A study on the HBsAg positive rate among Korean adults and the immunogenicity of hepatitis B vaccine
Ho Cheol Shin, Joung Soon Kim
Korean J Epidemiol. 1989;11(1):98-106.
This study was carried out on 4347 Korean adults from 1986 to 1988 in order to understand HBsAg positive rate among healthy Korean adults and the negative seroconversion rate of HBsAg in the HBsAg carrier group during 2 years of observation period, and to assess the immunogenicity of hepatitis B vaccine 2 years after vaccination.
Between February and April 1986, 4347 persons, who were randomly cluster sampled among employees of Korea Electric Co., were screened for evidence of HBV infection. After screening test of HBV infection hepatitis B vaccine was given to these who showed no evidence of HBV infection between May and November 1986. Then the HBsAg carriers and vaccinees were followed up for serological re-examination between February and May 1988.
All blood samples were tested for HBV markers (HBsAg, HBsAb, and HBeAg) by EIA and for aminotransferase. Hepatitis B vaccine (Hepavax-B, KGC) was given intramuscularly in the buttock at 0, 1, 6 months. And Z-test and Chi-square analysis were performed for statistical analysis of the results.
Summaries of the results are as followings:
1) The HBsAg positive rate of the study population was 7.5% and was highest among 35-39 years of age group (9.2%, p<0.05) and in Cheju-Do by area(17.1%, p<0.05).
2) The HBsAg negative conversion rate of HBsAg carriers was 7.9% during 2 years of observation period. And the rate of elevated aminotransferase for the HBeAg positive HBsAg carriers(29.4%) was higher than that of HBeAg negative group(11.1%). (Df=1, X2=10.96, p<0.005, OR=3.3)
3) The HBsAb positive rate of vaccinees received 3 doses of Hepavax-B was 73.9% and was higher than that of group received 2 doses (73.3%, p>0.05), that of group received 1 doses(57.1%, P<0.01), and that of group received none(48.8% p< 0.01).