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Young Ae Kim 1 Article
A study of sensitivity for the antibiotic and state of carrier with bacteria in the nasal organ of hospital personnel in one general hospital in Seoul city
Young Ae Kim, Moon Shik Zong
Korean J Epidemiol. 1982;4(1):149-157.
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The public health importance of hospital acquired disease has been obvious. This report is a summary of the result of study for state of carrier with bacteria in the nasal organ. The objects of study were 116 of hospital personnel who have been worked for more than one year in One General Hospital in Seoul City. A study was done during September and October in 1980. The results were as follows: 1. The rate of carrier for pathogenic bacteria among service departments was tested as below. The rate of nasal-carriers was 31%. The rate of highest carrier (44.4%) was noted in the internal medical group. The rate of lowest carrier (22.4%) was noted in nursery and premature room group. There was significant difference of nasal-carrier rate between service departments (P<0.01). 2. The rate of carrier for pathogenic bacteria between type of speciality groups was tested as below. The rate of nasal-carriers was 31%. The rate of highest carrier (40%) was noted in medical techinician group. The rate of lowest carrier (25%) was noted clerical employee group. There was significant difference of nasal-carrier rate between type of speciality groups (P<0.01). 3. The rate of carrier for pathogenic bacteria differentiation among service departments was tested as below. The rate of carrier for Staphylococcus aureus was 22.4%. The rate of highest carrier (44.4%) was noted in the internal medical group. The rate of lowest carrier (7.7%) was noted in the surgery group. There was significant difference of nasal-carrier rate for Staphylococcus aureus between service departments (p<0.01). The rates of carrier for pathogenic bacteria in nasal sampling were Streptococcus pneumoniae 5.2%, Acinetobacter calcoaceticus variation lowffi 4.3%, Escherichia coli 4.3%, in that orders. 4. The rate of carrier for pathogenic bacteria differentiation between type of specility groups was tested as below. The rate of carrier for Staphylococcus aureus was 22.4%. The rate of highest carrier (30%) was noted in the medical technician group. The rate of lowest carrier (15%) was noted in the clerical employee group. There was significant difference of nasal-carrier rate for Staphylococcus aureus between type of speciality groups, (p<0.01) . 5. Classifications of bacteria in nasal sampling of hospital personnel were Staphylococcus epidermidis 76.7%, Corynebacterium spp. 50%, Staphylococcus aureus 22.4%, Haemophilus 12.1% and Neisseria was 12.1%, in that orders. 6. The sensitivity Staphylococcus aureus for antibiotic was tested as below. Penicillin was the highest in the rate of resistance with 88.5%. Ampicillin 84.6% and Tetracycline was 69.2%. 7. The sensitivity of Gram negative enteric bacteria for antibiotic was tested as below. Ampicillin was the highest in the rate of resistance with 87.5%, Lincomycin 82.1% and Chloramphenicol was 31.2%.

Epidemiol Health : Epidemiology and Health