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Eunjung Park 3 Articles
Awareness of and practice toward cancer prevention recommendations: results of the Korean National Cancer Prevention Awareness and Practice Survey in 2021
Jin-Kyoung Oh, Eunjung Park, Byungmi Kim, Yoon-Jung Choi, E Hwa Yun, Min Kyung Lim, Jeong-Soo Im, Eun Young Park
Epidemiol Health. 2022;44:e2022068.   Published online August 26, 2022
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AbstractAbstract AbstractSummary PDFSupplementary Material
This study reports data regarding the awareness and practice of cancer prevention among Koreans in 2021 and behavioral changes during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic.
We collected Cancer Prevention Awareness and Practice Survey data through face-to-face interview surveys using a structured questionnaire completed by 4,000 randomly selected men and women aged between 20 years and 74 years in 17 provinces. We examined the awareness and practice of 10 cancer prevention recommendations and evaluated their associations with potential risk factors through multiple logistic regression analysis adjusted for age, gender, residence, marital status, education, and income.
Eighty percent of participants knew that cancer is preventable, while 45% practiced cancer prevention. Cancer prevention practice tended to be more common among older participants (adjusted odds ratio [aOR], 1.39 per 10-year increment; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.29 to 1.49) and less common among rural inhabitants (aOR, 0.66; 95% CI, 0.51 to 0.86) than among urban residents and among single people (aOR, 0.55; 95% CI, 0.45 to 0.66) than among married people. Practices were the highest for avoiding burned or charred foods (87.6%) and lowest for vaccination against human papillomavirus (14.5%). Refusal to follow recommendations was most common for avoiding alcohol consumption (7.9%). The most difficult recommendations to follow were (1) regular exercise (57.7%); (2) maintaining a healthy body weight (46.1%); and (3) avoiding alcohol (40.1%). The most significant COVID-19-related changes were less exercise (32.5%) and increased body weight (25.6%).
The awareness of cancer prevention was high, but the practice was low. Recommendations targeting awareness and practice need to be further promoted.
Korean summary
2021년 국민 암예방 인식 및 실천행태 조사에 따르면, 국민의 80%는 암이 예방 가능하다는 사실을 알고 있으나, 45%만이 암예방을 위한 건강생활을 실천하고 있음. 암예방수칙 중 가장 지키기 어려운 항목으로는 ‘운동하기’(57.7%)를 꼽았고, 그 다음으로 ‘건강체중 유지하기’(46.1%)와 ‘소량음주도 피하기’(40.1%)순으로 나타났음. 코로나19 유행으로 인한 가장 흔한 변화는 운동 감소(32.5%)와 체중 증가(25.6%)로 나타났음.
Key Message
According to the data collected from the Cancer Prevention Awareness and Practice Survey in 2021, 80% of participants knew that cancer is preventable, while 45% practiced cancer prevention. The most difficult recommendations to follow were (1) regular exercise (57.7%); (2) maintaining a healthy body weight (46.1%); and (3) avoiding alcohol (40.1%). The most significant COVID-19-related changes were less exercise (32.5%) and increased body weight (25.6%).


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COVID-19 outbreak in a military unit in Korea
Chanhee Kim, Young-Man Kim, Namwoo Heo, Eunjung Park, Sojin Choi, Sehyuk Jang, Nayoung Kim, Donghyok Kwon, Young-Joon Park, Byeongseop Choi, Beomman Ha, Kyounghwa Jung, Changbo Park, Sejin Park, Heeyoung Lee
Epidemiol Health. 2021;43:e2021065.   Published online September 8, 2021
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  • 5 Web of Science
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AbstractAbstract AbstractSummary PDF
This study presents the response of a military unit to an outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Gyeonggi Province. As soon as 2 soldiers were identified as index cases, the infectious disease investigators of the Gyeonggi Provincial Government, Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency, and the Armed Forces Epidemiologic Investigation Center discussed the investigation and response plan for an imminent massive outbreak.
The joint immediate response team (IRT) conducted interviews with confirmed COVID-19 patients, reviewed their medical records, performed contact tracing using global positioning system data, and undertook a field investigation. For risk assessment, the joint IRT visited all 8 sites of the military units and the army chaplain’s church to evaluate the transmission risk at each site. The evaluation items included the size of the site, the use of air conditioning, whether windows were opened, and whether masks were worn. Pooled testing was used for the low-risk population to quickly detect the spread of COVID-19 in the military base.
One day before the symptom onset of the index case, the lecturer and >50% of the attendees were infected with COVID-19 while attending a lecture that lasted 2 hours and 30 minutes. Attendees were not wearing masks and were in a poorly ventilated room.
Since COVID-19 can be spread before symptom onset, contact tracing must be performed to investigate potential exposures prior to symptom onset and to manage any exposed persons.
Korean summary
본 연구는 경기도 군부대에서 발생한 코로나19 대응 경험을 공유하는 국내 최초의 연구 결과이다. 본 연구를 통해 정리된 역학조사 과정은 군부대, 기숙사, 교정시설 등 집단 시설의 방역 대책 수립에 도움이 될 것으로 기대한다. 또한, 이번 사례는 집단 감염 발생 시 여러 유관 기관의 협조 체계가 신속한 대응과 추가 전파 예방에 중요하다는 점을 시사한다.
Key Message
This study is the first research in South Korea to share the experience of responding to COVID-19 at the military unit in Gyeonggi-do. The epidemiological investigation process organized through this study is expected to help establish response measures for group facilities such as military units, dormitories, and correctional facilities. In addition, this case suggests that the cooperative system of various related organizations in the event of a mass infection is important for rapid response and prevention of further transmission.


