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Joohon Sung 1 Article
Introduction of Relative Survival Analysis Program: Using Sample of Cancer Registry Data with Stata Software.
Kyu Won Jung, Hyun Joo Kong, Seon Hee Yim, Young Joo Won, Joohon Sung, Hai Rim Shin
Korean J Epidemiol. 2007;29(2):222-229.
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Patient survival is one of the most important measures for the evaluation of progress in cancer patient care across the wide spectrum from diagnosis to treatment. The optimal monitoring method for cancer patient survival is to estimate survival based on representative data from cancer patients in the population, which is only achievable through using population-based cancer registration data. Relative survival is used to compare the survival experience in a study cohort that expected to result from background population mortality rates. This technique is useful when the cause of death is not accurate or not available, since it provides a measure of excess mortality in a group of patients with a certain disease. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate the procedures for estimating relative survival using the statistical software Stata. For this survival analysis to show the procedure, the example data set was randomly selected from the National Cancer Incidence Database, which was used in a recent article reporting the overall relative survival of cancer patients diagnosed during 1993-2002 in Korea.

Epidemiol Health : Epidemiology and Health