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Integrated dataset of the Korean Genome and Epidemiology Study cohort with estimated air pollution data
Hae Dong Woo, Dae Sub Song, Sun Ho Choi, Jae Kyung Park, Kyoungho Lee, Hui-Young Yun, Dae-Ryun Choi, Youn-Seo Koo, Hyun-Young Park
Epidemiol Health. 2022;44:e2022071.   Published online September 7, 2022
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AbstractAbstract AbstractSummary PDFSupplementary Material
Public concern about the adverse health effects of air pollution has grown rapidly in Korea, and there has been increasing demand for research on ways to minimize the health effects of air pollution. Integrating large epidemiological data and air pollution exposure levels can provide a data infrastructure for studying ambient air pollution and its health effects. The Korean Genome and Epidemiology Study (KoGES), a large population-based study, has been used in many epidemiological studies of chronic diseases. Therefore, KoGES cohort data were linked to air pollution data as a national resource for air pollution studies. Air pollution data were produced using community multiscale air quality modeling with additional adjustment of monitoring data, satellite-derived aerosol optical depth, normalized difference vegetation index, and meteorological data to increase the accuracy and spatial resolution. The modeled air pollution data were linked to the KoGES cohort based on participants’ geocoded residential addresses in grids of 1 km (particulate matter) or 9 km (gaseous air pollutants and meteorological variables). As the integrated data become available to all researchers, this resource is expected to serve as a useful infrastructure for research on the health effects of air pollution.
Korean summary
대기오염이 건강에 미치는 정도를 파악하고 이를 최소화하는 과학적 근거 생산 마련을 위하여 한국인유전체역학조사사업(KoGES) 자료와 대기오염 및 기상 자료를 연계하여 연구 기반을 마련하고자 하였다. 배출량, 기상자료 및 공기의 확산 등을 고려하는 화학수송모델(CMAQ)을 통하여 2005년에서 2017년 사이의 대기오염 및 기상자료를 예측하였으며, 이후 관측소 자료 및 인공위성자료인 에어로졸 광화학두께(AOD)를 추가 적용하여 최종 생산하였다. 미세먼지 자료는 1 km 격자로 기체상 오염물질 및 기상 자료는 9 km 격자 단위로 구성되었다. 생산된 자료는 KoGES 참여자의 주소를 기반으로 연계하여 최종 KoGES-대기오염 연계DB를 구축하였으며, 구축된 자료를 이용하여 KoGES 참여자의 대기오염 노출 수준을 공간적 시간적 분포로 살펴보았다. 구축된 자료는 내외부 연구자에게 공개가 되고 있어 대기오염에 의한 건강영향평가 및 피해를 최소화하는 방안 마련 연구를 위한 좋은 기반 자료가 될 것으로 기대된다.
Key Message
The Korean Genome and Epidemiology Study (KoGES) cohort were linked to air pollution data as a national resource for studying air pollution and its health effect. Air pollution data (2005~2017) were produced using community multiscale air quality modeling with additional adjustment of monitoring data, satellite-derived aerosol optical depth, normalized difference vegetation index, and meteorological data to increase the accuracy and spatial resolution. The modelled air pollution data were linked to the cohort based on participants’ geocoded residential addresses in grids of 1 km (particulate matter) or 9 km (gaseous air pollutants and meteorological variables).


Citations to this article as recorded by  
  • Association between short-term exposure to ambient air pollutants and biomarkers indicative of inflammation and oxidative stress: a cross-sectional study using KoGES-HEXA data
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    Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine.2024; 29: 17.     CrossRef
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    Jane J Lee, Hae Dong Woo, Ji Hyun Kim, Eun Ju Jung, Kyoungho Lee
    BMJ Open.2024; 14(12): e092448.     CrossRef
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  • Association between ambient particulate matter levels and hypertension: results from the Korean Genome and Epidemiology Study
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Establishment of the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey air pollution study dataset for the researchers on the health impact of ambient air pollution
Myung-Jae Hwang, Jisun Sung, Miryoung Yoon, Jong-Hun Kim, Hui-Young Yun, Dae-Ryun Choi, Youn-Seo Koo, Kyungwon Oh, Sungha Yun, Hae-Kwan Cheong
Epidemiol Health. 2021;43:e2021015.   Published online February 8, 2021
  • 18,040 View
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  • 12 Web of Science
  • 14 Crossref
AbstractAbstract AbstractSummary PDFSupplementary Material
To provide a nationwide representative dataset for the study on health impact of air pollution, we combined the data from the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey with the daily air quality and weather data by matching the date of examination and the residential address of the participants. The database of meteorological factors and air quality as sources of exposure data were estimated using the Community Multiscale Air Quality model. The linkage dataset was merged by three ways; administrative district, <i>si-gun-gu</i> (city, county, and district), and geocode (in latitude and longitude coordinate units) based on the participants’ residential address, respectively. During the study period, the exposure dataset of 85,018 individuals (38,306 men and 46,712 women) whose examination dates were recorded were obtained. According to the definition of exposure period, the dataset was combined with the data on short-term, mid-term, and long-term exposure to air pollutants and the meteorological indices. Calculation of the daily merged dataset’s average air pollution linked by <i>si-gun-gu</i> and geocode units showed similar results. This study generated a daily average of meteorological indices and air pollution exposure dataset for all regions including rural and remote areas in Korea for 11 years. It is expected to provide a platform for the researchers studying the health impact of air pollution and climate change on the representative population and area, which may facilitate the establishment of local health care plans by understanding the residents’ health status at the local as well as national level.
Korean summary
-2007년부터 2017년까지 11년간 국민건강영양조사의 검진조사 대상자의 검진일자와 지리정보를 기준으로 85,018명에 대해 기상 및 대기오염 모델링 자료를 결합하여 조사 대상자의 거주지주소를 이용하여 시·군·구 단위와 주소 기반 위경도 좌표를 기준으로 각각 노출자료를 결합함. -대기오염의 단기노출, 중기노출, 장기노출의 건강영향을 평가하기 위해 지연효과(lag effect)를 적용하여 각 건강자료와 결합함. -기상 및 대기오염 모델링 자료와 연계된 국민건강영양조사의 활용을 위한 data profile을 제시함.
Key Message
-We built a dataset for air pollution research by combining meteorological and air pollution modeling data through CMAQ for 85,018 individuals based on the date of examination and geographic information of the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey participants for 11 years, from 2007 to 2017. -Each exposure data was combined based on si-gun-gu (city, county, and district) and geocode (in latitude and longitude coordinate units) based on the participants’ residential address. -To evaluate the health effects of short-, medium- and long-term air pollution exposure, the lag values of days, months, and years was applied and combined with each health data. -A data profile was presented for the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey linked to meteorological and air pollution modeling data.


