The Effect of Anthropometric Change on Blood Lipids in Adolescents in Rural Area of Korea.
Kyeong Soo Cheon, Myoung Hee Kim, Kirang Kim, Mi Kyung Kim, Young Jeon Shin, Bo Youl Choi
Korean J Epidemiol. 2002;24(1):17-28.
Primary prevention of atherosclerosis is important for reducing morbidity and mortality from cardiovascular disease. As modifiable risk factors for atherosclerosis which appears and progresses in early life, obesity and hyperlipidemia are related with each other. Especially hyperlipidemia during adolescent period is closely related to cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in later life, but the association between anthropometric changes in growth period and lipids level in adolescence is not known yet.
Therefore we investigated the effect of anthropometric changes in growth period on adolescent lipids level among 615 high school students in rural area of Korea. The study results were as the followings; In childhood, the weight and the height of boys didn't differ from those of girls, however, began to exceed them at 14 and 15 years old respectively. The body mass index(BMI) of both genders was appeared to increase with age. The BMI increase of girls was greater than that of boys from twelve years of age. The BMI slope (annual average increment of BMI; coefficient of regression line) of girls was greater than that of boys(t-test, p<0.01). The proportion of high obesity tracking group was 13.1%(82 persons). In multivariate analysis, total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol were positively correlated with obesity tracking in boys; BMI slope and BMI at 7 years old in girls. The HDL-cholesterol didn't show any significant association with those factors.
The triglyceride was related to BMI slope and obesity tracking in boy, but nothing in girls. In this study, the obesity at 7 years old, the BMI slope, and the obesity tracking are associated with adolescent serum lipid level.
For primary prevention of cardiovascular disease, it is needed to develop more active prevention or health promotion program for children and adolesecents in Korea.
A Seroepidemiologic Study on Rubella Antibody Positivity: Primary School Students in Gyenggi-Do.
Bo Youl Choi, Hung Bae Park, Young Jeon Shin, Bae Joong Yoon, Jong Surk Hahn
Korean J Epidemiol. 1995;17(2):156-166.
PURPOSE The purpose of this seroepidmiologic study was to examine the immunization and infection history of rubella, positivity of rubella specific antibody, seroconversion rate of two rubella vaccines and to develop an adequate immunization program of rubella. Research Methods : Subjects of the study were 2.071 students of 8 priamary schools in Gyenggi-Do. Questionnaire and blood sampling were done. Test method of Rubella specific antibody was ELISA (Abbott IMx autoanalyzer). The anayltic methods for the study were chi-square-test, t-test and ANOVA.RESULTS The results of the study were as follows : (1)The number of subjects who had infection history of rubella were only 28 students(1.5%). (2)The immunization rate of rubella was the highest in 6 year-old group(65%), it decrease as subjects grow older. (3)The positivity of rubella antibody was 76. 6%, it is the highest in 6 year old group and the lowest in 7 year-old group and it increase again as subjects grow older. (4)Average antibody titer was 53.3 IU(SD 79.2), the trend of antibody titer by age was similar to that of positivity. (5)The seroconversion rates of both vaccines, vaccine A,vaccine B, were 99.5% and 99.6%, the ratio of increase of antibody titer after immunization was higer than 400. it means that both vaccines are very efficacious.CONCLUSION Results of the study suggest that it is necessary to increase the coverage of rubella immunization, and further studies are necessary to get more information for rubella.
Semiquantitative Food Frequency Method as an Epidemiological tool in a Rural community, Korea.
Mi Kyung Kim, Bo Youl Choi, Young Jeon Shin, Yoon Ok Ahn, Sang Sun Lee, Young Sun Cho
Korean J Epidemiol. 1994;16(1):54-65.
This study was performed to evaluate the semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire used to obtain information about. dietary patterns of adults in a rural county, Yang-pyeung Gun. The study population was 1311 adults aged 17~85 years. And well-trained interviewers interviewed subjects in 1990, 1992, 1993. The results are as follows. 1) Nutrients intake calculated from each questionnaire showed significant difference, because the number of question was not same(fifty questions in 1990, eighty questions in 1992, 1993). 2) Estimated nutrients intake from separate food items was significantly different when food items are combined in one question. 3) The agreement of nutrients intake level except vit C were high when the subjects are cross-classified by their ranks on the nutrients intake level from items in both questionnaires and on the nutrient intake level from items in each questionnaire. 4) And analysing this study data by multiple stepwise regression, we selected twenty seven food items whic could explained over 85% of inter-individual variation of nutrients(energy, carbohydrate, fat, protein, vit A, vit B1, vit B2, vit C, Ca). From above results, we suggested that it is neccessary to standardize questionnaire and perform validity studies.
A study on the positive rate of rubella antibody and the sero-conversion rate after rubella vaccination.
Young Jeon Choi, Hung Bae Park, Young Jeon Shin, Bae Joong Yoon, Joong Surk Hahn
Korean J Epidemiol. ;15(2):173-184.
Rubella is a viral disease in childhood. Its clinical manifestations are nonspecific and not serious. Rubella was not interested until Gregg noted that rubella infection in early pregnancy could lead to a congenital cataract, in 1941. Gregg's report gave the impetus of many investigations. They proved that rubella lead to various congenital defects, such as, heart defect, deafness, mental retardation, etc.. It was called ‘Congenital rubella syndrome’. Live-attenuated rubella vaccines were developed and licensed in United State and United Kingdom in 1969. However, nationwide vaccination pregram in Korea did not begin until the early 1980s.
This study was carried out 1) to obtain positive rate of rubella antibody among female students who were target population of British type vaccination program, 2) to estimate sero-conversion rate after rubella vaccination. Study population was 1st grade students(1,190persons) of 9 girls' high schools in Gyenggi-Do, and they were not target population of MMR (mealses, mumps, rubella) vaccination program, The rubella antibody, Im-munoglobulin G, was measured by ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay; Robzyme®, Abott)
The results were summarized as follows
1. Positive rate among 1,008 female, students who didn't have past history of rubella vaccination was 83.1% (838/1,008) and there were no significant differences according to age, residential area (rural area/city area/mixed area) and socioeconomic status (p>0.05).
2. Vaccinations were applied to 171 sero-negative students in initial antibody test. In second test, sero-conversion rate was 94.7% (162/171). Second vaccination and 3rd sero-logic test were given to 9 students, who were negative in the second test after 1st vaccination. Among them, only 4 students (44.4%) got immunity, and their Rubazyme indicies as a indicator of antibody titer were lower than that of students antibodies were converted to positive after 1st vaccination.
3. Among 172 vaccinees, 17 persons (9.9%) were suffered from mild and transient side effects.
These results suggested that the British type vaccination program be required in girls aged 10-14 years who didn't take MMR. Effectiveness of vaccine used in this study was confirmed because of it’s high sero-conversion rate and minimal side effects.