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Sihan Song 3 Articles
Folate, vitamin B12, and homocysteine status in the Korean population: data from the 2013-2015 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
Sihan Song, Bo Mi Song, Hyun-Young Park
Epidemiol Health. 2024;46:e2024007.   Published online December 11, 2023
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  • 1 Web of Science
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We aimed to assess the serum folate, vitamin B12, and homocysteine status in Korean adolescents and adults using national data.
Blood samples were collected from participants aged ≥10 years in the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2013-2015. The stored serum samples were used to measure folate, vitamin B12, and homocysteine concentrations. A total of 8,016 participants were included in this analysis. Unweighted descriptive statistics and adjusted geometric means of the B vitamins and homocysteine concentrations were estimated.
Females had higher serum folate and vitamin B12 concentrations and lower serum homocysteine concentrations than males. Folate deficiency (<6.8 nmol/L) and hyperhomocysteinemia (>15 μmol/L) were found in 8.6% and 11.8% of males, respectively. Approximately 3% of males had low or marginally low vitamin B12 status (≤221 pmol/L). Folate and vitamin B12 deficiencies and hyperhomocysteinemia were found in <2% of females. Suboptimal folate status was prevalent among adolescents and young adults, while suboptimal vitamin B12 status and hyperhomocysteinemia were relatively higher in older adults. Adjusted mean homocysteine concentrations were sharply decreased from the first to second decile of serum folate in males.
In the Korean population, the proportion of males who achieved desirable folate and homocysteine concentrations were lower than those of females. Although most Koreans have adequate vitamin B12, a suboptimal folate status is common, particularly among adolescents and young adults. These findings could establish a foundation for public health initiatives aimed at improving folate levels in the Korean population.
Korean summary
엽산과 비타민B12는 전 생애에 걸쳐 건강에 영향을 미치는 필수 비타민이다. 그러나 해당 비타민 상태에 대한 국내 자료는 부족한 실정이다. 본 연구는 국민건강영양조사 참여자로부터 수집된 혈청으로부터 엽산, 비타민B12, 그리고 이들의 기능성 지표인 호모시스테인 농도를 측정하였고 성별과 연령별 분포와 적합 상태를 평가하였다. 엽산 결핍과 고호모시스테인혈증은 남성에서 높은 유병률을 가졌다. 적정 엽산 상태를 충족하지 못하는 비율은 청소년과 젊은 성인에서 흔하게 관찰되었다. 대부분의 한국인은 충분한 비타민B12 수준을 가졌으나, 노인의 경우 정기적인 평가가 필요하다. 본 연구는 한국인이 최적의 엽산과 비타민B12 상태를 유지하기 위한 기반적 근거를 제공한다.
Key Message
Folate and vitamin B12 have significant health impacts throughout the life cycle. However, national-level data on B vitamins in Korea are limited. Serum folate, vitamin B12, and homocysteine concentrations were measured from samples stored during the national survey. In our study, the proportions of folate deficiency and hyperhomocysteinemia were higher in men than in women.Suboptimal folate status was common among adolescents and young adults. Most Koreans had adequate levels of vitamin B12; however, regular monitoring is warranted, especially in the older population. The current data provide a future direction for achieving optimal B vitamin status in the Korean population.
Adherence to the American Cancer Society guidelines on nutrition and physical activity for cancer survivors and biomarkers of inflammation among breast cancer survivors
Minji Kang, Sihan Song, Hyun Jeong Cho, Zisun Kim, Hyun Jo Youn, Jihyoung Cho, Jun Won Min, Yoo Seok Kim, Sang-Woon Choi, Jung Eun Lee
Epidemiol Health. 2024;46:e2024026.   Published online January 25, 2024
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This study investigated whether adherence to the overall lifestyle recommendations in the American Cancer Society (ACS) guidelines on nutrition and physical activity for cancer survivors was associated with inflammation in breast cancer survivors.
The study included 409 women who had undergone breast cancer surgery at least 1 year before enrollment. A generalized linear model was used to estimate the least square means and 95% confidence intervals of plasma levels of inflammatory markers according to lifestyle factors defined in terms of adherence to the ACS guidelines.
Higher overall adherence scores were associated with lower levels of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) (p for trend=0.015) and higher levels of adiponectin (p for trend=0.009). Similar significant associations of hs-CRP (p for trend= 0.004) and adiponectin (p for trend=0.010) levels were observed with the score for the body mass index (BMI) component of the adherence score. A higher diet component score was associated with a higher adiponectin level (p for trend=0.020), but there was no significant association for the physical activity component score.
