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Associations of physical activity at work and household income with obesity: a cross-sectional study among rural adults in Korea
Su Yeon Kye, Heeyoun Cho, Tran Thi Phuong Thao, Jin-Kyoung Oh, Min Kyung Lim
Epidemiol Health. 2021;43:e2021003.   Published online December 29, 2020
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AbstractAbstract AbstractSummary PDF
This study was performed to identify the effect of physical activity at work on obesity and to analyze the contribution of socioeconomic factors and health behaviors to this association, which has been relatively little studied.
From the Korean National Cancer Center Community Cohort, a total of 5,587 adults (2,125 men; 3,462 women) aged more than 30 years living in rural areas were enrolled. Information on socio-demographic factors, health behaviors, and body mass index was gathered using face-to-face interviews and measurements of height and weight.
Inverse associations were identified between vigorous-intensity physical activity at work and obesity in both men and women, while no association was found between vigorous-intensity physical activity during leisure time and obesity. High household income was independently associated with a lower risk of obesity among those who had low levels of vigorous-intensity physical activity at work. Vigorous physical activity at work showed an inverse association with obesity in rural areas where heavy manual labor is common.
Our findings indicate the necessity to account for various types of physical activity to improve the assessment and prevention of obesity.
Korean summary
신체활동의 종류에 따라 비만에 미치는 영향의 차이가 있는지를 보기 위하여 육체 노동이 많은 농촌지역 성인을 대상으로 직무신체활동과 비만과의 관련성을 다른 잠재요인을 보정하여 분석하였다. 남녀 모두에서 고강도 직무신체활동과 비만과의 역연관성이 확인된 반면 여가신체활동과 비만과의 연관성은 확인되지 않았다. 가구소득이 높은 경우 직무신체활동의 강도가 낮은 경우에도 비만과 역연관성을 보였다. 향후 비만 예방 및 중재 전략 수립 시 대상집단의 특성을 고려하여 다양한 종류의 신체활동에 대한 평가가 고려되어야 할 것이다.
Key Message
Regarding the inverse association of physical activity at work and household income with obesity identified in the study, various type of physical activity including physical activity at work and characteristics of target population might be concerned for assessment and prevention of obesity.


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Effects of a cancer prevention education program on elementary school students’ knowledge, attitude, self-efficacy, and intentions in South Korea
Su Yeon Kye, Soon-Yong Hwang, Kyung Hee Oh, Jae Kwan Jun
Epidemiol Health. 2019;41:e2019027.   Published online June 16, 2019
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AbstractAbstract AbstractSummary PDF
Most children and adolescents have low levels of cancer knowledge and awareness, and infrequently engage in preventive behaviors. This study examined the effects of a short classroom-based intervention for cancer prevention on knowledge, attitude toward cancer preventability, self-efficacy, and behavioral intentions of fifth-grade elementary school students.
The study was based on a pre-post-follow-up, 2-group, quasi-experimental design. Participants in the intervention group attended two 40-minute sessions on cancer prevention education and watched a music video about cancer prevention, while participants in the control group were only exposed to the music video. Self-reported knowledge, attitude toward cancer preventability, self-efficacy, and behavioral intentions were assessed 1 week pre-intervention and post-intervention, as well as 3 months post-intervention.
The 3-month post-intervention results revealed partial effects, indicating that the education intervention improved knowledge and attitudes toward cancer preventability; however, no effects were observed on self-efficacy and behavioral intentions 3 months after the intervention.
Long-term regular booster sessions are required to improve not only social-cognitive factors, but also behavioral intentions, which could result in behavior changes promoting cancer prevention.
Korean summary
대부분의 아동과 청소년들은 암예방행동 실천을 잘 하지 못하고 있을뿐만 아니라 낮은 암지식 수준을 보인다. 본 연구는 초등학교 5학년 학생들을 대상으로 단기간의 교실 중심의 암예방중재가 지식, 암예방가능성에 대한 태도, 자기효능감, 행동의도에 미치는 영향을 살펴보았다. 사전-사후-3개월이후 추후조사의 형태로 두 집단 유사실험설계로 구성되었다. 중재집단의 참여자들은 2회의 40분으로 구성된 암예방교육에 참여하였고 암예방뮤직비디오를 시청하였다. 대조집단의 참여자들은 암예방뮤직비디오만 시청하였다. 지식, 암예방가능성에 대한 태도, 자기효능감, 행동의도가 중재전, 중재직후, 중재3개월후에 자가보고형식으로 측정되었다. 3개월 이후 추후조사에서 지식과 암예방가능성에 대한 태도가 향상되었으나, 자기효능감과 행동의도에서는 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 나타나지 않았다. 인지적 요소뿐만 아니라 행동적 요소를 변화하기 위해서는 장기간의 추가교육이 필요할 것으로 판단된다.


