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Suck Ho Shin 1 Article
Effects of maternal age and parity on twin in births in Korea
Kwang Ho Meng, Suck Chan Kim, Suck Ho Shin, Jae Shin Ahn
Korean J Epidemiol. 1988;10(1):86-91.
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Positive effects of increasing maternal age and parity on the incidence of twinning have been well documented by several investigators in United States and other Europian countries. This case-control type of study attempted to confirm the association in Korea at first by using hospital records from Kangnam St. Mary’s hospital, Seoul.
s are total of 101 twin births born in 1982-1986 and controls are 1315 singletons born in 1986. Information other than maternal age and parity such as season of birth, gestation period, birth weight and methods of delivery were also collected and compared between singletons and twins. No significant associations were found in frequency distribution of twins and singletons by maternal age and parity. However the estimated risk of twinning for women aged 35 years and over was 2.19 times higher than for women aged 34 years and less, and the risk ratio was statistically significant (odds ratio=2.19, 95% C.I.=1.13-4.23). Less impressive associations of maternal age and parity with incidence of twin births seems to be ascribed to decreased maternal age and parity in recent years in Korea.

Epidemiol Health : Epidemiology and Health