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Social competence, leisure time activities, and smoking trajectories among adolescent boys: data from the Korean Children & Youth Panel Survey
Eunjung Park, Min Kyung Lim, Jinju Park, Tran Thi Phuong Thao, Sukyung Jeong, Eun Young Park, Jin-Kyoung Oh
Epidemiol Health. 2021;43:e2021066.   Published online September 9, 2021
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AbstractAbstract AbstractSummary PDFSupplementary Material
The purpose of this study was to identify the trajectories and potential predictors of tobacco use during adolescence in Korea and to develop appropriate strategies for the implementation of tobacco use prevention programs.
The trajectory of tobacco use and associated predictors were analyzed for 1,169 male students from grade 6 (age 11-12) to grade 10 (age 15-16) in the Korean Children & Youth Panel Survey from 2012 to 2016.
Three trajectories of smoking experience were identified: non-smokers (class 1: n=775, 82.3%), temporary users (class 2: n=32, 3.4%), and regular users (class 3: n=135, 14.3%). When compared to non-smokers, temporary users had a higher likelihood of living with a single parent, dissatisfaction with grades, having a girlfriend, having been victimized at least once, and having at least 1 delinquent friend in grade 7 (when smoking experimentation was at its peak). Significant factors associated with regular use included having a girlfriend, committing at least 1 type of delinquent behavior, and being a non-reader. Committing at least 1 type of delinquent behavior and having at least 1 delinquent friend were associated with regular users, distinguishing them from temporary users.
Understanding why adolescents exhibit different trajectories of tobacco use by identifying the factors associated with each trajectory can contribute to the development of tailored prevention strategies and early cessation programs for adolescents.
Korean summary
2010-2016년 한국아동청소년패널에 포함된 남학생 흡연경험 분석을 통해 3개의 주요 흡연유형이 확인되었다 (비흡연자 82.3%, 일시 흡연자 3.4%, 지속 흡연자 14.3%). 한부모 가정, 학업성적에 대한 불만족, 이성친구를 사귀는 경우, 또래로부터 괴롭힘을 당한 경험, 1명 이상의 비행 친구가 있는 경우 일시 흡연자가 될 가능성이 높고, 비행 경험이 있는 경우, 이성 친구를 사귀는 경우, 독서를 하지 않는 경우 지속 흡연자가 될 가능성이 높았다. 청소년기 성장단계에 따른 흡연유형의 변화와 관련 요인에 대한 분석 결과는 청소년 대상 맞춤형 흡연예방 및 금연 프로그램 마련에 기여할 수 있을 것이다.
Key Message
In adolescence, significant life changes such as increasing academic workloads and various societal influences combined with growing recognition can affect their interest in trying smoking. The current study suggested that societal influence such as living with a single parent, dissatisfaction with grades, having been victimized at least once, and having at least 1 delinquent friend initiates smoking experimentation. Adolescents having a girlfriend, committing at least 1 type of delinquent behavior, and never reading have a greater possibility of smoking continuation for regular use. These findings might contribute to development of tailored prevention and early cessation programs for adolescents.

Epidemiol Health : Epidemiology and Health