The present study’s findings suggest that maintaining a healthy lifestyle according to the ACS guidelines was associated with beneficial effects on inflammatory marker levels, especially hs-CRP and adiponectin, among breast cancer survivors. Among the 3 components of lifestyle guidelines, the BMI component exhibited the most similar tendency to the overall adherence score in relation to inflammatory indicators. Further prospective and intervention studies are needed to investigate longitudinal associations between lifestyle factors and inflammatory markers among breast cancer survivors.
Korean summary
- 한국인 유방암 생존자를 대상으로 한 연구에서, 암 생존자를 위한 영양 및 신체 활동에 관한 미국암협회 (American Cancer Society, ACS) 지침을 따라 건강한 생활 습관을 유지하는 것이 혈중 염증 마커 수준, 특히 낮은 hs-CRP와 높은 adiponectin 수준과 관련이 있었습니다.
- 체질량지수 (Body Mass Index, BMI)를 적절한 수준 (18.5-23 kg/m²)으로 유지하는 것은 낮은 hs- CRP 수준과 높은 adiponectin 수준과 관련이 있는 것으로 나타났습니다.
- 또한, 과일, 야채 및 통곡물이 풍부하고 적색육 및 가공육을 적게 섭취하는 건강한 식단은 혈중 adiponectin 수치가 높은 것과 관련이 있었습니다.
Key Message
• Maintaining a healthy lifestyle according to the American Cancer Society (ACS) Guidelines on Nutrition and Physical Activity for Cancer Survivors was associated with favorable levels of inflammatory markers, especially in hs-CRP and adiponectin among breast cancer survivors.
• Maintaining an adequate BMI of 18.5 to 23 kg/m2 was associated with lower levels of hs-CRP and higher adiponectin levels.
• In addition, a healthy diet — indicating a diet high in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and low in red and processed meats — was associated with higher adiponectin levels.
Korea Nurses’ Health Study and the health of reproductive-aged women: a cohort profile
Chiyoung Cha, Heeja Jung, Sue Kim, Jung Eun Lee, Kwang-Pil Ko, Eunyoung Cho, Hyun-Young Park, Joong-Yeon Lim, Bo Mi Song, Sihan Song, Soojin Park, Aram Cho
Epidemiol Health. 2024;46:e2024048.   Published online April 30, 2024
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The Korea Nurses’ Health Study (KNHS) is an ongoing, large-scale, prospective cohort study of women nurses, focusing on the effects of occupational, environmental, and lifestyle factors on the health of women. The first KNHS survey was performed in 2013-2014 (n=20,613). As of December 2023, 11 follow-up surveys have been conducted. Participants who were pregnant were asked to participate in the early pregnancy survey (n=2,179) and postpartum survey after giving birth (n=2,790). The main variables included socio-demographic, work-related, lifestyle, physical, mental, and women’s health factors. Blood, urine, and toenail samples were collected from a participant subgroup of the first survey (n=1,983). The subgroups of the second survey completed a food frequency questionnaire in 2019 (n=300) and 2021 (n=871). In 2020, a subgroup of the first survey answered a coronavirus disease 2019-related survey (n=975). To examine various health-related factors in young adults, new participants were added to the KNHS cohort in the 11th (n=1,000) and 12th (n=1,002) surveys. The KNHS cohort will help identify health and illness determinants in Korean women. Data can be accessed at
Korean summary
한국간호사건강연구(Korea Nurses’ Health Study, KNHS)는 2013년부터 수행되고 있는 대규모 전향적 추적관찰 코호트 연구이다. 본 연구는 질병력, 약물복용력, 임신력, 여성건강, 정신건강(우울, 스트레스, 피로 등), 생활습관(흡연, 음주, 신체활동, 수면 등), 근무특성을 조사하여 여성건강에 장기적으로 미치는 영향을 파악하고 한국 고유의 여성건강 결정요인을 도출하는 것을 목표로 한다.
Key Message
The Korea Nurses' Health Study (KNHS) is a large-scale, prospective cohort study that has been conducted since 2013. It measures various factors affecting reproductive-aged women, including disease history, medication usage, pregnancy, women's health characteristic, mental health (such as depression, stress, and fatigue), lifestyle characteristic (including smoking, drinking, and physical activity, sleep), and work-related characteristics. The study aims to understand the long-term impact on women's health and identify unique determinants of women's health specific to Korea.

Epidemiol Health : Epidemiology and Health