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Chul Jong Yoon 1 Article
Electromicroscopic study on morphological structure of leptospires
Joung Soon Kim, Chul Jong Yoon
Korean J Epidemiol. 1989;11(2):183-190.
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Six reference strains and three locally isolated strains of leptospires were electronmicroscopically studied to examine possibility of differentiating serovars. Fifty leptospires from each serovar were randomly taken from specimen to measure their length, width, number of coiling and handedness of coiling. Means and standard deviations of each measure were computed and tested for difference by Tukey’s HSD test. Handedness of coiling was measured in terms of proportion in Percentage. Tightness of coiling was compared by number of coiling per micrometer of length. Summarized results and conclusion are as following: 1. Each measuring index was not specific enough to differentiate serovar although there was a strong tendency to be similar for the same serovar or serogroup. 2. When all indices were used in combination the specificity of the measurement increased with better differentiation between serovars, suggesting that if a few more indices are added to, and the validity and reliability of this preliminary study is confirmed, the method could be very useful.

Epidemiol Health : Epidemiology and Health