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Je Ho Lee 1 Article
A study on the medical care expenditure of the uterine cervix carcinoma by clinical stage and treatment modality.
Hyo Ki Min, Doo Chae Jung, Soo Yong Choi, Je Ho Lee, Jae Kyu Lim
Korean J Epidemiol. 1992;14(2):160-174.
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The study was conducted covering 724 patients with cervical carcinoma admitted to Korea Cancer Center Hospital from July 1989 to June, 1991 in order to estimate average days and the mdical care expenditures for in-patients on the basis of specifications for medical expenses. The results of the present study were obtained as follows : 1. The clinical stage was significantly low in younger age group and in higher education group. 2. The average length of stay was 41.4 days as a whole. On the type of treatment, the largest average days were 49.9 day for radiotherapy, followed by surgery with 21.8 days and chemotherapy with 20.2 days. On clinical stage, the shortest days were 15.9 days for stage O, followed by stage I with 36.5 days, stage II with 50.4 days, stage IV 53.6 days and stage III with 59.4 days, showing statistically significance with clinical stage. 3. The average medical care expenditure of the total patients was 1,918.2 thousand won and their average daily expenditure was 54.7 thousand won. On the type of treatment, the highest expensive expenditure was 1,507.0 thousand won (daily 70.9 thousand won), followed by radiotherapy with 1,453.5 thousand won (daily 30.3 thousand won) and chemotherapy 1,385.1 thousand won (daily 71.2 thousand won), showing similar expenditure. On clinical stage, the lowest expenditure was stage O with 1,060.0 thousand won(daily 68.2 thousand won), followed by stage II with 1,960.3 thousand won (daily 43.8 thousand won), stage I with 2,190.0 thousand won (daily 67.3 thousand won) and stage III with 2,008.9 thousand won (daily 34.4 thousand won) and stage IV with 2,228.1 thousand won (daily 42.3 thousand won), showing statistically significance with clinical stage. 4. The proportion of average medical care expenditure according to the method of treatment was 29.9% (575.2 thousand won) injection fee, 18.9% (363.3 thousand won) in accommodation fee and 16.3% (313.2 thousand won) in no-benefit fee. 5. Among 1,918.2 thousand won for the average medical care expenditure for parients with cervical carcinoma, the percentage of medical insurance amount for an insurer and medical expenditure paid by patients was 66.9% and 33.1% repestively. On clinical stage, the highest percentage of the medical expenditure paid by patients was 36.6% for patients with stage III, followed by 36.1% for those with stage IV, 34.3% for those with stage II, 31.8% for those with stage I and 27.7% for those with stage O, showing statistically significance with clincial stage.

Epidemiol Health : Epidemiology and Health