Citations to this article as recorded by  
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  • Association of sarcopenia, ambient air pollution and cognitive function in a community-dwelling middle-aged and elderly Korean population: a community-based cohort study
    Jane J Lee, Hae Dong Woo, Ji Hyun Kim, Eun Ju Jung, Kyoungho Lee
    BMJ Open.2024; 14(12): e092448.     CrossRef
  • Association between ambient particulate matter levels and hypertension: results from the Korean Genome and Epidemiology Study
    Sewhan Na, Jong-Tae Park, Seungbeom Kim, Jinwoo Han, Saemi Jung, Kyeongmin Kwak
    Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine.2023;[Epub]     CrossRef
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    Jane J. Lee, Ji Hyun Kim, Dae Sub Song, Kyoungho Lee
    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.2022; 19(16): 9913.     CrossRef
  • Long-Term Effects of Ambient Particulate and Gaseous Pollutants on Serum High-Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein Levels: A Cross-Sectional Study Using KoGES-HEXA Data
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    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.2022; 19(18): 11585.     CrossRef
  • Effects of exposure to ambient air pollution on pulmonary function impairment in Korea: the 2007-2017 Korea National Health and Nutritional Examination Survey
    Soo Beom Choi, Sungha Yun, Sun-Ja Kim, Yong Bum Park, Kyungwon Oh
    Epidemiology and Health.2021; 43: e2021082.     CrossRef
Original Article
Ambient air quality and subjective stress level using Community Health Survey data in Korea
Myung-Jae Hwang, Hae-Kwan Cheong, Jong-Hun Kim, Youn Seo Koo, Hui-Young Yun
Epidemiol Health. 2018;40:e2018028.   Published online June 28, 2018
  • 15,866 View
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  • 9 Web of Science
  • 10 Crossref
AbstractAbstract AbstractSummary PDFSupplementary Material
Air pollution causes various disease in exposed populations, and can lead to premorbid health effects manifested as both physical and psychological functional impairment. The present study investigated the subjective stress level in daily life in relation to the level of air pollution.
Data from the Community Health Survey (2013), comprising 99,162 men, and 121,273 women residing in 253 healthcare administrative districts, were combined with air pollutant concentration modelling data from the Korean Air Quality Forecasting System, and were stratified by subjective stress levels into five strata for multiple logistic regression. Levels of exposure were divided into five quintiles according to the annual concentration of nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and were analyzed using a single-pollutant model using NO2 concentration only, and a multi-pollutant model adjusted for the concentration of particulate matter <10 μm in diameter.
Analysis of men and women in various age groups showed the highest odds ratio (OR) for subjective stress level at the highest NO2 concentration quintile in men and women aged 30–64 years (men: 2.91; 95% confidence interval [CI], 2.12 to 4.01; women: 1.82; 95% CI, 1.32 to 2.51). As the NO2 concentration quintile increased, the OR increased. Men showed higher ORs than women in all strata.
In the present study, annual NO2 concentrations were found to be associated with subjective stress levels. This association was especially clear among socioeconomically active men and women aged 30-64 years.
Korean summary
2013년 지역사회건강조사를 이용하여 253개 보건행정지역단위로 Korean Air Quality Forecasting System (KAQFS) 대기물질농도 모델링자료를 결합하여 주관적 스트레스 정도에 따라 5분위로 범주화하여 다항로지스틱회귀을 하였다. 본 연구에서는 연평균 NO2농도와 주관적 스트레스 정도가 관련이 있는 것으로 나타났다. 특히, 사회 경제적 활동이 활발한30세 이상 65세 미만의 남성과 여성에서 관련성이 뚜렷하게 나타났다.


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Epidemiol Health : Epidemiology and Health