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Jong Koo Lee 3 Articles
Regional Variation in Accessing Regional Hospitals for Cancer Patients.
Yeon Ok Moon, Eun Cheol Park, Hai Rim Shin, Young Joo Won, Kyu Won Jung, Jin Hee Lee, Soon Young Hwang, Hyun Joo Kong, Seung Sik Hwang, Jong Koo Lee, In Sik Kong, Myung Il Hahm
Korean J Epidemiol. 2006;28(2):152-161.
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To investigate the differences in accessing regional hospitals and the utilization rate of hospitals located in other regions for cancer patients by regions.
Data for the utilization of regional hospitals for cancer patients were obtained from the Korean National Cancer Incidence Databases in 1999 and 2002. We divided the regions into 16 provinces by administrative districts. We using the SAS 9.1.3 to analyze difference of regional self-sufficiency and the Arcview 3.2 to show in a schematize for regional variation of the regional self-sufficiency.
There were regional variations in the regional self-sufficiency of cancer patients. Especially, Jeollanam-do(1999 13.6%, 2002 12.8%), Gyeongsangbuk-do(1999 22.0%, 2002 20.7%), and Chungcheongnam-do(1999 27.8%, 2002 27.1%) had low regional self-sufficiency. The regional self-sufficiency in Gyeonggi-do and utilization rate of cancer patients who lived in other regions were increased between 1999 and 2002(regional self-sufficiency: 1999 37.2%, 2002 48.2%).
The results of this study showed that there were regional variation in utilization of regional hospitals for cancer patients. Accessibility of cancer patients in metropolitan areas was higher than in small size cities, medium size cities, and rural county areas. These results suggested that it should be considered support medical facilities for cancer patients in rural areas where have lower relevance rate.
Incidence of complication and societal cost of measles in Korea, 2000.
Weon Young Lee, Moran Ki, Jin Kyoung Oh, Jong Koo Lee, Myung Bin Kim, Bo Youl Choi
Korean J Epidemiol. 2004;26(2):71-80.
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To estimate the complication rate and the societal cost of measles, a survey was conducted in Seoul, Jeonju city, and Kyonggi province in 2001.
A telephone survey was conducted in Jeonju city (175/307) and four local areas of Kyonggi province (793/1,238) to gather information on the complications of measles. To estimate societal cost, the telephone survey was conducted for the sampled subject by complication type and the age group. The response rate was 78% (180/230). Paid bills were examined for direct cost estimation, and the time cost and the transportation expense were analyzed for indirect cost estimation.
The incidence of a complication of measles was 3.1% which found to be higher in younger age group. The incidence of pneumonia, otitis media, and encephalitis were 2.1%, 0.8%, and 0.2% respectively. Direct and indirect costs of in-patients without a complication were $417.00 (US $1.00 = 1,000 won) and $256.00 per case, respectively, and the out-patients who have no complication were $54.00 and $65.00, respectively. The average cost for a patient with measles without complication was $119.00 as the result. The societal cost of encephalitis was high as $6,660. Estimated total societal cost of measles ranges from $14 million to $69 million in the year 2000.
Complication rate of measles was fairly low compared to foreign countries. The lower rate could result from the difference in vaccination rate and the age distribution of the measles patients. The cost of measles without complication was not high. However, the cost for the complication and the total disease burden caused by measles shown to be high in the year 2000.
A Study on the Source of Cholera Epidemic of Korea 1995-1996.
Jong Koo Lee, Sang Soon Kim, Ho Hoon Kim, Hee Choul Ohrr, Moon Sik Kim, Key Dong Park, Chang Yong Hawang
Korean J Epidemiol. 1996;18(2):185-190.
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E1 tor cholera epidemic have been reported eight times in Korea since 1963. Researchers suspected unattempted importation of cholera bacteria from foreign countries or artificial germination by some people. No researchers have made hypotheses of environmental reservoir as the sources of cholera epidemics until in 1991 in Korea. This study focuses on the aquatic reservoir as the potential source of cholera epidemic. A total of 68 cholera patients were noted in 1995 and only two in 1996. Authors argue for aquatic reservoir as the source of 1995, 1996 cholera epidemic and designate sea fishes as the vehicle of cholera infection The national Institute of Health team cultured Vibrio cholera O1, from the samples of sea water from Kangwha county in September 1995. The sporadic Occurrence of cholera patients around the country who have not traveled out of town support aquatic environmental reservoir as the source of 1995, 1996 cholera epidemic in Korea.

Epidemiol Health : Epidemiology and Health