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Factors affecting satisfaction with cancer information provided through the social networking services of the National Cancer Information Center in Korea
Su Yeon Kye, Min Hee Lee, Jisu Yoo, Kyung Hee Oh, Jae Kwan Jun
Epidemiol Health. 2017;39:e2017057.   Published online December 11, 2017
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AbstractAbstract AbstractSummary PDF
This study aimed to identify the characteristics of social networking service (SNS) users and to assess the relationship of those factors to user satisfaction with the SNSs of the National Cancer Information Center (NCIC) in South Korea.
A Web-based survey was completed by 1,670 users of the NCIC SNSs, who provided data on the sources they consulted for information about cancer, determinants of SNS use, sources of NCIC SNS awareness, the time of day they used the SNS, and their satisfaction level.
Facebook users mainly became aware of the NCIC SNSs through an acquaintance’s recommendation, while Twitter was accessed through other SNSs or blogs. Users in their 30s were less satisfied with the NCIC SNSs than those in their teens and 20s. Browsing for cancer-related information on the Internet, prioritizing information quality, and engaging in active use were related to a high level of satisfaction with the NCIC SNSs. Individuals who were exposed to the NCIC SNSs through other SNSs or printed materials were less satisfied with their experience of the NCIC SNSs than those who received a recommendation from an acquaintance.
These findings may act as a catalyst to guide public health agencies to enhance their use of SNSs.
Korean summary
본 연구는 소셜네트워크서비스 사용자의 특성을 파악하고 우리나라 국가암정보센터 소셜네트워크서비스 사용자의 만족도에 영향을 주는 요인을 파악하고자 하였다. 국가암정보센터 소셜네트워크서비스 사용자 1,670명을 대상으로 암정보원, 서비스사용동기, 서비스를 알게된 경위, 사용시간대, 서비스 사용 만족도를 조사하였다. 분석결과, 페이스북은 주로 주변 아는 사람들의 권유로 사용하기 시작하였고, 트위터는 다른 사람의 소셜네트워크서비스를 통해 접근하고 있었다. 국가암정보센터에 대한 만족도에 영향을 주는 요인을 살펴보면, 10-20대에 비하여 30대의 만족도가 낮았으며, 인터넷을 통해 암정보를 얻고 있는 경우, 암정보의 질을 중시 여기는 경우, 활발하게 소셜네트워크서비스를 사용하고 있는 경우에 만족도가 높았다. 또한, 다른 사람들의 소셜네트워크서비스나 인쇄물을 통해 국가암정보센터 소셜네트워크서비스를 알게 된 경우 주변 사람들의 권고로 사용하게 된 경우에 비해 만족도가 낮았다. 공공보건의료기관들은 자 기관의 소셜네트워크 서비스 접근도 및 만족도 향상을 위하여 본 결과를 활용할 수 있을 것이다


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Happiness and health behaviors in South Korean adolescents: a cross-sectional study
Su Yeon Kye, Jeong Hyun Kwon, Keeho Park
Epidemiol Health. 2016;38:e2016022.   Published online May 31, 2016
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AbstractAbstract AbstractSummary PDF
We examined the associations between happiness and a wide range of health behaviors in South Korean adolescents.
Study data were derived from the ninth Korea Youth Risk Behavior Web-based Survey administered from June to July 2013. In addition to happiness levels, the questionnaire included items on sociodemographics and health-related lifestyle factors (smoking, drinking, eating breakfast, fruit and vegetable consumption, physical activity, sedentary behavior, and hours of sleep).
The multivariate analysis revealed that higher levels of happiness were associated with not smoking or drinking, eating breakfast, eating fruits daily, vegetable consumption, participating in at least 60 minutes of physical activity a day, avoiding sedentary behavior, and hours of sleep. Additionally, sex differences were found in relationships between happiness and eating fruit daily, participation in physical activity, and sedentary behavior.
These results encourage public health professionals to consider the psychological aspects of adolescent life in working to improve their health behaviors and outcomes.
Korean summary
본 연구는 청소년건강행태온라인조사결과를 활용하여 청소년들의 주관적 행복수준이 여러가지 건강행동과 관련이 있는지를 살펴보았다. 자신이 행복하다고 느끼는 청소년들은 흡연, 음주, 좌식생활을, 그렇지 않다고 느끼는 청소년들보다 더 적게 하고 있었고, 이와 반대로 아침식사, 채소과일섭취, 신체활동, 충분한 수면은 더 많이 하고 있었다. 성별로 보았을 때는, 주관적 행복인지수준과 과일섭취, 신체활동, 좌식생활에 각각 남녀 차이가 있었다. 이러한 결과를 통해 청소년들의 건강행동 증진을 위해서는 이들의 행복인지능력을 강화하는 노력을 할 필요가 있음을 알 수 있었다.


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Epidemiol Health : Epidemiology and Health