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Soung Hoon Chang 2 Articles
Sero-prevalence of Hepatitis B Virus Surface Antigen and Antibody in High School Students in Chungju-city.
Hyeongsu Kim, Kun Sei Lee, Soung Hoon Chang, Suekyung Park, Cheongsik Kim, Chang Hee Lee, Hyuk Jung Kweon, Soon Sup Chung
Korean J Epidemiol. 2002;24(2):107-112.
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Since Korea has been known to be one of the endemic area for hepatitis B virus(HBV) infection, vaccination for HBV has been recommended for all neonates in Korea. After starting vaccination in 1983, the change of sero-positivity of HBsAg and HBsAb is expected. This study was carried out to investigate the seropositive rate of hepatitis B virus surface antigen and antibody in high school freshmen students in Chungju-city.
AND MATERIALS: From 1998 to 2001, a total of 11,735 who were born in 1982 to 1986, were enrolled in this study. HBsAg and anti-HBs were tested by reversed passive hemagglutination and passive hemagglutination, respectively. PESULTS: The study population was 11,735 students who were composed of 5,813 males (49.6%) and 5,914 females (50.4%). The HBsAg sero-positivity of male and female students was 3.25% (n=381) and 2.59% (n=153) respectively. The anti-HBs sero-positivity of male and female students was 62.2% (n=3,154) and 64.1% (n=2,969) respectively. There are significant difference observed in comparison of HBsAg and anti-HBs seropositivity according to sex (p<0.05). From 1982 to 1986 on birth year, anti-HBs sero-positivity has been increased significantly from 63.3% to 73.3%. But the change of HBsAg sero-positivity has not been changed significantly.
As compared with previous studies of HBsAg and anti-HBs, the sero-positive rate of HBsAg has not been changed but that of HBsAb has been increased significantly. This result revealed that the effect of HBV vaccination program was successful.
A rural health study through screening approaches.
Gil Soo Son, Yong Tae Yum, Soung Hoon Chang
Korean J Epidemiol. 1991;13(2):197-203.
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Screening deseases for community health is the search for previously unrecognized diseases or physiologic conditions whether they are caused or influenced by work-associated factors or not. In Korea it has been of a large-scale prevention effort by employers of which industries hired more than 5 workers each. Screening results may be useful in a surveillance system to be analyzed epidemiologically for the protection of the community people both living in rural and urban areas. However, the safety and health law for industry of Korea excluded rural people from target of screening. Unique way to cope with is approaching for research purpose of selected study areas in terms of pilot primary health care programs. In this study, a total of 4,500 rural people who were living in Yeoju Kun, Kyonggi Province are selected as research target people asking to participate in screening test. Of them, the total of 2,753 persons participated in the screening tests and interview. The results were as follows. 1. Examinee consisted of 45.8% of male and 54.2% of female where as standard population showed 49.6 v/s 50.4. 2. Highest participation rate of 18.7% was shown in the 50~54 age group. However, participation rate ratio of 2.93 was shown in the age group of 55~59. 3. The highest participation rate ratio by educational level was shown in primary school group and in order of no education, middle school and high school group. 4. Most of participation (80.7%) were aggriculture group whereas rate ratio was highest (2.70) in employee including simple labourers. 5. Motivation of participation was to confirm their health in 40.1% and rest of them was to check their bad or ill health. 6. Most of participation (94.9%) expressed the regular check-up (screening) would be necessary. 7. According to the screening tests 20.9% of hypertensives, 7.8% of hearing defect, 1.4% of positive urine sugar, 11.4% of abnormally high sugar level in blood, 0.1% of positive urine protein, about 2% of abnormal liver function tests, 5.0% of positive HBsAg, 13.6% of Anti-HBs and 2.5% of active lung tuberculosis were detected.

Epidemiol Health : Epidemiology and Health