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Relationship between binge drinking experience and suicide attempts in Korean adolescents: based on the 2013 Korean Youth Risk Behavior Web-based Survey
Kyeong Hyang Byeon, Sun Ha Jee, Jae Woong Sull, Bo Young Choi, Heejin Kimm
Epidemiol Health. 2018;40:e2018046.   Published online September 26, 2018
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  • 11 Web of Science
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Suicide and drinking problems in adolescents are increasing every year, and it is known that suicide is related to drinking. This study aims to identify the relationship between binge drinking experience (BDE) and suicide attempts in Korean adolescents.
The Ninth Korean Youth Risk Behavior Web-based Survey (KYRBS), conducted in 2013, was used for analysis. Multiple logistic regression analysis was used to identify the relationship between BDE and suicide attempts, and the relationship between BDE and suicide attempts in middle and high school students was stratified by age.
BDE and suicide attempts were highly related. The odds ratio (OR) of attempted suicide in BDE was 1.63 times (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.28 to 2.09) higher then non-drinking in males. And the OR of attempted suicide in females was 1.21 times (95% CI, 1.07 to 1.37) higher then non-drinking in non-BDE, 1.79 times (95% CI, 1.47 to 2.19) higher in BDE. BDE was associated with suicide attempts in males aged 12 or 13 years (OR, 3.97; 95% CI, 1.57 to 10.03) and in females aged 15 years (OR, 2.66; 95% CI, 1.79 to 3.96).
BDE is an important factor related to suicide attempts in adolescents. In order to reduce suicide attempts, it is necessary to educate the youth about the regulation of BDE and drinking prevention.


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Examples and outlook of family-based cohort study.
Jae Woong Sull, Sue Kyung Park, Heechoul Ohrr, Sun Ha Jee
Korean J Epidemiol. 2008;30(1):49-59.   Published online June 30, 2008
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Family-based designs are commonly used in genetic association studies to identify and to locate genes that underlie complex diseases. In this paper, we review two examples of genome-wide association studies using family-based cohort studies, including the Framingham Heart Study and International Multi-Center ADHD Genetics Project. We also review statistical methods of family-based designs, including the transmission disequilibrium test (TDT), linkage analysis, and imprinting effect analysis. In addition, we evaluate the strengths and limitations of the family-based cohort design. Despite the costs and difficulties in carrying out this type of study, a family-based cohort study can play avery important role in genome wide studies. First, the design will be free from biases due to population heterogeneity or stratification. Moreover, family-based designs provide the opportunity to conduct joint tests of linkage and association. Finally, family-based designs also allow access to epigenetic phenomena like imprinting. The family-based cohort design should be given careful consideration in planning new studies for genome-wide strategies.
Smoking and cause of death in Korea: 11 years follow-up prospective study.
Sun Ha Jee, Ji Eun Yun, Jung Yong Park, Jae Woong Sull, Il Soon Kim
Korean J Epidemiol. 2005;27(1):182-190.
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OBJECTIVE: In Korea, male smoking prevalence is among the world's highest and mortality rates from smoking-caused cancers, particularly lung cancer, are escalating. This cohort study examined the effects of cigarette smoking on the risk of mortality from all causes, cancers and cardiovascular diseases(CVD), and characterized the relationship of the risk with the amount and duration of cigarette smoking.
A eleven-year prospective cohort study was carried out of on 1,207,592 Koreans, 30 to 95 years of age. The study population includes participants in a national insurance program, who completed a questionnaire on smoking and other risk factors. The main outcome measures were death from all causes, cancer and CVD, obtained through record linkage. At baseline, 482,997 men(60.0%) and 19,755(5.3%) women were current cigarette smokers.
In multivariate Cox proportional hazards models, controlling for age, alcohol drinking, exercise, and obesity, current smoking among men increased the risks of mortality from all cause death (relative risk[RR], 1.56; 95% confidence interval[CI], 1.52~1.59), all cancer (1.75, 1.68~1.82), and CVD(1.46, 1.38~1.55). Similar results were found for mortality among women. Smoking also increased the risks of mortality for cancer of the lung(4.60, 4.09~5.33) and other cancers, including larynx, bile duct, esophagus, liver, stomach, pancreas, bladder, and also leukemia. Current smoking among women increased the risk of lung cancer mortality(RR=2.83, 95% CI 2.38~3.36).
In Korea, smoking is an independent risk factor for death from all causes, CVD and a number of major cancers. The findings affirm the need for aggressive tobacco control in Korea in order to minimize the epidemic of smoking-caused disease.

Epidemiol Health : Epidemiology and Health