가도구가 개발되기 까지는 NOS를 적용하기 보다는 연구설계별로 하부군 분석을 하는 것을 권한다.


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Comparison of methods of extracting information for meta-analysis of observational studies in nutritional epidemiology
Jong-Myon Bae
Epidemiol Health. 2016;38:e2016003.   Published online January 11, 2016
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A common method for conducting a quantitative systematic review (QSR) for observational studies related to nutritional epidemiology is the “highest versus lowest intake” method (HLM), in which only the information concerning the effect size (ES) of the highest category of a food item is collected on the basis of its lowest category. However, in the interval collapsing method (ICM), a method suggested to enable a maximum utilization of all available information, the ES information is collected by collapsing all categories into a single category. This study aimed to compare the ES and summary effect size (SES) between the HLM and ICM.
A QSR for evaluating the citrus fruit intake and risk of pancreatic cancer and calculating the SES by using the HLM was selected. The ES and SES were estimated by performing a meta-analysis using the fixedeffect model. The directionality and statistical significance of the ES and SES were used as criteria for determining the concordance between the HLM and ICM outcomes.
No significant differences were observed in the directionality of SES extracted by using the HLM or ICM. The application of the ICM, which uses a broader information base, yielded more-consistent ES and SES, and narrower confidence intervals than the HLM.
The ICM is advantageous over the HLM owing to its higher statistical accuracy in extracting information for QSR on nutritional epidemiology. The application of the ICM should hence be recommended for future studies.
Korean summary
영양역학과 관련하여 관찰연구 결과를 체계적 고찰을 할 때, 통상적으로 섭취가 가장 낮은 군을 기준으로 하여 가장 높은 군의 effect size (ES) 정보를 추출하는 Highest versus Lowest Method (HLM)을 적용한다. 그러나 주어진 정보를 최대한 활용한다는 점에서 구간의 정보들을 통합한 ES 정보로 메타분석에 적용하는 Interval Collapse Method (ICM)법이 제안되었다. HLM에 비하여 더 많은 정보를 활용한 ICM 적용을 한 결과, ES 뿐만 아니라 SES에서도 일치성을 보이면서 표준오차가 작아지는 현상을 확인하였다. 영양역학의 메타분석을 위해 추출하는 방법 중 정보를 보다 더 많이 활용하는 ICM이 HLM에 비하여 통계적 정확성의 이득을 더 갖기 때문에, 향후 적극 활성화할 필요가 있다.


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Original Article
Epidemiological evaluation quality of life in patients suffering from early rheumatoid arthritis: a pragmatic, prospective, randomized, blind allocation controlled of a modular program group intervention
Hadi Yousefi, Arvind Chopra, Rez Farrokhseresht, Sanjeev Sarmukaddam, Fariba Asadi Noghabi, Nilima Bedekar, Abdolhosain Madani
Epidemiol Health. 2015;37:e2015048.   Published online November 5, 2015
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Epidemiology has taken on new roles in the management of health care services. In this study, we developed a non-pharmacological self-management modular program group intervention and evaluated its efficacy as an adjunct therapy in patients suffering from early rheumatoid arthritis (RA). METHODS: Patients were randomized to either participate in a non-equivalent intervention group along with the standard of care or only receive standard-of-care treatment at a community rheumatology center. The outcomes measured were a pain visual analog scale (VAS), patient general health (GH) on a VAS, and the Short Form-36 Version 2 (SF-36v2) scale measuring quality of life. These parameters were evaluated in the first week to obtain baseline values, and at 20, 32, 48, and 60 weeks to evaluate the efficacy of the intervention group. RESULTS: The patients were randomized, with 100 patients in the intervention group and 106 in the control group. The intervention and control groups were similar with regard to the percentage of women (86% vs. 89.6%), tobacco usage (25% vs. 19.8%), mean age (42.6±13.2 years vs. 46.6±10.9 years), and disease duration (15.3±6.7 months vs. 14.5±6.6 months). The mean outcomes were significantly different between the two groups, and post-hoc pairwise analysis demonstrated significant deterioration in the control group in contrast to improvement in the intervention group at the second, third, fourth, and fifth evaluations. Improvements were often seen as early as the 12-week and 24-week follow-up visits. CONCLUSIONS: Epidemiology contributes to the evaluation of how well specific therapies or other health interventions prevent or control health problems. The modular program group intervention implemented in this study appears to be a suitable and feasible method to facilitate much more comprehensive management of early RA in socioeconomically challenged communities.


