Characteristics of Injury in a University Hospital.
Younsu Shin, Soonduck Kim, Jesuk Lee
Korean J Epidemiol. 2007;29(2):155-164.
PURPOSE This study was performed to provide the basic data in the establishment of preventive countermeasures for injury by analyzing the characteristics of injury, and risk factors of injury.METHODS From 2,059 injury patients among 19,947 patients admitted between January and December, 2004 at a university hospital located in Gyeonggi-do, 500 injury patients were sampled randomly by systematic sampling. A total of 500 questionnaires was collected and used for this study. The statistical SPSS was used to analyze data that included chi-square, fisher's exact test.RESULTS Injury patients among total admission patients was 10.3%. In both general characteristics of injury and non-injury patients, gender, age, length of stay was significant. As the cause of injury were compared with those of injury external causes, type, place, site, and time of injury were significant. As the cause of injury were compared with the characteristics of related-injury, surgery, multiple injuries, mental history, consciousness at the time emergency room visit, length stays were significant.CONCLUSION With regard to general characteristics, injury external causes, injury-related causes, and factors such as sex, age, occupation, and educational background were related to each other. Injury does not occur by accident or unexpectedly. Therefore, if preventive attention is focused on individuals with high risk factors of injury, the incidence rate will be diminished.