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Rajabali Daroudi 1 Article
Life and health satisfaction in the adult population of Iran
Rajabali Daroudi, Arash Rashidian, Hojjat Zeraati, Alireza Oliyaeemanesh, Ali Akbari Sari
Epidemiol Health. 2016;38:e2016047.   Published online November 3, 2016
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Increasing interest has emerged in the use of subjective well-being as a development indicator and for the evaluation of public policies. The aim of this study was to assess life and health satisfaction and their determinants in the adult population of Iran.
We conducted a survey of a sample of 3,150 adults at least 18 years of age in Tehran, the capital of Iran. The subjects were selected using a stratified random sampling method, and they were interviewed face-to-face at their usual residence by trained interviewers. Life satisfaction was used as a measure of subjective well-being. We used ordinary least square regression models to assess the associations of life and health satisfaction with socio-demographic variables.
On a 0-10 scale, the mean (standard deviation) scores for life and health satisfaction were 6.93 (2.54) and 7.18 (1.97), respectively. The average score for life satisfaction in females was 0.52 points higher than in males. A U-shaped relationship was found between age and life satisfaction, with respondents 35 to 44 years of age having the lowest average level of life satisfaction. Satisfaction with life and health among divorced respondents was significantly lower than among never-married and married participants. The scores for life satisfaction in respondents who rated their health status as poor were 3.83 points lower than in those who rated their health status as excellent.
The majority of the population of Tehran was satisfied with their life and health. Self-rated health status had the greatest impact on life satisfaction.


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Epidemiol Health : Epidemiology and Health