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Brief Communication
A Fatal Case of Disseminated Tuberculosis Coincident with Measles-Rubella Vaccination
Hae-Kwan Cheong, Byung-Guk Yang, Young Mo Sohn, Il-Hoon Kwon, Jun Chul Kim, Hangmi Kim, Jung Ran Kim
Epidemiol Health. 2010;32:e2010002. Published online April 26, 2010
<p>The authors report a fatal case of disseminated tuberculosis in a 14-yr-old girl, which developed immediately after a measles-rubella (MR) vaccination. Despite a markedly accelerated clinical course which led to death within two weeks, the authors could not identify any possible cause of the tuberculosis aggravation in this case, with the exception of the MR vaccination. The possible role that MR vaccination had on the clinical course of tuberculosis in this case is discussed.</p>
Original Articles
An Epidemiologic Study on Sudden Deaths of Cattle Occurred in Kyongju.
Hyun Sul Lim, Hae Kwan Cheong, Jung Ran Kim, Ik Jung Kim, Gyoung Yim Ha
Korean J Epidemiol. 2001;23(1):59-68.
This study was conducted to provide the baseline data for the epidemiologic and microbiologic investigation for the etiology of sudden deaths of cattle in Sara-Ri, Seo Myun, Kyongju.METHODS
This survey was performed between April 11 and 22, 1994. Epidemiologic investigation consisted of interview of the residents, as well as pathologic and microbiologic test on tissues and blood samples from cardiac puncture.RESULTS
The dead numbers of cattle were 149 in 35 households during about 20 years. The cows(63.9%) were more than bulls(36.1%) and most of them were raised in playpen(95.7%). The first death occurred in 1974, and then number of deaths increased until 1994. Besides the age of cattle at death was over two years old (88.3%), most of them(69.4%) died within one hour after onset of noticeable symptom by the farmers. The most common symptom of cattle at death was 'sudden death after screaming(71.1%)' and 'seizure (33.3%)'.
Colonies from blood of case 3 showed double hemolysis in blood agar plate. The microbiologic test results in the culture of Clostridium perfringens. The pathological features were characterized as most of renal tubules revealed coagulative necrosis. Some gram-positive bacilli are scattered in interstitium.CONCLUSIONS
Above results suggest C. perfringens as a possible pathogen of this ourbreak in livestock. The possibility of human infection, although nonfatal, and lack of vaccination against C. perfringens raises a need for stronger preventive action toward this communicable disease of cattle on this village.
Development of Lipoma among Residents Exposed to Glass Fiber Waste.
Hyun Sul Lim, Hae Kwan Cheong, Ji Yong Kim, Jung Ran Kim, Kiyoshi Sakai, Naomi Hisanaga
Korean J Epidemiol. 1999;21(2):159-175.
This study was conducted to determine the relationship between exposure to glass fiber waste from an insulator factory and the development of cluster of lipomas among local residents in suburb Incheon, Korea. Authors surveyed 152 residents(71 males and 81 females) living near an insulator factory with a questionnaire and physical examination. Unused and disposed fiberglass from the waste site, along with ground water samples were examined under light and polarizing microscope and scanning electron microscope(SEM). Subcutaneous tumors excised from three of the residents were also examined under light and polarizing microscope, SEM with energy dispersive X-ray analysis(EDX), and transmission electron microscope(TEM). Analysis of elemental composition of the fibers and fiber concentration was done by with EDX under SEM and TEM after low temperature ashing.
Twelve(7.9%) had subcutaneous tumors among the 152 residents. Tumors were surgically excised from 3 of them and they were all lipomas, consisting of mature fat tissue.
These lipomas contained abundant birefringent fibers and particles under polarizing microscope. The concentrations of the fibers were 6.7, 71.8 and 499.2 million fibers per gram dry tissue, respectively. The birefringent fibers were composed of needle shaped particles with rectangular fractured ends up to 17 micrometer in length and 0.5 micrometer in diameter. EDX and x-ray diffraction analysis of the fibers showed that 71 to 100% of the fibers were magnesium silicate, talc. Magnesium silicate fibers were also found in the glass fiber sampled from the waste site.
Glass fibers and magnesium silicate fibers were also identified in the ground water.
Based on the fact that the magnesium silicate fibers found in the lipomas were similar in morphology and elemental composition to those found in the ground water and those from the waste site, these particles are likely to be introduced into the gastrointestinal tract through consumption of the contaminated ground water. It is suggested that fibrous magnesium silicate, talc, a component of fiberglass waste, may be associated with the development of lipomas.
An Epidemiologic Study on the Health Hazards of Inhabitants chronically exposed to Glass Fiber.
Hyun Sul Lim, Yun Chul Hong, Jung Ran Kim, Hae Kwan Cheong, Ji Yong Kim, Nam Won Paik, Hoe Kyeong Cheong, Chong Han Lem
Korean J Epidemiol. 1995;17(1):76-93.
Fiberglass, as a substitute of asbestos, is used for more than 60 years as a insulator material. Health hazards including irritation of skin, mucosa and respiratory system associated with use of fiberglass is reported. Many studies on the fibrogenicity and carcinogenicity of fiberglass was conducted but evidence is not sufficient to confirm the carcinogenicity or fibrogenicity. Authors studied the health hazards among 152 inhabitants(71 men and 81 women) from 32 households living around the fiberglass factory which produced the fiberglass insulators and glasswool panels for 20 years. Questionnaire survey on household and persons, examination of underground water, pathologic examination of subcutaneous tumors and examination of fiberglass in tumor tissues were done. The results are as follows; 1. Fiberglass concentration of underground water sampled from 33 households in the study area was 13. 7-95. 9 fiber/cc with the diameter to length ratio more than 1:20. 2. Prevalence of dermatosis among study subjects was 23.0 % (35 cases).
Prevalence was not associated with the distance from the factory nor duration of exposure. 3. There were 15 cases of subcutaneous tumor with prevalence of 9. 9 %. Age of subcutaneous tumor cases was all above 30 year-old except one cases, who was 5 year old child, who lived in the surveyed area since he was born. Prevalence of subcutaneous tumor was significantly high in area A(42.9 %) than area B(4.6 %, p<0.01). Prevalence of subcutaneous tumor was higher in long-term exposed inhabitants, but was not statistically significant. 4. Pathologic examination exhibits partly encapsulated fat tissue masses and cut surfaces were pale yellow with gritty sensation. The masses consist of mature fat cells showing variation in size and shape. On polarizing microscope, the peripheries of tumors include small irregular threads of doubly refractile material probably represent glass fibers in fibrocollagenous tissue. Concentration of fiberglass in tissue was 5.1-10.2 fiber/rag wet tissue in case 1, 25.8-184.9 fiber/mg wet tissue in case 2 and 40.8-126.5 fiber/mg wet tissue in case 3. Length of fiberglass was shorter than that in underground water. 5. Cases of malignant tumor among inhabitants since last 10 years were 4, 3 of whom was developed in a same household just near the factory. Diagnoses of malignancy cases were stomach cancer, stomach and esophageal cancer, oral cavity cancer, and stomach cancer with liver metastasis. On review examination of tissues of endoscopic biopsy specimen from a case of stomach cancer, there was adenocarcinoma with no evidence of fiberglass materials.
Authors concluded there is evidences that fiberglass was strongly associated with the development of the health hazards including dermatosis and benign subcutaneous tumor.
However, the association of fiberglass exposure with the development of malignant tumor was not clear, although strongly suggested. For the prevention of development of further health hazards, it is recommended that under ground water source should be closed and further experimental study to confirm the mechanism of the tumorigenesis and follow up survey on the inhabitants should be conducted.