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Narrative reviews
Jong-Myon Bae
Epidemiol Health. 2014;36:e2014018.   Published online September 11, 2014
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Although qualitative researches (QR) are invaluable in understanding complex healthcare situations, the quantitative systematic reviews could not treat them. To improve quality of healthcare services, results of QR should be considered in healthcare decision-making processes. Several methods and theories for synthesizing evidences of QR have been developed. In order to activate the narrative reviews and mixed methods reviews in Korean healthcare academies, I arranged the related nomenclatures and suggested some issues to conduct them.
Korean summary
질적연구는 보건의료의 복잡성을 이해하는데 매우 유용함에도 불구하고, 메타분석을 수행하는 체계적 고찰에서는 다루어지지 않는다. 그렇지만 보건의료의 질적 향상을 도모하려면 질적 연구의 결과를 보건의료 결정과정에서 반영해야 한다. 질적 연구 결과들을 합성하려는 여러 시도들이 있어온 것을 요약하고, 관련한 용어들을 정리하여 질적연구와 이를 합성하는 서술적 고찰이 활성화되는 바탕을 마련코자 한다.


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Bias in Cancer Screening Evaluation.
Sang Heon Yoon, Hyeon Woo Yim, Won Chul Lee
Korean J Epidemiol. 2008;30(1):12-24.   Published online June 30, 2008
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Cancer screening evaluation will be a important issue in Korea in near future. Bias in cancer screening evaluation is well known by concept, but it is not applied yet using the data from screening program of Korea. So introducing the way how the bias is adjusted will be helpful. This review deals with the type, meaning, the way how the bias is adjusted, and examples. Especially, lead-time bias, length bias and self-selection bias were focused. Adjusting bias is one of the imperative step for epidemiologic analysis. Understanding the background concept and experience using the screening program data will be helpful for estimating the effectiveness of national screening program of Korea.


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  • Evidence-based National Cancer Screening program of Korea
    Won-Chul Lee
    Journal of the Korean Medical Association.2011; 54(10): 1028.     CrossRef
Original Article
Perspectives of Communicable Disease Surveillance in Korea.
Hyun Sul Lim
Korean J Epidemiol. 2006;28(1):28-35.
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Environmental and climatic changes and the mobility of ever-increasing numbers of people increase the risks for the emergence and reemergence of infectious diseases. Since communicable disease trends change rapidly, many nations have developed individualized communicable disease surveillance systems. In Korea, notification of the incidence of communicable diseases has been the most important form of surveillance since 1954. In addition, the government has established various surveillance systems since the late 1990s. Current problem areas of surveillance systems are the low reporting rate, a lack of representativeness, a lack of participation, and poor utilization. The government has not fully evaluated these systems. For many diseases, it is of critical importance to maintain the confidentiality of surveillance data. Issues of confidentiality are critical and must be considered in order to obtain valid data and protect those surveyed. In the future, we have to improve the reporting rate, enhance collaborations with veterinarians and gain the full support from the governmental departments of agriculture and defense. Surveillance systems should be evaluated regularly. The most dynamic and important part of surveillance is the feedback mechanism. To develop positive feedback, we must disseminate the collected and analyzed information and give reimbursement to the reporters. We have to built close partnerships with governmental agencies, international organizations, research institutes, private health corporations, and academia.
Methodological Review of Cost Effectiveness Analysis of Cancer Screening.
Ki Taig Jung
Korean J Epidemiol. 1998;20(1):13-31.
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The role of economic evaluation for medical services can be summarixed as providing objective criteria for rational bgudget allocation. With medical and epidemiologial studies, cost effectiveness analysis of cancer screening will provide evidence for allocating more financial resources for cancer screening. This study reviewed comprehensive literature of cancer screening for cervical cancer and breast cancer. Through the extensive review of the literature, I suggest crucial issues of cancer screening and checkpoints in designing costeffectiveness analyses of cervical and breast cancers. The issues of cervical and breast cancer screening include ages of starting and terminating mass screening, screening interval and frequency, false positive rate, false negative rate, analytical models, and sensitivity analysis. In addition, cost effectiveness analysis of breast cancer should consider effects of screening methods-self examination, clinical examination, and mammography-that varies across different nations on cost effectiveness ratio. Study results of most issues would be relevant for performing cost effectiveness analysis of cancer screening in Korea. However, difference in incidence rate, medical fees and reimbursement by insurance across nations should be considered in designing cost effectiveness analysis.

Epidemiol Health : Epidemiology and Health