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Sang Sun Lee 1 Article
Semiquantitative Food Frequency Method as an Epidemiological tool in a Rural community, Korea.
Mi Kyung Kim, Bo Youl Choi, Young Jeon Shin, Yoon Ok Ahn, Sang Sun Lee, Young Sun Cho
Korean J Epidemiol. 1994;16(1):54-65.
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This study was performed to evaluate the semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire used to obtain information about. dietary patterns of adults in a rural county, Yang-pyeung Gun. The study population was 1311 adults aged 17~85 years. And well-trained interviewers interviewed subjects in 1990, 1992, 1993. The results are as follows. 1) Nutrients intake calculated from each questionnaire showed significant difference, because the number of question was not same(fifty questions in 1990, eighty questions in 1992, 1993). 2) Estimated nutrients intake from separate food items was significantly different when food items are combined in one question. 3) The agreement of nutrients intake level except vit C were high when the subjects are cross-classified by their ranks on the nutrients intake level from items in both questionnaires and on the nutrient intake level from items in each questionnaire. 4) And analysing this study data by multiple stepwise regression, we selected twenty seven food items whic could explained over 85% of inter-individual variation of nutrients(energy, carbohydrate, fat, protein, vit A, vit B1, vit B2, vit C, Ca). From above results, we suggested that it is neccessary to standardize questionnaire and perform validity studies.

Epidemiol Health : Epidemiology and Health