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Byung Cheon Lee 1 Article
Epizootiology of canine leptospirosis in a rural area in Korea
Joung Soon Kim, Yong Heo, Byung Cheon Lee
Korean J Epidemiol. 1988;10(2):254-258.
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Inspite of the fact that studies on human Leptospirosis in Korea has been accumulated especially following the year 1984 when the disease was firstly confirmed in this country by Kim, recent reports on the Leptospirosis in animals are not available enough. As a part of the major research works designed to study the Leptospirosis in farm animals, the results were obtained from studies on 231 dogs in Hwasung-gun area. Bacterial isolation and determination of serum antibody levels were attempted. These results were then comparatively studied with the age, sex, species, general conditions, and the types of animal keeping. The findings are summarized as follows; 1) Two isolates were confirmed to be Leptospire by culturing the blood specimen in EMJH media. The dogs from which the bacteria were isolated were Korean native, female, 4 month old, and has been released without special care. And the rectal temperature of these animals were significantly higher than normal, which suggested that the animals were sick. 2) Anti-leptospire antibody positive rate for the dogs confirmed by MAT tests was 19.5%, 23% of these reacted with local L. icterohaemorrhagiae Copenhageni and 40% of them with local L. canicola. 3) Serum antibody positive rates were not significantly varied by sex and age. The antibody positive rates of the street dogs were significantly higher than those of dogs cared strictly at house. And all of the sero-positive dogs were native breed. These facts suggest that chance of exposure to the risky environment would be the key factor for the leptospirial infection.

Epidemiol Health : Epidemiology and Health